

Research on Enterprise Modeling for Manufacturing ERP

【作者】 祁凯

【导师】 高长元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在当今网络经济及知识经济环境下,市场竞争日益激烈,制造业面临巨大的全球竞争压力。以信息技术为支撑的企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)是当今激烈竞争中强有力的工具。许多制造业通过ERP的实施来增强企业竞争优势。ERP是制造业中先进的管理理念和信息技术相结合的产物,在制造业中应用ERP系统,可以使企业的物流、信息流、资金流、工作流得以集成化管理,能实现资源的优化配置。但是,传统的ERP对企业内外部动态多变的环境难以支持,因此制造业需要柔性的ERP来满足管理的敏捷性等需求。如何设计和实施柔性ERP系统是制造业和软件开发商共同关注的问题,同时也是迫切需要解决的问题。虽然一些先进的信息技术已经应用在研发ERP领域当中,在一定程度上使得ERP具有了柔性特征,但是这种柔性仍然存在局限性。主要原因是所开发的ERP系统没有真正的掌握企业的运行规律,导致系统在某些特定范围内可用,也就是说ERP系统没有实现真正的柔性。而企业建模理论的出现恰好可以解决对企业运行规律描述不准确的问题,同时它也是制造业改造及优化经营过程中的核心环节。目前存在多种企业建模方法体系与框架,对于企业诊断及模型仿真方面都作出了不小的贡献,在信息化整体解决方案中也作了相应的研究,但是在制造业ERP系统的开发及实施方面研究甚少,且存在着不容忽视的问题,特别是对ERP全生命周期支持上存在不足,导致分析设计模型与系统实施模型脱节,无法实现模型与ERP系统之间的互动,从而不能真正的实现柔性ERP。因此,对面向制造业ERP的企业建模理论及方法的有效设计和应用,既能够支持重用制造业已有的知识,为决策者提供支持;同时又能够支持快速实施柔性ERP系统,为实现现实世界与软件世界的无缝连接及相互转换提供了理论依据。本文从以下几个方面对面向制造业ERP的企业建模进行详细研究。本文对制造业的生产类型和先进制造模式分析的基础上,分析制造业ERP的特点以及对企业建模的需求。针对这些需求及现有建模框架的对比分析,结合CIM-OSA及集成化企业建模的优势,从视图维、生命周期维及通用层次维视角构建三维的面向制造业ERP的企业建模框架。此框架的建立是指导整个建模过程的依据和基础。对制造业现有组织结构进行对比分析,针对超竞争环境、业务流程重组环境及信息技术环境下的组织结构变革进行需求分析。在此基础上,设计了组织单元、基本组织单元、人员、角色、虚拟团队及层次结构六个元素,针对不同的组织结构需求,结合柔性的组织建模方法,设计了柔性组织结构参考模型。针对制造业ERP对资源共享、资源重用及资源的快速搜索等需求,从产品生命周期角度,以生产产品为核心,对制造资源进行分类研究。设计了资源池、资源型、资源实体及资源组合的资源描述方法,并基于面向对象的思想对制造资源进行建模,设计了基于XML的资源表达模型。针对制造业过程多层次复杂性的特点,基于CIM-OSA的思想对制造业过程进行分解,并结合面向对象Petri网的方法,对过程进行建模。在过程参考模型的基础上,设计了与功能模型的转换规则,抽取出层次化的功能模型,并基于IDEF0设计了功能参考模型,同时分析了功能模型与信息模型的关联关系。建立面向制造业ERP的企业建模系统,提供对企业建模框架及建模过程的支持。通过建模系统的需求分析,设计了四层网络体系结构及功能体系结构,并对建模系统的功能进行了详细设计,最后应用ASP.NET、XML语言和SQL Server 2005完成了系统的开发。在上述研究的基础上,应用哈尔滨轴承厂作为企业建模的实证研究背景,分别对轴承厂的组织结构、资源分类、业务过程进行详细建模,映射出相应的功能模型及信息模型,为制造业ERP的快速实施奠定了基础,验证了面向制造业ERP的企业建模框架及其建模方法的的可行性与有效性。面向制造业ERP的企业建模研究为软件设计及开发方法提供了一种新思路,解决了目前企业建模框架对ERP系统开发及实施的整个生命周期支持不足的问题,对支持柔性ERP的快速开发及重构,具有重要的现实意义。同时为网络环境下制造业的组织结构变革、资源重用及业务流程重组提供了有效的途径,为企业快速实施及应用先进制造管理模式奠定了坚实的理论基础,对企业模型与系统模型相互转换的研究具有重要的理论价值。

