

Research on the Comprehensive Benefits of State-owned Capital Investment

【作者】 谭明军

【导师】 郭复初;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 财务管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年所创造的“中国奇迹”引起了无数中外研究者广泛而持久的关注,有人从中国的经济和政治体制入手企图发现“中国奇迹”的根源与内在因素,也有人从资源禀赋、比较优势、后发优势等角度进行挖掘。尽管这些研究各有侧重、各有所长,并且也极有可能从某一角度把握住了中国经济和社会发展的脉搏,但是将研究西方国家或其他某一国经济发展的方法简单地、移花接木式地复制到中国经济上的话,恐怕未必可行,或者未必具有多大价值。因为中国的经济和社会发展有着不同于其他任何国家的独特之处,并且,作为一个受益于改革开放的社会主义国家,其在探索社会主义市场经济的过程中也有着明显的中国特色。从20世纪50年代的社会主义改造到重工业优先发展战略确立再到成功应对数次金融危机,我们发现有一个因素始终在中国经济和社会发展过程中起着中流砥柱的作用。这个因素就是国有资本。而另一方面,有关国有资本的争论也一直纷纷攘攘、难以达成一致。鉴于此,我们打算从综合效益的角度入手,来探讨和研究国有资本投资对中国经济增长和社会发展的影响以及如何构建科学合理的评价体系。本文的研究思路是:首先,在导论部分对研究背景、研究目的与意义以及相关文献等进行了初步论述,其目的在于对本文的基本架构进行总体性的设计与构建;其次,对国有资本范畴进行了相关理论分析和历史考察并对影响国有资本投资综合效益的相关因素进行了探讨与研究,在分析和研究的过程中,系统地对相关理论成果进行了梳理与评述,并在此基础上将国有资本投资与所处历史时代相联系,从而使我们的分析更具时代意义和前瞻性;再次,在理论分析框架的基础上,对国有资本投资的后果进行了相关经济学分析和实证检验,并得出了一些政策性启示;随后,在前文基础上,构建了国有资本投资综合效益评价指标体系。在构建该指标体系时,充分运用了前文理论分析的成果,从国有资本的特殊属性(社会职能)出发,秉承“以人为本”的人文精神,创建了国有资本投资的新的评价指标体系;最后,结合理论分析成果和实证研究的经验数据,给出了相关政策性建议。具体来说,本文共由六个部分构成:第一部分是本文导论。在该部分内容中,本文立足于中国改革开放和社会转型的特殊背景,以中国经济增长和社会发展为主线索,对本文的研究背景与研究意义展开了探讨并因此确立了本文的研究重点与主要研究内容,为本文的研究指明了基本方向。在此基础上,本文对已有的相关文献和研究成果进行了简要梳理与回顾,正是在这些相关文献和研究成果的基础上,进一步明确了本文的研究切入点与重点难点、研究思路以及研究方法。第二部分,对本文可能涉及的重要概念进行了界定,并就国有资本存在与发展的理论意义和现实意义以及国有资本在社会主义市场经济中的特征与功能进行了分析。以马克思资本观为基本出发点,对资本、国有资本等关键概念进行了界定,并明确指出了资本并不是只存在于资本主义社会的一个历史范畴,作为一种物质性的稀缺资源,它既可以存在于资本主义,也可以存在于社会主义。通过对关键概念的分析与界定,明确了在今后很长一段时期内公有资本(包括国有资本与集体资本,其中国有资本是主体)与非公有资本的共同存在和共同发展将是我国经济体制改革过程中的一个客观事实,这是由我国社会主义初级阶段的基本国情所决定的。值得强调的是,体现社会主义市场经济基本特征的资本范畴主体必须是公有资本。而在科学利用非公有资本的要素贡献力量时,一方面要积极鼓励和引导非公有资本的健康发展,另一方面也要防止非公有资本权力的无限扩张以造成对社会主义公有制的损害。此外,按照马克思国家权力学说思想,从复杂的社会关系中抽离出来的财产权力是一种与国家政治权力相对应的权力范畴,即:国家以财产所有者身份获取财产权力。作为国家财产权力集中体现的国有资本同样也是生产资料所有制的集中反映:社会主义生产资料公有制决定了社会主义国家政权与国家意志必须维护和巩固以公有制为基本特征的社会主义财产权力,并通过这种财产权力来获取利润以进一步发展和壮大社会主义国有经济,并为社会主义的经济与社会发展提供强大的物质基础。第三部分,对影响国有资本投资综合效益的决定性因素进行了具体分析。首先,从资本的一般本性出发分析了资本原始动机下的利益诉求和社会总生产良性循环条件下的客观要求,进而,从资本本性和社会总生产两个角度对国有资本投资综合效益的经济性因素进行了剖析。其次,又从国有资本规模效应的角度入手对国有资本投资综合效益的内生性因素进行了经济学研究。最后,分别从治理性因素和配置性因素对国有资本投资综合效益展开了研究。在本章内容中,主要采用了经济学研究方法对影响国有资本投资综合效益的各种因素进行了分析,在分析过程中,采用了从内因到外因、从微观到宏观的分析模式与演绎逻辑。第四部分,分别从经济理论分析和经验分析的角度对国有资本投资的后果进行了定量研究。研究结果表明,国有资本投资对中国经济增长和社会发展有着长期的推动作用,但就中国经济增长和社会发展的轨迹来看,这种依托大量国有资本投资所带动的经济增长确实存在“粗放式发展”的迹象,为避免有可能面临的东亚经济发展过程中所出现的增长持续性困境,并结合中国经济体制改革和社会转型的特定宏观环境,本文给出了相应建议。第五部分,构建了国有资本投资综合效益评价指标体系。在该部分内容中,分别从经济效益和社会效益两个方面入手进行了指标体系构建,这种评价体系的构建,一方面改变了已有研究中仅从经济效益入手的片面性,另一方面体现了“以人为本”的人文关怀。在重构经济效益类评价指标时,分别从直接经济效益和转移经济效益入手,采用了资本报酬率、剩余收益和全要素生产率三个主要指标进行考察;在构建社会效益类指标时,结合马斯洛的人类需求层次理论,分别从生活状况、教育状况以及自然环境状况和社会环境状况四个维度选取了人均GDP、失业率、人均居住面积、人均卫生投入以及平均受教育年限、人均环境投资、社会犯罪率和基尼系数八个具体评价指标。在构建指标体系过程中,结合相关历史数据,对改革开放以来的国有资本投资综合效益进行了评价。第六部分是结论与政策建议。该部分是对前文研究内容和本文基本观点的总括,在该部分内容中,就如何提高国有资本投资效益提供了相关可行性建议。本文的主要创新包括:第一,新的研究视角。正如本文所强调的那样,大部分已有研究成果都是从国有资本的经济效益出发,将国有资本作为一般资本进行对待,并未充分考虑国有资本特殊属性在中国经济社会转型时期所发挥的巨大的非经济性效益(如社会效益),也没有对社会主义市场经济体制这种特殊的制度安排在新的经济社会环境中的独特性和合理性进行应有的考量,更未将研究视角还原于特定的历史和时代背景中,从而抹煞了国有资本在中国特色社会主义市场经济体制改革与探索阶段的特殊贡献。鉴于此,本文跳出了已有研究成果的固有模式和窠臼,将国有资本置于广阔的历史时代背景中去,并结合中国经济体制改革、社会转型和后赶超战略实施的特定的宏观环境,从经济效益和社会效益两个角度入手,对国有资本投资综合效益进行了具有中国特色和时代特征的分析与论证。此外,还将国有企业改革和金融危机纳入了统一的分析框架,从理论和实践、从历史和现实的角度对国有资本的作用与功能进行了系统的研究与分析,并全面揭示了国有资本在战胜金融危机过程中的重大现实意义,拓展了国有资本实现国家宏观调控功能以及其对转型时期国家控制经济制度与社会体制变革进程的特殊作用。第二,理论分析上的尝试与探索。在本文整个理论分析框架中,我们对资本和国有资本以及相关范畴进行了详细的理论分析:沿着马克思资本观所提供的“资本的社会关系”线索,在批判地吸收西方经济理论中有关资本范畴研究成果的基础上,结合我国社会主义市场经济中资本范畴的认知变迁过程,我们重新界定了资本范畴及其相关概念,并就资本范畴的新的发展状况进行了一定程度的探讨;在此基础上,我们又对国有资本存在与发展的理论依据和现实意义进行了新的分析,尤其是从社会化大生产角度所进行的理论探讨中,我们尝试性地提出了国有资本的“市场引导者”职能;此外,围绕国有资本双重属性及其双重属性的矛盾统一,我们也进行了相关分析与论述。