

Research on the Choice of the Patterns for the Aged from the Aspect of the Old People’s Quality of Life

【作者】 刘金华

【导师】 陈明立;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 人口学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 老年人口是差异性大和内部分化严重的群体。对这样的一个人口群体进行有关养老模式选择研究,有必要从老年人口内部分化出发,将老年人口进行分层,对不同老年人口阶层展开研究。不同老年人口阶层受所拥有的主客观条件的限制,有着不同的需求,对养老模式的选择自然也就不同。随着社会经济的发展和老年个体差异性的凸显,老年人的需求也在不断变化。老年人的需求反映着经济与社会发展对老年群体的期望以及老年人适应程度的心态变化,反映着老年人主观需求与客观条件的差距形成的矛盾和问题。这种需求有物质的、有精神的,是老年人对养老模式选择的动因。从供给与需求的角度来看,老年人的需求又决定着养老的供给,老年人需求与养老供给共同决定着老年生活质量的高低,因而,老年生活质量是衡量养老供给对养老需求满足程度的多维标准,是衡量养老模式对老年人需求满足效果的最佳尺度。养老模式多元化的趋势使养老模式选择成为了可能,如果只存在一种养老模式,就不存在养老模式选择的问题,也不存在通过对养老模式的选择探讨老年生活质量问题。正因为养老模式多元化以及养老模式多元化趋势的不可逆转性,才使得始于提高老年生活质量和满足老年人需要而进行的养老模式选择具有特殊的含义和重要的作用。不同的老年人口阶层除具有人的需求的共性外,还具有老年人所特有的个性需求,在老年人需求的特殊化分析基础之上,探索多元化的养老模式与老年人生活质量之间的理论关系,并在实地访谈调研分析的基础上,对中国未来养老模式的优选趋势和支持系统做出了一些讨论。围绕着研究主线,全文共分8章,主要内容如下:第1章“绪论”。从国内外研究背景和国内外有关问题的研究述评基础上,提出本研究的目的和意义。对主要概念做出界定后,提出本文的理论基础、研究框架和研究方法。第2章‘中国养老模式选择的主体和动因——老年人口分层与需求研究”。从中国养老模式的选择主体——老年人口入手,分析我国老年人口的差异性特点和层次性需求。根据社会分层理论,将具有较大差异性的老年人口分层,探讨不同阶层老年人口的特殊需求。老年人的需求是老年人进行选择的动因,同时,提高老年生活质量是老年人多样性需求追求的终极目标。第3章“中国养老模式选择的客体和前提——养老模式的现代变迁与多元化发展趋势”。从养老模式选择客体——养老模式的现代变迁出发,探讨了我国养老模式从家庭养老到社会化养老的多样化变迁,从居家养老到机构养老的发展趋势,从经济供养向照料与精神慰藉的需求转变。现代变迁的结果是养老模式多元化局面的并存。同时,养老模式的现代变迁也表明我国养老模式多元化发展趋势的不可逆转性。这种多元化的养老模式发展趋势使老年人对养老模式的选择成为可能和必须,是养老模式选择的前提。并在我国养老模式的多元化趋势与老年人的需求之间的建立了老年人养老的供给与需求模型。养老模式现代变迁和养老模式多元化为保障老年生活质量提供了更多的选择。第4章“中国养老模式选择的评价标准——老年生活质量”。老年生活质量是养老模式供给的一种行之有效的评价标准。老年生活质量的变动反映了养老模式的发展方向,老年生活质量的提高也是老年人分享社会进步的标志。在分析老年人的需求与老年生活质量关系基础上,本文尝试性地建立养老模式与老年生活质量之间的理论关系,探讨了养老模式对老年生活质量的影响和作用,以及老年生活质量对养老模式发展的反作用,以及老年生活质量是养老模式选择最高维度的评价标准。第5章“中国养老模式选择的实践分析——基于老年生活质量的养老模式选择效应探析”。通过对养老模式多元化趋势和社会化养老发展的现实基础上,采取访谈调研的方法,对目前较典型的三种养老模式进行老年生活质量的效果分析,老年人对这三种养老模式选择的结果是离开了他们原本熟悉的家,这一方面说明老年人的养老选择的现代变迁,另一方面也是老年人对养老模式选择的主动性和积极性的表现。通过个案分析各种养老模式的发展对老年生活质量的积极意义的勾画,提出提高老年生活质量的多元化养老模式选择。第6章“基于老年生活质量的中国养老模式差异性选择研究”。在理论研究与典型案例分析基础上,分析养老模式选择的一般特征和实质,并提出养老模式优选的目标分层研究和基本原则。最后,在老年人口分层基础上探讨了未来我国城市和农村东、中、西部的老年人养老模式优选方案,以及我国不同阶层的老年人口如老干部阶层、老年知识分子、老年工人阶层、老年农民阶层和需要长期照料的老年人阶层的养老模式选择的探索性研究。第7章“构建以提高老年生活质量为宗旨的养老模式选择支持系统”。微观支持系统从公共财政的稳定投入、专业的老年社区正式照料、老年非正式照料资源等角度进行了探讨。宏观支持系统从政策法律、经济发展、文化舆论、社会进步、环境质量等角度进行了讨论。第8章“余论”。本章简要归纳本文的主要研究内容和研究不足以及有待进一步研究和完善的问题。

