

Research on the Three Industries Jointly Driving Economic Growth

【作者】 黄昭昭

【导师】 郭元晞;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 三次产业协同带动是中国共产党在中共十七大报告中首次提出。中共十七大报告指出,经济增长要“由主要依靠第二产业带动向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变”。三次产业协同带动的提出,是对现有三次产业理论的发展与丰富,它指出了在经济增长与发展过程中三次产业之间存在着的协同关系,是我党探索经济发展规律的新成果。虽然三次产业协同带动早在2007年就已经提出来了,但是关于三次产业协同带动理论的研究成果却并不多,有关三次产业协同带动理论的研究还处于刚刚起步的阶段。本论文的主要内容可以分为两个部分:第一部分是关于三次产业协同带动的基本理论问题的探讨,第二部分是关于西部地区三次产业协同带动问题的探讨。在三次产业协同带动的基本理论方面,本文着重阐述了三次产业协同带动的涵义、成因、模式、标准、引领产业和影响因素。三次产业协同带动包括八层涵义。一是三次产业协同带动强调三次产业都是推动经济增长的重要力量。我们应当充分挖掘每一次产业的潜力,既要在量上逐渐增加,同时在质上也要不断提高。二是三次产业协同带动强调三次产业之间的投入产出关联、互动与合作关系。强化三次产业之间的投入与产出关系,是增强三次产业之间协同能力的有效途径;增强三次产业之间的互动与合作程度是实现和放大三次产业协同能力的另外一种重要途径。三是在经济社会发展的不同阶段三次产业协同带动的引领产业存在明显的差异性。在三次产业协同带动的历史进程中表现为第一、第二、第三次产业依次成为三次产业协同带动的引领产业。四是各次产业的平衡发展更有助于三次产业协同带动的实现。主导产业的增长与发展离不开相关支持产业与配套产业的增长与发展,支持产业与配套产业的滞后将直接影响投入产出关联以及相关产业之间的互动与合作。五是三次产业协同带动并不等于三次产业同等程度的增长。在三次产业协同带动的不同时期,由于各次产业增长速度的差异以及各次产业劳动生产率的差异,导致三次产业的产值规模与就业水平也存在明显差异。六是三次产业协同带动是产业结构更加有序的表现。通过协同带动使三次产业之间的相互促进作用得以充分发挥和利用。七是不同地区三次产业协同带动的引领产业和协同模式存在明显差异性。各地的资源禀赋不同,环境条件不同,甚至所处的社会发展阶段不同,最有带动能力的引领产业和最有效的协同带动模式也会各不相同。八是就特定地域来说,主张三次产业协同带动并不意味着所有产业齐头并进。三次产业协同带动不等于各地不顾社会、经济、技术、文化及自然条件的约束,盲目追求建立行业完整的独立的产业体系。本文从三个层面分析了三次产业协同带动的成因。一是从产业关联的层面阐述了地域三次产业协同带动的必要性。三次产业之间的联系从最初的产品关联发展到原材料等有形要素之间的关联,再发展到知识信息等无形要素的关联,后来又延伸到生产经营活动中的合作博弈,从而使三次产业之间关联的内容不断丰富。二是从产业间溢出效应的角度阐述了三次产业协同带动的内生性。地域三次产业共存有利于信息交流,可以产生供给溢出效应和市场需求溢出效应,从而为本地企业提供了更多有关市场供给与需求方面的适当信息,有利于本地企业比其他地方企业抢先一步创新。三是从产业安全和经济稳定角度阐述了三次产业协同带动的必要性。产业结构相对完整的国民经济可以降低对外部经济的依赖,从而确保国民经济的安全运行。三次产业协同带动可以使不同产业的涨落相互抵消,保持经济的平稳增长。本文对三次产业协同带动模式进行了四种分类。从三次产业在地域内是否具有密切联系的角度,三次产业协同带动模式可以分为三种:地域内部互动合作模式、地域间互动合作模式和混合协同模式。从产业簇群的多少角度,可以将三次产业协同带动分为单一产业簇群内的三次产业协同带动和多产业簇群的三次产业协同带动。从三次产业的自主性与否出发,可以将三次产业协同带动分为自主性三次产业协同带动和被动性三次产业协同带动。根据组织协同力量的来源,可以将三次产业协同带动分为自组织的协同带动和有役使的协同带动。三次产业协同带动的引领产业方面,本文提出我国经济已经进入工业化中后期阶段,三次产业的协同带动应当主要通过第三次产业来引领,特别是第三次产业中的生产性服务业来引领。同时,我们也应当看到我国地域经济发展水平很不平衡。特别是西部地区,工业化水平还很低,有些省份甚至还处于工业化的初期阶段。在这些地区,适当加快工业化进程,走新型工业化道路也有助于三次产业协同带动的实现。在三次产业协同带动的标准方面,本文认为,衡量三次产业协同带动的标准应当是多角度的,三次产业协同带动的标准可以分为四大类:经济标准、国家产业安全标准、生态环境标准、互动合作标准。每类标准应当又有不同的指标。经济标准包括产值和就业结构、资源利用、各次产业的可持续性和经济稳定等四个指标。国家产业安全标准包括产业体系、对外贸易依存度等两个指标。生态环境标准包括人类生存环境和自然资源保有等两个指标。互动合作标准包括产业簇群、城市化和政企协作或合作等三个指标。在三次产业协同带动的影响因素方面。本文将影响三次产业协同带动的因素分为两大类:一类是假设各次产业独立发展的情况下影响各次产业发展的因素。这些因素主要有:基本生产要素、对外经济关系。基本生产要素包括土地、资本、劳动力和技术四个方面。第二类是影响三次产业投入产出关联和互动合作的因素。主要有基于三次产业的产业链、产业簇群发育程度,城市化水平、各级政府之间的协作。在此基础上,本文对我国西部地区的三次产业协同带动问题进行了探讨。从三次产业协同带动角度看,西部地区产业主要存在四个方面的问题。一是第一次和第三次产业对经济增长的带动不足。二是各次产业劳动生产率不平衡。三是各次产业内部结构不合理。四是三次产业之间的相互带动作用不足。过度的资源开发,人力资本素质不高,资本市场的结构性缺陷,技术落后知识要素不足,对外开放步伐缓慢是制约西部三次产业协同带动的基本因素。而基于三次产业的产业链和产业簇群发展不足,城市化水平滞后,中央与西部地方政府、西部各地方政府之间的协作不紧密是制约西部地区三次产业协同带动的重要因素。实现西部地区三次产业协同带动需要从三个方面入手。一是找准西部地区经济发展的引领产业和主要发展产业。西部地区的三次产业协同带动要以第三次产业为引领,特别是要发挥生产性服务业的引领作用。要大力发展加工制造业,包括农产品加工制造业和装备制造业。要大力发展具有西部地域特色的产业。二是要加强各次产业独立发展的能力,包括加强各次产业基本生产要素投入和扩大西部对外开放。三是要促进三次产业之间的互动与合作。包括产业链的延伸、产业簇群的培育,城市化水平的提高,政府之间纵向与横向协作。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Communist Party proposed three industries jointly driving economic growth the first time in the 17th Communist Party Congress report. Communist Party Congress report in the 17th noted that economic growth is to "rely mainly on secondary industry change to primary, secondary and tertiary industries jointly driving economic growth." The proposition of three industries jointly driving economic growth is the development and he rich of the existing theory of the three industries. It pointed out the synergies relation that existed in the three industries during the economic growth and development. It is the new achievements of economic development law that our party explored.While the three industries jointly driving economic growth as early as 2007 has been proposed, but the research results on three industries jointly driving economic growth are not much, the research about the three industries jointly driving economic growth is still in its infant stage.The main content can be divided into two parts:the first part is the basic theoretical issues about the three industries jointly driving economic growth, the second part is the analysis about three industries jointly driving economic growth in Western Region.In the basic theory on the three industries jointly driving economic growth, this paper focuses on the meaning, causes, patterns, standards, the leading industry and influencing factors of the three industries jointly driving economic growth.The meaning of the three industries jointly driving economic growth, include eight parts. The first parts is that three industries jointly driving economic growth emphasize that the three industries are all important force in driving economic growth. We should fully tap the potential of each industry, it is necessary to gradually increase the volume, while also continue to improve in quality. Second, the three industries jointly driving economic growth emphasized the input and output association and interaction and cooperation between the three industries. It is an effective way of enhancing interoperability