第三,研究方法上的拓展。基于研究方法上的创新主要体现在以下三个方面:①首先,在理论框架分析部分,我们广泛地借鉴了经济学分析方法,如:在对国有资本保值增值要求与社会职能履行(即国有资本的双重属性)进行分析时,我们通过西方经济学分析方法确定了国有资本保值增值点和因过度承担社会职能所造成的政策性亏损区域,并就国有资本双重属性的矛盾统一进行了相关经济学分析;在对影响国有资本投资综合效益的经济性因素中的“社会总生产良性循环条件下的客观需求”进行分析时,我们则采用了宏观经济学中总生产与总供给曲线分析方法;此外,我们还采用了微观经济学中的效用分析工具对国有资本投资的最优规模进行了相关探讨。将经济学分析工具引入本文的确为我们的研究带来了诸多方便,也很好地解释了许多实际现象和问题。②其次,在指标体系创建部分,在利用索洛剩余估计国有资本的外溢经济效益时,我们提出了以环比增长率替代常用的同比增长率数据。③最后,为抵消技术进步对产出增长的影响,我们还提出了索洛剩余的差值计算法,而并未直接根据索洛模型的变型式进行估算,差值计算法的运用极大地降低了本已十分庞大的计算量。第四,指标创建上的人文关怀。我们发现,基于理性经济人假设所进行了各种经济研究,大部分都是为“经济”而“经济”,在研究过程中,他们将“人”作为与资本、技术等物质性要素要对应的生产要素,无视“人”作为经济活动的参与主体所发挥的主观能动性以及人自身的基本需求(如:衣食住行等)。尽管现实的研究状况如此,但是我们始终坚持认为,无论经济增长亦或社会发展,归根结蒂,都是“人”自身所创造的,并最终要反映到“人”的发展与进步上来。因此,在创建国有资本投资综合效益评价指标体系时,我们立足于“人”的基本需求,秉承“以人为本”的人文关怀,全方位、多维度地构建了国有资本投资综合效益评价指标体系。

【Abstract】 After 30 years of reform and opening,the "China miracle" aroused the extensive and sustained attention from numerous Chinese and foreign researchers,some people tried their best to reveal the essential causes and internal factors in the angle of economic and political system,and some others researched from natural resources,Comparative superiority and second-mover advantage and so on.These studies had different emphases and strengths, and also most likely grasped the pulse of economic and social development of china,even though we insisted it may be infeasible and unavailable to curtly and grafting-style copy the successful research methods on Western countries or other else to Chinese development of economy and society. Because the development approach of China’s economy and society was unique, and different from any other country. Mostly, as a successful socialism country benefited from the reform and opening, its exploration process of the socialist market economy also had a distinctly Chinese characteristicsit. We found that there was a very momentous factor playing important role in China’s economic and social development process, from the socialist transformation in 1950s to the establishment of the country strategy of preferential development for heavy industry and then to successful dealing with several financial crises. This factor is the state-owned capital. However, On the other hand, the controversy on state-owned capital can’t to reach agreement. Therefore, In view of this, we intend to explore the effect of state-owned capital investment on economic growth and social development and construct a scientific and reasonable evaluation system.Our research route was that:Firstly, in the introduction part, we preliminarily discussed the research background, research purpose and research meaning, and related literature reviews, whose purpose was to design the basic architecture of this article. Secondly, we gave a detailed theoretical analysis and historical study on the weareas of state-owned capital and the relevant factors which can affect the Comprehensive Benefits of State-owned Capital Investment. In the process of research, we systematically combed the relevant theoretical results and comments, and linked the State-owned Capital Investment with the historic background, which would make our research more meaningful and forward-looking. And then, based on the former theoretical analysis, we stated the consequences of state-owned capital investment in the relevant economics analysis and empirical testing, and drew some