

A Study of Constructing Translator Meta-Discourse Awareness from the Perspective of Inter-Subjectivity

【作者】 纪蓉琴

【导师】 梅德明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文探讨了在语言哲学视阈下,元语篇的主体间性本质及其在语篇翻译中对译者元语篇意识构建的角色定位作用问题。研究首先采用历时的方法,对元语篇的语言哲学本质进行了阐述。通过对西方哲学史的主体性问题研究的梳理回顾,阐明了人的主体性是语言建构的,是使用中的语言提供了主体的表达形式,产生了人的主体性。语言建构了人的主体性并使人的主体间性成为可能,而人从主体性走向主体间性是哲学的必然。元语篇是语言活动的层级形式,任何形式的语言活动都包括主语篇和元语篇两个层面。言语话题的主题信息和指示内容通过主语篇来表达,它表征的是言语活动的基本内容。,在这个层面上,言语主体表征言语活动的基本内容,因而建构人的主体性。但是言语主体的命题态度、语篇意义和人际意义是通过元语篇来构建的,言语主体根据交际需要来组织和监控言语活动的生成和发展的程序信息,表达的是程序意义,因此在这个层面产生了主体间性。本论文从语篇修辞互动的角度对元语篇的概念和功能进行了多角度的分析探讨,对元语篇的理论基础和发展脉络进行了历时的梳理和回顾。对元语篇的言语行为、语用学和关联理论基础与语篇翻译的相关性问题进行了一定的论证。论文对译者主体的元语篇意识构建研究是在语篇语言学的框架下展开的。语篇中的元语篇标记是作者构建语篇的一种策略。通过语篇中的外显语言机制-元语篇标记,作者明示了语篇的命题信息、对读者的期待和关注。在语篇翻译中,这些元语篇标记对译者再现原文语篇策略,构建与译文读者的期待视野吻合的译语语篇起着举足轻重的作用,他们是语篇中不可或缺的语篇资源。研究采用定量和定性相结合的实证方法,对主体间性视阈下元语篇意识对译者语篇意识构建的角色定位作用问题进行了对比性的研究。综合运用量化统计和分析描述的方法,对信息类语篇《物种起源》和《孙子兵法》中的元语篇标记使用情况做出对比研究,分析了在主体间性理论视阈下,译者运用元语篇标记识别原文语篇作者的意图和命题信息,并在译文语篇中通过元语篇标记,成功构建符合目的语读者需求的译文语篇的问题。研究结果表明,翻译是通过语言进行的各主体间的对话与交往活动,涉及多个主体的共同有效参与,只有协调好作者、译者与读者的关系,使共在的自我在翻译活动中充分发挥作用,以达到对客观事物的共同理解与认识,协调彼此的行动,才能顺利地使得交往理性在以文本为对象的翻译活动中得以贯彻。而以文本为对象的翻译活动中元语篇的存在可以帮助译者组织语篇、连接命题,保证语篇的完整性。由主语篇和元语篇共同构成的语篇意识既能体现译者的语篇组织能力,即译者在翻译活动中遣词造句和连句成篇的能力,也是使译者构建既和原文文体风格相一致,又连贯得体的译文语篇的不可或缺的重要手段。元语篇为译者的语篇意识构建提供了基础,它使译者的语篇意识构建具体化了。语篇翻译中,译者的元语篇意识使译者的视界与作者、读者的视界融合,使各主体的间性得到充分张扬,从而使译文得到生生不息的生命力。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a study of the construction of translator’s metadiscourse awareness in text translation from the perspective of intersubjectivity.The study first of all presents a long-existing dispute about the concept of metadiscourse and the vagueness of its Chinese term. By reviewing the theoretical basis and development trend of metadiscourse, the study has pointed out that Relevance Theory, Pragmatics and Speech Act are the concern of this dissertation as they are also the fundamental supporting of text translation. The study has also investigated the philosophical nature of metadiscourse through a diachronical way by extensively evidencing the historical development of subjectivity research in western philosophy. In this respect, it has introduced a rather profound concordance that man’s subjectivity is formed through language and it is language which helped to caster the formation of subjectivity and which in turn helped to characterize man’s subjectivity. Language promoted the development of man’s subjectivity and subjectivity in turn pushed the booming of intersubjectivity.The study also justifies that intersubjectivity is the fundamental feature of metadiscourse. Metadiscourse has the nature of hierarchy. On the stratum level, metadiscourse can be categorized into primary discourse and metadiscourse. Primary discourse concerns topical information, and helps to convey the primary theme information of a discourse. On this level, as it concerns discourse proposition, it helps form man’s subjectivity. Yet, the author’s attitude of discourse subject, discourse proposition and interpersonal relationship has to be constructed through metadiscourse. It is discourse subject who manipulates and supervises the procedure information of the formation and development of discourse activity. It emphasizes the procedure meaning of a discourse, thus intersubjectivity is formed on this level.The study has highlighted discourse rhetorical interaction, offering a full account of the rhetorical, pragmatic and context functions of metadiscourse. It has pinpointed that intertextuality is a unique characteristic of metadiscourse which made the conversation and interaction between the author, translator and reader possible. The study also stresses that the translator subjectivity through the construction of his metadiscourse awareness is performed under the framework of text linguistics. Metadiscourse is a kind of text strategy of the author. Through those extroverted language mechanics-metadiscourse, readers can clearly signpost text structure and propositional intention of the author. The author’s attitude and readers’expectation to the text can be exemplified through those mechanics. In the case of text translation, metadiscourse markers can offer the translator extroverted evidences to reappear the original text strategies, to construct a more relevant, coherent and more unified text.By employing both qualitative and quantitative research methods, the dissertation presents a contrastive analysis of the orientation function of metadiscourse in constructing the translator’s metadiscourse awareness from the perspective of intersubjectivity. It synthesizes statistical and descriptive analysis in the empirical research of The Origin of Species and The Art of War, both in its original version and the translated version. Through the comparative examination of metadiscourse allocations in the two corpuses, the study has showed that metadiscourse markers can help reader/translator identify discourse proposition information and the author’s discourse intention. They can also manipulate the relationship between the writer/translator and readers. With the help of these extroverted evident language mechanics, translators may convey the original texts maximally and can successfully achieve harmonious interaction between the writer, readers and themselves.The study finally draws a conclusion that translation is a kind of interaction and conversation between subjects involved. The success of translation depends on the unified participation of all the parties. Only through the mediation and the full participation of all the parties involved in translation activities, can a more objective, shared understanding and recognition between those parties be achieved from the perspective of text translation. Furthermore, the existence of metadiscourse in text translation can serve as a walking signpost for translator in achieving the organization, coherence and unity of a text. Metadiscourse awareness is an important aspect of translators’competence in organization, diction, as well as coherence. It is also a kind of important mechanics to ensure the translator to construct a unified text in style, unification and coherence in the process of text translation. Metadiscourse lays the foundation of text awareness for translator and enables his text awareness objectified and concretized. In text translation, translator’s metadiscourse awareness can be established through the identification of intersubjectivity within all the parties involved. Metadiscourse awareness helps the translator achieve a more harmonious interaction between subjects involved and helps infuse new life into the translated version.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】379