【Abstract】 Since the elderly people have seriously internal differentiation and division, it is necessary for studiers to differentiate old people into subgroups. Based on the different sectors of the elderly people, this thesis stratifies the old people into subgroups in order to offer suitable choices on caring for different old people. Different old people have different demand for living, and different people own different objective and subjective conditions. Thus, different people have different choice for the patterns for the aged.With the changing of the social economy and the individual differences among the aged, the old people’s demand develops incessantly. The demand, which includes physical and mental demand, reflects old people’s preference and expectation, and indicates that old people try to copy with those changes. The demand determines how the old people choose the patterns providing for the aged. It also reflects the contradiction and problems between the subjective demand and the objective conditions. From the aspects of demand and supply of microeconomics, the demand of old people’s also decides the supply for the old people. The relationship between supply and demand decides the old people’s quality of life.The diversified trends of the patterns provided for old people indicate that the elderly may choose the patterns which suit them best. If there is only one pattern, it is meaningless for people to do so. When the diversified trends exist, people may choose the best one in order to improve their quality of life.In order to analyze this choice of patterns, this thesis mainly includes eight chapters.The first chapter mainly introduces the background around the world and the related issues home and abroad, forwards the purpose and significance of this study, defines the main concepts of this thesis, advances the basic theory, the research framework, and the research methods. The second chapter presents the body of selecting and the reason why people choose those patterns. Beginning with the body of choosing, this thesis analyzes the differences of old people under the theory of social stratification, and probes into the demand of different elderly. Since the demand of old people is the motivation of the choice, the demand exploring is necessary. Since developing the old people’s quality of life is the goal of the demand of old people, the quality of life is target of old people’s choice.The third chapter takes apart the object and the presupposition of choosing. From the development of the old care models at home and abroad, this paper discusses the modern changes of the old care models, including the changes from the family of old-age care model to the social pension care model, and changes from living at home to living at the pension institutions, and changes from the economic support to the spirit of consolation. Those changes mean the tendency of changes is irreversible and inevitable. That’s why old people may choose the best patterns for themselves. As well, this chapter tries to elect the relationship between the old people’s demand and the patterns. The developing trends of the patterns and demand offer more choices for the aged to insure their quality of life.The fourth chapter probes into the evaluation criteria of the choice, that’s, the quality of old people’s life. The quality of life is a well-established evaluation criteria for the old people expressing their satisfaction received from the pattern. The improvement of quality of life offers the direction for the pattern’s future development. The improvement of quality of life is the symbol of the elderly sharing the social progresses. Last this chapter attempts to set up the relationship between the old-age patterns and the quality of life, based on the old people’s demand.The fifth chapter is the practical analysis, mainly emphasizes why old people choose those pattern, how they lead in their lives, and what’s the result of their choosing. After analyzing those cases, this thesis find out the pro-active choice is helpful for their lives.The sixth chapter brings forward the differences in selection based on the better quality of life. This thesis introduces the feature and the rules of the special choice, points out the objective and real of choice, and offers different choices for different old group. The seventh chapter tries to set up the support system for the choice aimed at improving the quality of life. From the micro-aspects, this chapter discusses the stability of public finances, formal professional community care for elderly, informal old-age care resources, and so on. The macro-aspects include the economic development, social progress, cultural development, environmental quality, and so on.The last chapter tries to summarize the main points of this thesis, and point out the lack of research and the direction of future study.