policy implications. Subsequently, based on the previous paper, we constructed a evaluation system of state-owned Capital Investment.In constructing theevaluationsystem, we made full use of the results of a theoretical framework, starting from the special attributes (social functions) of state-owned capital, adhering to the spirit of people oriented. Finally, we provided some relevant policy suggestions, on the basis of the theoretical analysis and empirical study. Specifically, the article is composed of six parts:The first part is the introduction.In this part, we pointed the research background and research priorities, and established the research significances and main contents, with the main clues for China’s economic growth and social development, basing on the special background of social transformation and China’s reform and opening. And then, we took a brief review on relevant literatures, and just on the basis of the former research, we further defined the starting of this study with the key point and the difficulty.The second part, we defined some important concepts may be involved in this article, and discussed the theoretic and practical significance of the existence and development of state-owned capital, and took a detailed analysis on the functions and characteristics of state-owned capital in the socialist market economy. We defined the key concepts such as capital and state-owned capital and so on, with the basic starting point of Marx’s view, and made it clear that capital does not exist only in capitalist society, as a matter of scarce resources, which can serve for the socialist society. Based on the definition and analysis, we pointed that the co-existence and common development of the public capital (including state-owned capital and collective capital, whose main is state-owned capital) and non-public capital is an objective fact in a long period of time for the reform process of China’s economic system, which caused by the basic national conditions of our country. It is worth emphasizing that the basic features of the socialist market economy must be the public capital. When we scientific utilized the contribution of non-public capital, we should encourage and guide the healthy development of non-public capital, and we should also prevent the inlimit expansion of non-public capital, in case of the damage and swallow to the socialist public ownership. In addition, according to Marxist theory of ideology, the property rights which was pulled out from the complex social relations was a corresponding area with the national political power, that is, a country can obtain the property rights with the identity of property owner. As the reflection of national property rights, the state-owned capital embodied the ownership:the socialist public ownership determined that the socialist national power had to maintain and consolidate the socialist property rights which was featured as the socialist public ownership, and to obtain profits by the property rights, in order to further develop and strengthen the socialist state-owned economy and provide the strong material foundation for development of socialist economy and society.The third part, we analysed the factors which affected the Comprehensive Benefits of State-owned Capital Investment, firstly, we started from the general nature of capital, and discussed interest demands of the original motives of capital and