between the three industries to strengthen the input and output relations; To enhance the level of interaction and cooperation between the three industries is another important way of implementing and enlarging the coordination capacity of the three industries. Third, in the different stages of the economic and social development the three industries jointly driving economic growth the leading industrial is obviously differences. In the historical process of the three industries jointly driving economic growth the first, second and tertiary industry in order becomes the leading industry. Fourth, the balanced development of various industries contributes to the realization of three industries jointly driving economic growth. The growth and development of leading industry is inseparable from related industries and supporting industries. The delaying of related industries and supporting industries will have a direct weakness to input-output correlation and interaction and cooperation of related industries and cooperation. Fifth, the three industries jointly driving economic growth does not mean the same level of growth in each industry. In the different periods of three industries jointly driving economic growth, due to differences of growth rate in various industry and differences in labor productivity, the output value size and employment levels of three industries are varied significantly. Sixth, the three industries jointly driving economic growth is more orderly performance of the industrial structure. The synergies of the three industries can promote and use of interaction and cooperation fully. Seventh, The lead industry and the collaborative model has significant differences of the three industries jointly driving economic growth in different regions. Because of the differences of resource endowments, environmental conditions and even the stage of social development, the lead industry having the most ability to promote economy growth and the most effective mode of collaboration will be different. Eighth, to a specific geographical region, to advocate three industries jointly driving economic growth does not mean that all industries go hand in hand. Three industries jointly driving economic growth will not mean to disregard the different regions’ constraints of the social, economic, technological, cultural and natural conditions. Three industries jointly driving economic growth is not mean to establish blindly an independent and complete industrial system.This paper analyzes the three levels of the causes of the three industries jointly driving economic growth. First, the need for the three industries jointly driving economic growth is described from the association between each local industry. The links between the three industries have developed from the initial products to physical factors of the raw materials, and further developed to intangible elements of knowledge and information and so on intangible elements, and later extended to the cooperative game in the production and business activities, so that the content of links between three industries continuously enrich. Second, from the perspective of inter-industry spillover effects we described the endogenous of three industries jointly driving economic growth. Regional coexistence of the three industries is conducive to information exchange, can have spillover effects of market supply and market demand, so as to provide more appropriate information on the local market supply and demand to local business, and it is conducive innovation of local businesses. Third, from the perspective of the national industrial safety and the economic stability we described the necessity of the three industries jointly driving economic growth. If the national industry structure includes the three industries, the dependence of the national industry to other nation will be lower. The three industries jointly driving economic growth cant alternations of the peak and off-peak time, so the whole economy will keep stability.In this paper, we have given four categories of the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth. In the geographic area whether the three Industries be closely related each other, the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth can be divided into three types:an mode of interactive and cooperation between each industry within the same region, inter-regions interaction and cooperation model between and mixed coordination mode. From the perspective of industrial cluster the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth can be divided into three industries jointly driving economic growth within a single industry cluster, and three industries jointly driving economic growth in more than one industry cluster. From the autonomy of the three industries we can divide the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth into three industries jointly driving economic growth automatically and tertiary industries jointly driving economic growth passively. According to the source