

Study on Interaction and Convergence between Circulation Services Industry and Manufacturing

【作者】 赵霞

【导师】 周殿昆;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 流通经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 产业间存在关联是社会经济的普遍现象,然而产业组织的关联理论仅仅揭示了不同产业间投入产出的生产性关联(或技术性关联),关注的是产业之间的数量关系,并且受传统的“重生产、轻流通”观念影响,并未把流通业作为单独经济部门来加以分析,因此也就无法得出流通服务业与其他产业相互影响程度的有益结论。事实上,在买方市场条件下,流通的瓶颈效应正日益突现,流通业正成为影响其他产业,尤其是制造业进一步发展的重要产业因素。理顺流通业与制造业的关系,促进两者互动协调发展,是提高经济运行效率,实现国民经济健康运行的重要保障。加强两者互动发展,长期看,还有利于提升我国流通服务业发展水平,从而提高流通服务业对制造业的支撑作用,有利于我国制造业摆脱长期以来陷入的价值链“低端锁定”的困境。自第三次社会大分工,流通业从手工制造业中分离出来以后,流通服务业与制造业之间就存在着形式多样、极其复杂的关联互动,最初的流通业单纯承担制造业产品的交换功能,通过系列交换完成商品的“惊险跳跃”;随着分工的不断细化,流通业作为制造业生产性服务的投入要素,与制造业的结合日益紧密。特别是进入20世纪90年代以来,伴随着信息技术的飞速发展,在消费者需求多样化与个性化的驱动下,全球服务业迅速发展,社会经济由传统工业经济进入服务经济时代,在此大背景下,流通业与制造业亦出现向对方产业延伸、渗透的融合发展趋势,呈现出两者互动的新特点。本文以“流通服务业与制造业互动融合”为研究主题,基于产业互动的角度,对流通服务业和制造业产业间关系进行全面考察。首先,在对现有研究流通业与制造业关系的文献进行回顾的基础上,提出了流通服务业与制造业互动融合发展的分析框架,这一框架力图从总体上对“什么是流通服务业与制造业的互动”、“为什么互动”(动因)、“如何互动”(过程、类型)做出回答,以分工协作、延伸融合、理念融合三个层次对流通服务与制造业互动发展的演进进程进行了梳理,并在此基础上提出一个基于分工的整合性命题。接下来,以互动融合为主线,本文分别对流通服务业与制造业互动融合的三个层次进行具体分析,借助于相关数理模型,从技术进步、需求变化、生产柔性等方面分析了不同层次流通服务业与制造业互动的动因;以分工协作效率、成本节约、知识创新等为主要内容揭示了各个互动层次流通服务业与制造业互动价值创造的内在机理路径。在上述理论探讨的基础上,本文结合物流、家电等行业发展的实践,对流通服务业与制造业互动融合发展进行了典型案例分析,并运用面板数据模型和投入产出分析方法对我国流通服务业与制造业的关联关系及流通服务业如何促进制造业效率提升进行了实证检验。最后,对促进我国流通服务业与制造业互动融合发展提出了相应的对策建议。本文的创新点如下:1.分析了流通服务业与制造业互动发展的三个层次,并据此划分了不同经济发展阶段流通服务业与制造业互动融合的类型、关联特征、发展动因以及价值创造机理。任何产业的发展都是一个动态的过程,流通业与制造业的相互作用关系也是动态的、历史的,是随着经济进步与产业发展而不断演进的。本文在既有研究的基础上,首次明确地对流通服务业与制造业两者的关系进行了梳理,提出两者互动发展的三个层次,即分工协作层次.(协作型互动融合)、延伸融合层次(延伸型互动融合)和理念融合层次(理念导入型互动融合)。流通服务业与制造业间的产业间分工协作产生于社会分工深化,流通业作为独立的产业部门与生产部门脱离;随着外部环境的变化,20世纪90年代以来,流通服务业与制造业开始突破原有产业边界,产业触角向彼此延伸,出现了两者间的融合发展;进入21世纪,信息技术高度发展,服务不仅是增值手段,而成为基本的生产方式,是社会经济活动的核心内容,流通服务业与制造业的产业界限更加模糊,流通或制造企业相互吸收对方的经营理念,不断创造出新的生产方式和经营模式,流通服务业与制造业进入理念融合的发展阶段。2.以交易成本理论和产权理论为指导,提出了传统产业组织理论所忽略的产业间制度性关联,并在此基础上,分析了流通服务业与制造业制度性关联的基本模式。传统的产业组织理论只关注了同一产业内部垄断抑或竞争的市场结构,以及由此产生的市场主体间的策略性行为和最终导致的经济绩效,而并未对组织间尤其是跨不同产业的组织间的制度性关联(治理形式)进行深入分析。不同于传统产业组织理论笼统地将产业间关联归结为基于产品联系的供求关系或投入产出关联,本文在将知识和技术传递也纳入分析的基础上,进一步地指出产业间互动以及在互动基础上出现的融合现象是跨产业的不同企业之间制度性安排的现实展开,在此基础上,本文具体分析了流通服务企业与制造企业之间出于竞争合作目的所形成或建立起来的组织安排形式。在流通服务业与制造业的制度性关联中,存在三种治理结构:(1)市场治理。流通企业与制造企业通过市场来完成交易。(2)科层治理。流通企业实施后向一体化进行销售产品的自行生产,或者制造企业实施前向一体化进行分销渠道的自我经营。(3)混合治理。流通企业与制造企业形成的产销联盟,双方紧密合作形成伙伴关系。3.提出产业间互动融合是培育产业制度革新和催生企业生产经营方式创新的摇篮的观点。流通服务业与制造业通过对对方经营理念的借鉴、吸收,形成了服务型制造和制造型流通,制造企业变以产品为中心为以服务为中心,通过与流通服务企业的紧密结合,创造出可观的利润空间,增强了产业竞争力;流通服务企业借鉴制造企业的标准化、集群化思想而产生的连锁经营模式和以综合型购物中心为代表的商业集群充分实现了规模经济和范围经济效益,使得流通企业得以做大、做强。总之,流通业与制造业的互动融合给双方产业带来了巨大的发展机会。4.利用投入产出法实证研究了我国流通服务业与制造业各细分行业间的产业关联程度,并在此基础上采用中介效应方法,检验了我国流通服务业对制造业效率影响的路径。通过对相关指标的测度和动态比较,结果表明,资源加工业和资本品制造业对流通服务业当中的交通、仓储邮政业的消耗较大,反过来,交通、仓储邮政业也需要消耗较多的资源加工业(主要是石油加工业、化学工业)和资本品制造业(主要是交通运输设备制造业、专用通用设备制造业、电气机械及器材制造业)产品;食品制造、服装制造、木材加工及家具制造业等消费品制造业对流通服务当中的批发零售贸易业消耗较大,表明在我国多数消费品通过专业化流通部门进入最终消费领域,流通交易服务是社会产品实现的不可或缺环节。感应度和影响力指标则显示,制造业各行业受到来自制造业其他行业的影响要大于受到来自流通服务业的影响;从产业对国民经济其他部门的影响力来看,制造业各行业对其他制造业的影响程度要大于对流通服务业的影响程度,这也从侧面反映出,现阶段我国流通服务业对国民经济的辐射和拉动作用偏小,流通服务业还远没有发挥其应有的作用。实证研究还指出,我国流通服务业通过降低制造业交易成本提高了制造业效率,并且这种中介作用受到制造业本身技术创新能力的影响,技术创新能力越强,促进机制越强。5.提出了促进我国流通服务业与制造业互动融合发展的对策建议。企业决策者和政府相关职能部门对流通企业与制造企业互动发展的重要性认识不足,导致实践中企业间相互倾轧的短视行为频发;流通企业市场化程度低、规模偏小、组织化程度低和对技术及高端知识人才的匮乏制约了流通业与制造业互动的能力,同时制造企业“大而全、小而全”的传统组织结构、制造代工模式、外资的挤压也妨害了对本土流通服务业的需求,加之我国现阶段诚信制度缺失,以及政府长期以来对制造业的产业政策偏好和管理体制上的条块分割,都不利于流通服务业与制造业的互动融合发展。为此,本文提出促进我国流通服务业与制造业的互动融合,要深化思想认识,政府部门要转移政策偏好,出台一系列有利于促进流通服务业与制造业互动融合的产业政策,加强社会信用制度建设,同时通过加快流通服务业建设促进制造业转型升级,包括大力发展现代物流业,实现物流业与制造业的对接,加快流通服务业改革进程,提升市场化水平,通过扩大开放提高流通服务业支撑制造业转型升级的能力。

