

The Applied Research of Urban Transit Network Based on the Complex Network Synchronization Theory

【作者】 张建刚

【导师】 俞建宁; 李引珍;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市规模不断扩大,机动车保有量急剧增加,城市交通拥堵问题日益严重。通过修建更多的道路可以提高路网的容量,缓解拥堵,但由于城市中可供修建道路的空间有限,而且道路建设的步伐远远跟不上交通需求增长的速度,交通拥堵现象仍然十分严重。国内外许多城市发展的经验表明,优先发展公共交通是解决城市交通拥堵问题的有效途径之一。优化公交调度方案是优先发展公交的具体措施之一。本文运用复杂网络理论构造了三种公交网络模型,通过BA无标度网络理论分析城市公交网络的拓扑结构性质。进而分别考虑了带有时滞和时变时滞的复杂城市公交网络,运用复杂网络的同步理论对上述两种公交调度复杂网络模型进行了深入的研究。通过对兰州市城市公交网络和郑州市快速公交网络的实证研究和数值仿真验证了该模型的正确性和有效性。本文主要从以下方面进行了研究:(1)对复杂网络同步理论及公交调度理论的国内外研究现状进行了综述,深入研究了具有时滞复杂网络和时变时滞复杂网络的同步方法,运用延迟动力学系统的稳定性理论分析了依赖于时滞和时变时滞两种情况下系统全局同步的准则。(2)针对城市公交网络的不同特征构造了三种公交网络模型:公交停靠站点网络模型、公交换乘网络模型、公交线路网络模型,研究了这三种网络模型的动力学性质、拓扑结构性质以及可靠性,证明其具有BA无标度网络特性,为后文运用复杂网络同步理论分析公交调度问题奠定了基础。(3)在城市实际公交车辆运营过程中,由于车辆个体之间运行速度存在差异、交叉路口的控制信号器、突发事件等因素的影响,必然存在时延现象。本文建立了时滞公交线路网络模型,并给出了该模型的同步判据,进而利用节点含有时滞的复杂网络同步理论对城市公交系统进行“静态”调度研究,分析了乘客流量的演化过程。通过兰州市城市公交网络的实例分析和数值仿真验证了该方法能有效的优化常规公交调度方案。(4)在城市公交网络实际运行过程中,由于不同时段路况、车流量、客流量等因素的影响,必然导致时变时滞现象发生,针对上述现象构造了节点含有时变时滞的公交线路网络模型,并研究了其动力学性质,利用节点含有时变时滞的复杂网络同步理论对城市公交网络进行“动态”调度研究。根据客流量的演变过程,选取非线性系统,通过理论分析和数值仿真实现了城市公交网络的协调调度,使运营车辆和出行乘客达到动态平衡,提高了运营效率。(5)近年来,快速公交在一些人口较密集的发达城市得到了快速发展,提高城市快速公交的运行效率显得尤为重要。本文根据快速公交运行特征,构造了时变时滞快速公交网络模型,研究了快速公交网络的动力学性质及拓扑结构性质,证明其同样满足BA无标度网络特性。运用含有时变时滞的复杂网络同步理论对郑州市快速公交网络进行实例分析,模拟节点的客流量变化率,得出合理的调度方案,使快速公交线路在运营过程实现动态平衡,提高了运营效率,节省了运营成本。

【Abstract】 With the scale of city unceasingly expanding, the number of vehicles rapidly increases, and the problem of urban traffic congestion has become increasingly serious. The traffic jam can be reduced through constructing more roads, which is used to enhance the capacity of road network. However, the speed of construction of road is far behind the growth rate of traffic demand, as the limited space of cities, which is available for the construction of roads, and the phenomenon of traffic congestion is still very serious. The experience of many cities in domestic and overseas shows that giving priority to the development of public transportation is one of effective way to solve urban traffic congestion.The optimization of bus scheduling scheme is one of the specific measures for giving priority to the development of public transport. In this paper, three kinds of public transportation network models are built based on complex networks theory. And the topology properties of public transportation are analyzed through BA scale-free network theory. Moreover, the complex urban public transport networks with time delays and time-varying delays are considered respectively. Then, the two types of bus dispatch models of complex networks are deeply analyzed using synchronization theory of complex networks. The correctness and validity of these models are verified through experiment researches and numerical simulations of public transportation networks in Lanzhou and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network in Zhengzhou.The main research works in this thesis are as follows:(1) The research current situation of synchronization theory of complex networks and theory of bus dispatching at home and abroad is overviewed. The synchronization methods of complex networks with time-delay and time-varying delay are studied deeply. The criteria for global synchronization of systems with time-delay and time-varying delay are analyzed using the stability theory of time delay dynamic systems.(2) Three different models:network model for bus stop, network model for bus ride and network model for bus line, are built based on different characteristics of public transit network of cities. The dynamical characteristics, topology properties and reliability of these three network models are studied. The BA scale-free characters, which lay the foundation for solving the problem of bus dispatching using the theory of synchronization of complex networks, are found in all these three models.(3) In the actual operation of urban public transportation vehicles, the time-delay phenomenon is inherent, as the different speed between vehicles, control sjgnal detector in intersection, emergency and so on. In this thesis, the models of public transportation networks with time-delay are built and the criteria of synchronization of these models are given. Then the "static" scheduling of public transport system is stuied and the evolution process of passenger flow is analyzed based on the synchronization theory of complex networks’nodes with time-delay. The effectness of this method to optimize conventional bus dispatching scheme is proved through numerical simulations and example analysis of public transportation network of Lanzhou.(4) In the actual operation of urban public transportation networks, the time-varying delaying phenomenon is inherent, because of road conditions, traffic volumes, passenger volumes and other factors and so on at different times. The models of public transportation networks’nodes with time-varying delay are built against the above phenomena, and the dynamic properties of these models are studied. Then the "dynamic" scheduling of urban transit system, which can be used to improve operation efficiency and helps the running vehicles and passengers reach dynamical equilibrium, is realized through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation by choosing appropriate nonlinear systems according to the evolution process of passenger volumes.(5) In recent years, BRT in some densely populated prosperous cities have developed rapidly. It is particularly important to improve the operating efficiency of BRT. In this thesis, the BRT models with time-varying delay are built, and the dynamical properties and the topology properties of BRT networks are studied based on the operating characteristics of BRT. And the BA scale-free properties are found in these BRT models. The BRT networks of Zhengzhou are analyzed based on the theory of synchronization theory of complex networks with time-varying delay. The passenger volumes rates of change at the nodes are caculated and the optimalizing scheduling schemes are gained. All of these operations can help the running BRT reach dynamical equilibrium, improve operation efficiency and save operation costs.


