

Research on Knowledge Transfer Mechanism of High-technoloy Virtual Industry Cluster (HTVIC)

【作者】 程璐

【导师】 高长元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 经济与科技的全球化和知识经济的发展,使高技术产业集群逐渐成为世界高技术产业发展的重要模式以及区域经济发展的重要推动力量。在现代网络经济环境下,在信息通信技术和计算机网络技术水平高速发展的基础上,基于网络环境所形成的产业集群新形势已渐成趋势。借鉴“虚拟”的运行机制,出现了高技术虚拟产业集群(High-Technoloyg Virtual Industry Cluster,HTVIC)。它以“组织接近”代替了“地理接近”,“高技术”、“虚拟化”的特点决定了其成员间的活动以知识活动为主,成员间的交流与合作都伴随着知识的转移活动。鉴于目前对HTVIC的研究尚未广泛开展起来,亟需研究与设计一套符合HTVIC特点的知识转移机制,对保证集群成员间的知识转移活动的顺利进行,提高集群竞争力具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。本文在对高技术产业集群、虚拟产业集群、知识转移理论与方法的研究基础上,界定了HTVIC的涵义并对其特征进行了分析,针对HTVIC内部的知识转移活动的形式及分类进行了研究,结合广义熵理论、博弈论等理论与方法对知识转移的复杂性和博弈关系进行了探讨。明确HTVIC合作创新涵义并指出其特点。以知识转移的具体过程为出发点,提出以知识差距的识别、知识溢出、知识学习为核心的HTVIC知识转移机制的研究框架。基于对知识差距的产生与内涵的分析,设计了HTVIC知识差距的识别流程。在对知识差距类型的划分基础上,对知识需求和知识供给进行深入研究,基于偶图理论对二者进行匹配,利用成本-收益函数对知识差距弥补成本及弥补方式的选择进行分析,进而提出了知识差距的识别与弥补策略。基于对HTVIC知识溢出涵义的分析,对知识资源进行了分类。从HTVIC组织形式的特点出发,分析了HTVIC知识溢出活动的影响因素。从成员间合作关系的建立、知识资源池的构建和非正式的知识溢出三个方面详细分析了知识溢出渠道的建立。分别从共享性知识资源、合作关系、竞争关系等角度对知识溢出的途径进行探讨,并在此基础上提出了HTVIC知识溢出保障策略。在明确了HTVIC知识学习的涵义的基础上,对知识学习的驱动因素和前提进行了分析。将组织知识学习划分为个人、团队、组织学习三个层次并对层次间的转化进行了研究。通过对知识学习的过程和形式的深入分析,结合小世界网络理论,构建了HTVIC知识学习小世界网络模型,进而设计了知识学习促进策略。在明确了知识转移与合作创新之间的必然联系的基础上,分析了知识转移与合作创新的相互影响。在对知识转移绩效评价的研究方面,本文基于HTVIC的特点构建了知识转移绩效评价指标体系,并结合BP神经网络构建了知识转移绩效评价模型。基于美国辉瑞、中美奥达等生物制药企业推动建立的生物制药虚拟产业集群,对其知识差距识别机制、知识溢出机制、知识学习机制的进行了分析。通过集群内成员间的具体合作实例说明了知识转移对合作创新的效应,以及对集群知识转移绩效进行了评价,并给出了改进对策与建议。本文对HTVIC知识转移机制的研究,旨在为HTVIC的实际运行提供指导,并最终提升HTVIC内成员企业的竞争力和集群整体竞争优势。鉴于目前国内外还没有大规模的开展相关问题的研究,本论文研究内容将为HTVIC及其知识转移机制的实际运行、管理实践提供一定理论依据和借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic and scientific globalization and knowledge economy, High-technology Industry Cluster gradually becomes the important mode of the worldwide High-Technology Industry as well as the impetus of regional economic developments and academia. In the economic environment of modern network, based on the rapid development of information and communication technology and the level of computer network technology, draw on the operating virtual mechanism, there has been High-technology Virtual Industry Cluster (HTVIC)."Knowledge accumulation" formed the basis of HTVIC, which maintains dynamic and responsive features of high-technology enterprise and formate scale of groups, increasing the overall competitiveness of the cluster. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out HTVIC, particularly the mechanism of its knowledge conversion into systematic research.The dissertation made analysis and comments on the state of High-technology Industry Cluster, Virtual Industry Cluster, and theory of knowledge transfer, defined content and features of HTVIC. And the HTVIC internal knowledge transfer activity and forms of classification was studied. In this dissertation, combining with HTVIC characteristics as research background, concrete process of knowledge transfer as a starting point, put forward the identification, with knowledge gap, knowledge spillovers and knowledge learning as the core HTVIC knowledge transfer mechanism framework of research.Defined the knowledge gap to generate and connotation, designed the HTVIC knowledge gap recognition process. On the knowledge gap type partition basis for knowledge, demand and supply were analyzed, based on the knowledge of both accidentally diagram theory matching. Using cost-income function of knowledge gap offset the cost analysis, and then put forward the knowledge gap remedy selection strategy.In explicit knowledge spillovers HTVIC on the basis of its connotation, from cluster knowledge system integration, cooperative relationship between members and informal overflow research in knowledge spillovers channel of establishing analyses. And the knowledge spillovers way and the influence factors are studied in detail. And then put forward by cluster admittance system, credit evaluation system of exit and knowledge resource pool of construction and management of knowledge spillovers guarantee strategies.In explicit HTVIC organizational learning meaning, on the basis of knowledge learning driving factors and premise is analyzed. Will be divided into individual knowledge learning, team, within the organization, the three levels of knowledge learning and hierarchies of transformation between were studied. Combined with the knowledge learning levels on organizational learning process are analyzed in detail, and expounds HTVIC organizational learning forms. Build a small world network model of knowledge learning mechanism makes a detailed analysis, and then design knowledge learning strategies.Knowledge transfer effect analysis mainly from the direction of cooperative innovation. First defines the meaning and characteristic of HTVIC cooperative innovation. Secondly, in the explicit knowledge transfer and cooperative innovation connected was analyzed on the basis of knowledge transfer and cooperative innovation, mutual influence. On the knowledge transfer of the performance evaluation of research, this dissertation constructed HTVIC characteristics of knowledge transfer performance evaluation index system. Altogether four contains one class index, four secondary indexes and 15 level 3 indexes, and combined with BP neural network construction of knowledge transfer performance evaluation model.In the same study, designed HTVIC based on the operation of the mechanism of knowledge transfer strategy. With biological pharmaceutical virtual industrial cluster for example, to its members of knowledge transfer mechanism between the actual analyzed to verify the HTVIC knowledge transfer mechanism of the practicability and rationality.