【Abstract】 Industry linkages are common phenomenon in social economy. However the traditional Industrial organization theory only reveal productive linkages(or technical linkages) based on input-output among different Industries, which focus on quantitative relationship and ignore the impacts of the circulation Industry as a independent economic sector influenced by the concept of "treasuring production, neglecting circulation ".So beneficial conclusion of circulation services and other industries mutual influence degree can not be drew either. In fact, in the buyer’s market conditions, the bottleneck effect of circulation is increasingly evident, circulation Industry is becoming the important factor which affect other Industries, especially for the further development of manufacturing. Straightening out the relation between circulation and manufacturing industry, and promoting their harmonious development is important guarantee to enhance economic efficiency and realize the healthy operation of national economy. From long-term look, strengthening both interactive development can also upgrade our country’s circulation services level, thus improve circulation services’supportive function to manufacturing industry in order to native manufacturing cast off the "low-level locked" dilemma in value chain.Since the third social division of labor, circulation services industry is isolated from manual manufacturing, there are various and extremely complex interaction between the two Industries. Initially circulation simply assumes the function of products exchange, by series exchange to complete the goods "breathtaking jumping". Along with the continuous specification of division of Labour, as productive input service of manufacturing industry, circulation has close relation with manufacturing. Especially entering 90s of the 20th century, with the rapid development of information technology, driving by consumer demand diversity and personalized trend, global services industry has been developing rapidly, the social economy from traditional industrial economy into service economy era. On this setting, as an important department of services industry, circulation industry and manufacturing also appear convergence trend, and presents the new characteristics of both interactions.This paper takes "The interaction and convergence between circulation services and manufacturing" as research topics, and try to make a comprehensive study on the relationship between the two sectors, based on the industrial interaction angle. Firstly, we put forward the analysis framework on the foundation of reviewing existing research literatures on circulation and manufacturing relationship. This framework seeds to provide the answer to the questions such as "what is circulation service and manufacturing interaction", "why interaction" (reason), "how to interact" (process, types, etc). And then we divide the evolution process between circulation services and manufacturing into three stages or steps, namely division and collaboration, extension convergence, idea integration. Based on the analysis above, we put forward a integration proposition. Secondly, taking interaction and convergence as main line, this paper makes concrete analysis on each stages of circulation services and manufacturing interaction separately.By constructing related mathematical model, we analyze the cause of circulation service and manufacturing interaction in different stages, which includes technical progress, demand change, production flexibility and so on. We also reveal the mechanism of value-creation in different levels of circulation services and manufacturing interaction and convergence, whose content are division of labor cooperation efficiency, cost savings, knowledge innovation. On the basis of the theoretical study, the paper applies the typical case into analysis associated with our country’s logistics and home electrical appliances industry practice. After that, we use panel data model and input-output analysis method to make an empirical study on China’s circulation services and manufacturing relationship, furthermore, we also test the path that circulation services promote manufacturing efficiency. Finally, the paper makes some countermeasures and Suggestions to promote China’s circulation services and manufacturing interaction and convergence well.This paper’s innovations as follows:1. Analyzing the three stages of circulation services and manufacturing interaction. and then dividing the two sectors’interaction and convergence types, characters, motive and value creation