objective needs for the virtuous cycle of socialized total production, and then, pointed the economical factor which affected the Comprehensive Benefits of State-owned Capital Investment, in the angle of capital original motives and socialized total production. Secondly, we take the economics analysis on the effects from the perspective of the scale of state-owned capital. Finally, we gave the further exploration on the affected factors from the perspective of governance and configuration. In this chapter, we took the economics analysis as the main research methods, from the internal factors to external factors, and from the microeconomics methods to macroeconomics approaches.In the fourth part, we discussed the consequences of state-owned capital investment. The research showed that the investment of state-owned capital had a long-term effect on China’s economic growth and social development, but on other hands, it showed us the evidences that the development may be extensive, which depended on large scale of investment of state-owned capital. Therefore, we advised some appropriate recommendations, considering the special macroeconomic environment of China’s economic reform and social transformation, in order to avoid the possibility of facing the "East Asian plight".In The fifth part, we constructed the evaluation method and index system for the comprehensive benefits of state-owned capital investment, from economical benefits and social benefits, which avoided the weakness of the existing researches which over-emphasized on the economical benefits, and on other hands, embodied reflected the spirit of people oriented. In the process of reconstructing the economical benefits indexes, we used the capital return rate, residual income and total factor productivity, from the direct economic benefits and transferred benefits; In the process of constructing the social benefits indexes, we selected eight indexes such as average GDP per person, unemployment rate, average living space per person, average health investment per person, average education years, average environmental investment per person, social crime ratio and Gini coefficient, from four dimensions, with Maslow’s theory on human needs. And then, we evaluated the comprehensive benefits of state-owned capital investment, with the relevant historical data.Part six is the conclusion and policy recommendations. It’s concluded the preamble contents and fundamental points in this part, and we provided some feasibility and alternative proposals on how to improve the comprehensive benefits of state-owned capital investment.The main innovations are following:Firstly, the new research perspective. As we emphasized, most of the existing researches had not considered the non-economic benefits (for example, social benefits) of state-owned capital in the spacial period of transitional society, and had not considered the iniquity and rationality of the particular institutional arrangements in the socialist market economic system, even nor putting the research perspective into the specific historical background, which made the denying to the contribution of state-owned capital in the development and exploration stage of socialist market economic system reform with Chinese characteristics. In view of this, we jumped out of the existing research results, and explored the comprehensive benefits of state-owned capital investment, with Chinese