of strength of coordination, we can divided three industries jointly driving economic growth into the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth driven by self- strength and the model of three industries jointly driving economic growth driven by other- strength.About the leading industry of the three industries jointly driving economic growth, because our economy has entered the late stage of the industrialization, the lead industry of the three industries jointly driving economic growth should be mainly through the third industry, particularly the third in the producer services industry to lead. At the same time, we should also see that the level of regional economic development is very uneven. Especially in the western region the level of industrialization is still very low, some provinces is even in the early stages of industrialization. In these areas, speed up in due the process of industrialization, walking the path of new industrialization also contribute to the realization of the three industries jointly driving economic growth.The standards of the three industries jointly driving economic growth should be the multi-angle, and the standard of tertiary industries jointly driving economic growth can be divided into four categories:economic criteria, the national industrial safety criteria, environmental criteria, interactive cooperation criteria. There should be different indicators in each type of standard. Economic criteria should include four indicators:the output and employment structure, the use of resource. the sustainability of various industries and the economic stability. National industrial safety standards should include two indicators:the industrial system, foreign trade dependence. Environmental standards should include two indicators:the human living environment and the natural maintain of resources. Interactive cooperation standards should include three indicators:industry cluster, urbanization and government-enterprise collaboration and cooperation.In the influence factors of the three industries jointly driving economic growth, this paper will divide the affecting factors into two categories:the first category is the affecting factors of the development of various industries under the independent. These factors are:the basic the factors of production, the foreign economic relations. The basic factors of production include four areas:land, capital, labor and technology. The second category is the affecting factors of three industrial input and output, cooperation and interaction. There is the industry chain based on the three industries, the industry cluster development level, the urbanization level, the collaboration between all levels of government.On this basis, the paper discussed the issue of three industries jointly driving economic growth in western China.From the perspective of the three industries jointly driving economic growth, the western region there are four main problems. First, the forces driving the economic growth from the first industry and the third industry are lacking. Second, the labor productivity of the three industries is imbalance. Third, the internal structure of various industries is unreasonable. Fourth, the interaction of leading between the three industries is inadequate.Over-exploitation of resources, human capital quality being not high, the structural defects in the capital market, technical behind and the lack of knowledge factors, and the slow pace of opening up are the basic factors of restricting the three industries jointly driving economic growth in the western. The lack of industrial chain based on the three industries and the lack of industry cluster development, the lagging of the level of urbanization are the important restricting factors. The lack of collaboration between the central government and the local governments in west and the lack of collaboration between western local governments is the important restricting factors too.The works to realize the three industries jointly driving economic growth in west Region is in three aspects. First, we should identify the leading industry and the major industries to develop in the west regions, In the west regions the leading industry should be the third industry, in particular, producer services should play the leading role. We should develop the processing and manufacturing industries vigorously, including agricultural products processing and manufacturing and equipment manufacturing. We should develop the industry of the western regional characteristics vigorously. The second is to strengthen the capacity of independent development of each industries, including the strengthening the basic factors of production of various industries and the expansion of the western opening. The third is to promote interaction and cooperation between the three industries. Including the extension of industrial chain, the cultivation of industrial cluster, the level of urbanization, the vertical and horizontal collaboration between governments.