mechanism in different phases of economic development. Any industry development is a dynamic process, circulation services and manufacturing interaction relationship are also dynamic, historical, which evolutes continuously with the economic progress and industrial development. Based on existing research, this paper organizes definitely the relation between circulation services and manufacturing for the first time and puts forward the three levels of the interaction, namely division coordination level (collaborative interactive convergence), extension convergence level (extension interactive convergence) and concept convergence level (idea import type interactive convergence). Circulation services and manufacturing’s division coordination stems from the deepen development of social labor division. Circulation services industry become independent sector departed from production Industry. Long with the changes of the external environment, since the 1990s, circulation services Industry and manufacturing have broken the original border of Industry, industrial tentacles extend to each other field, with the new characteristics of Industrial convergence. Entering the 21st century, with the rapid development of information technology, services is not only value-added means, but the basic mode of production, services has become core content of social economic activities. The boundary between Circulation services and manufacturing is more fuzzy. By absorption of business philosophy to each other, circulation or manufacturing enterprise create new production method or management pattern. Circulation services and manufacturing enter into the stage of concept convergence. 2. Guided by transaction cost theory and property right theory,the paper focus on inter-industrial institutional correlation which is ignored by traditional Industrial organization theory, and analyze the basic pattern of institutional correlation between circulation services and manufacturing. The traditional industrial organization theory only pay attention to the market structure in the same industry, which is monopoly or competitive. As a result, different market structures lead to different strategic behaviors and economic performances between market subjects. Inter-organization institutional linkages (governance form) especially across different industrial organizations are ignored by traditional theory. Being different from traditional theory, inter-industrial knowledge and technology transfer are also included in this paper, furthermore, we analyze the concrete organizational arrangement form for the purpose of competitron and cooperation between circulation services enterprises and manufacturing enterprises. There are three kinds of governance structures between circulation services enterprises and manufacturing enterprises:(1) Market governance. Circulation enterprises and manufacturing enterprises complete the transaction by the market, taking goods distribution as typical example. (2) Hierarchical governance. Circulation enterprises produce itself by forward integration, or manufacturing enterprises implement distribution channels itself by backward integration.(3) Hybrid governance. Circulation enterprises allies with manufacturing enterprise and both sides form closely partnerships.3. This paper put forward the view that inter-industrial interaction and convergence is good for cultivating industrial institution innovation and motivating enterprises’production and management manner innovation. By learning and absorbing business philosophy to each other, Circulation services and manufacturing take the new form of service manufacturing and manufacturing circulation. Manufacturing enterprise change the product- oriented to service-oriented, which have made considerable profits and enhance the competitiveness of the industry by close cooperation with circulation service enterprise. Meanwhile, circulation service enterprise learn from manufacturing enterprise standardization and clusterization thoughts to create chain stores and