characteristics and times background, combining with the macro-environment of China’s economic reform, social transformation and the strategy implementation for catching up. In addition, we also put the state-owned enterprise reform and financial crisis into a unified analytical framework, and fully revealed the Significance of the state-owned capital for overcoming the financial crisis, and expanded the special functions of state-owned capital for macro-controlling and adjusting the processing of economic and social reform.Secondly, the innovation and attempt on the theoretical analysis. We gave the detailed theoretical analysis on capital and state-owned capital and other relative concepts in the the theoretical framework: we redefined some important concepts, according with the Marxist theory on the social relationship, absorbing scientific the Western economic theory, and considering the recognition changing on the areas of capital. Based on that, we discussed the theoretical foundations and practical significances of the state-owned capital in a new perspective, especially, we attempted to put forward the "market conductor". Besides, we analysed the dual properties of state-owned capital, and explored the contradictory unity of the dual properties of state-owned capital.Thirdly, the expansion and innovation on research methods, which based mainly in the following three aspects:①we extensively drew the economics analysis methods in the theoretical framework, such as: we pointed out the capital maintenance point and the policy-related losses area caused by over-commitment of social functions, and analysed the contradictory unity of the dual properties, with the usage of economics analysis methods; in addition, we took the macroeconomics analysis method on total production and total supply when we discussing the objective needs of the virtuous cycle of the social total production; besides, we discussed the optimal scale of state-owned capital investment, with the usage of utility analysis tool in microeconomics. The introduction of economic analysis tools into our study made our research convenient and explained a lot of practical phenomena and resolved many problems.②we proposed replacing the chain-year growth rate to commonly used based-year growth rate, when evaluating the the spillover economical benefits with Solow residual.③we promoted the difference calculation method instead of directly using Solow model, in order to offset the impacts caused by technological progress on output growth. The usage of the difference calculation method greatly reduces a large amount of calculation.Fourthly, the people-oriented creation on evaluation index system. We found that,a variety of economics studies based on the assumption of rational human were mostly taking the "human" as corresponding factors with capital, technology and other factors material, ignoring the initiative activity and the basic human needs (such as clothing, living, etc.), which caused the denying to the human self. The "coolness" behind the economic data made people cold, and lacking a little warmness for human. Although it’s the real situation, but we always insisted that, no matter how developed the society and no matter how advanced the technology, in one word, all produced by human. Therefore, when constructing the evaluation index system, we stood on human basic necessities, and with the spirit of human-oriented.