【Abstract】 With the environment of internet economy and the knowledge economy, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce; meanwhile the manufacturing industry is facing tremendous global pressure. Enterprise Resource Planning, taking information technology as its support, is the powerful tool within intense competition. Many manufacturing industries enhance their competitive advantage through ERP implementation. ERP is the result of advanced management ideas combined with information technology in manufacturing. The applications of ERP systems in manufacturing can make material flow, information flow, capital flow, and workflow integrated, and achieves the optimal allocation of resources. However, traditional ERP is difficult to support dynamic and changing environment. So manufacturing needs flexible ERP to meet the demand of agile management. How to design and implement flexible ERP system is a common problem concerned by manufacturing and software developers, and also is an urgent problem to be solved. Although some advanced information technology has been applied in the field of ERP, which makes the ERP with flexible features in some certain, this flexibility is still limited. It is mainly because that the development of the ERP system did not really catch the essence of operating a business, making the system usable only in certain specific contexts. In other words, the ERP system is not truly flexible. The emergence of enterprise modeling theory can exactly solve the problem of not being able to exactly describe the essence of operating an enterprise, and it is also a core part of manufacturing transformation and optimization of business process. Currently, there are several enterprise modeling systems and frameworks. It has big contribution for the enterprise diagnosis and model simulation, and it has corresponding research for total solutions of information. But it has little research on manufacturing ERP system development and implementation, and there should not be ignored, especially in insufficient support of the ERP life-cycle, leading to analysis, design model and system implementation model is out of line, and the interaction between the model and ERP system is not realized. So it can not be the true realization of flexible ERP. This paper had detailed research on enterprise modeling for manufacturing ERP from the following aspects.This paper analyzed the production types and advanced manufacturing mode at first. On this basis, it analyzed the characteristics of manufacturing ERP and the demands of enterprise modeling. According to these demands and comparative analysis of existing modeling frameworks, combined with CIM-OSA and advantage of integrated enterprise modeling, this paper established Victoria enterprise modeling framework for manufacturing ERP from view dimensional, life-cycle dimensional, and general-level dimensional. This establishment of framework is the basis and infrastructure of modeling process.This paper had comparative analysis of existing organization structure of manufacturing, and requirement analysis of organization structure reform in BPR and information technology environment. On this basis, it designed six elements, which are the organization unit, basic organizational unit, personnel, roles, virtual teams and hierarchy. And combined with flexible organization modeling methods, it designed flexible organization structure reference model according to different organization structure demands.According to resource sharing, resource reuse and the fast search and the other demands, this paper had classification research on manufacturing resource from product life-cycle and taking production as the core. And it designed resource description methods, such as resource pool, resource entity, and resource combination. This paper modeled manufacturing resource based on oriented-object ideas and designed resource representation model based on XML.According to multi-level and complex characteristics of manufacturing process, this paper decomposed manufacturing process based on CIM-OSA ideas, and it modeled process combined with oriented-object Petri-net method. On the basis of process reference model, this paper designed transformation rules to function models, extracted hierarchical functional mode, and designed function reference model based on IDEF0.Meanwhile it analyzed relationship between function model and information model. The enterprise modeling system for manufacturing ERP is established to provide support for the enterprise modeling framework and the modeling process. This paper designed four-level network architecture and function architecture according to requirement analysis of modeling system, and designed functions of modeling system in detail. Finally, the system was completed with the application of ASP.NET, XML languages and SQL Server 2005.Based on these studies, this paper took Harbin Bearing Factory as empirical research background for enterprise modeling, and then it modeled its organization structure, resource classification, and business processes in detail, mapping the corresponding functional model and information model. Accordingly, they laid the foundation for the rapid implementation for manufacturing ERP, and verified the feasibility and effectiveness of modeling framework and modeling methods for manufacturing ERP.The research on enterprise modeling for manufacturing ERP provides a new idea for software design and development methods, and it solves the problem of insufficient support about enterprise modeling framework for ERP system development and implement. Also it has important practical significance to improve the competitiveness of software developers, and supports the rapid development and reconstruction. At the same time, it provides an effective way of manufacturing organization structure reform in network, resource reuse, and business process reengineering. Furthermore, it lays the solid theoretical foundation for rapid implement and advanced manufacturing mode, and it has important theatrical value for research on mutual conversion between enterprise model and system model.