commercial cluster represented by shopping Mall which fully realized the economies of scale and scope effect.4. The paper uses panel data model and input-output analysis method to make an empirical study on China’s circulation services and manufacturing relationship, furthermore, we also test the path that circulation services promote manufacturing efficiency. By measuring and comparing relevant indicators, the results show that the resource processing and capital goods Industries consume more the transport, storage of postal services than other. In turn, transport, storage of postal services also need more resources processing (mainly oil industry, chemical industry) and capital goods manufacturing (mainly transportation equipment manufacturing, special universal equipment manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing) products. While consumer goods manufacturing such as Food manufacturing, garment manufacturing, wood processing and furniture manufacturing industry consume more wholesale and retailing services, which shows that most consumer goods enter final consumption field through specialization circulation departments in our country, so it verifies that circulation services is the indispensable link to social products value realization. Sensitivity and influence index show that each sub-manufacturing industry is influenced by other manufacturing sector greatly than circulation services sector, which indicates circulation services’pulling effect is not obvious. From the angle of Industry influence on other department, each manufacturing sub-industry has greater influence on other manufacturing sector than circulation services, which also reflects from the side that at this stage, China’s circulation industry has not played the role what it should be, the pulling effect on national economy is quite small. Empirical study also points out, China’s circulation industry increase manufacturing manufacturing efficiency by reducing transaction costs, and the intermediary role is influenced by technology innovation ability of manufacturing itself, the technical innovation ability is stronger, promoting mechanism is more evident.5. The countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of interaction and convergence between circulation services and manufacturing are proposed in this paper. Enterprise policymakers and relevant government functional departments haven’t realize the importance of the interaction between the two industries, resulting in conflict with faction short-sighted frequent in practice. Circulation enterprise’s low marketization, small scale, low organizational degree, Jack of technology an high-knowledge talents restrict the ability to interact with the manufacturing industry, meanwhile, manufacturing enterprise "big and all-round" traditional organizational structure, manufacture foundry pattern, foreign extrusion of native manufacturing also disrupt services demand, coupled with the lack of credit system, and the government’s long manufacturing policy preferences and the intersected management system, these factors are bad for interaction and convergence between circulation services and manufacturing. Therefore, this paper proposes that promoting China’s circulation services and manufacturing interaction and convergence should deepen ideological understanding firstly. The government must transfer policy preferences and issue a series policies to promote circulation services and manufacturing industry interaction and convergence, such as strengthening the social credit system construction, accelerating circulation service industry to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing which include developing modern logistics industry and realize the docking with manufacturing, accelerating circulation services reform process to improve the level of market and the capability to support manufacturing transformation and upgrade.

  • 【分类号】F724;F424
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1399
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