

Study on Human Resources Development to Promote Industrial Upgrading in China from the Perspective of Global Value Chain Specialization

【作者】 罗瑞荣

【导师】 卢福财;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来三十多年间,中国经济实现了平稳快速发展,通过引进制造业的跨国转移,成功地参与了国际分工,逐步成为世界级制造大国。然而,未来发展形势不容乐观,面临不断增大的环境、资源压力和日趋激烈的国际市场竞争,促进中国产业升级、实现经济增长方式的转变,已经成为保证中国经济实现全面、协调、可持续的发展的必经途径。全球价值链分工的形成是经济全球化条件下所带来的重要变化之一。它已经成为任何一个国家、地区参与国际分工的必经之路。各国、地区根据自身要素资源禀赋特征,承担同一产业甚至同一产品价值链内部不同环节,获取各自环节的价值增值与收益。然而,无论是传统劳动密集型产业还是新兴高科技产业,在产业全球价值链分工中都存在附加价值差异巨大的不同环节,位于不同全球价值链分工环节就意味着截然不同的投入产出状况。在全球价值链分工条件下要实现国家或地区产业升级,不仅要关注不同产业所占比重,更重要的是必须提升国家在产业全球价值链分工中的地位。只有提升一国企业在参与全球价值链分工中的环节和地位,实现国家在产业价值链上由低附加值环节向高附加值环节、非战略环节向战略控制环节的提升,才能真正实现国家产业升级。人力资源作为科学技术这个第一生产力的载体,其素质水平不仅决定着一国科学技术水平状况,而且直接关系到各产业的发展,影响社会经济发展目标的实现。在全球价值链分工条件下,自然禀赋、物质等资源对各国、地区产业的高端升级的作用非常有限。于是,人力资源要素水平往往成为决定价值链分工环节的关键因素。人力资源开发则是决定人力资源水平的重要后天因素。实现人力资源的有效开发,有助于促进国家产业升级,提升中国在全球价值链分工中的地位,促进经济健康持续发展。改革开放以来,中国第二产业发展发展迅速。然而,中国企业目前在第二产业的全球价值链分工中所占的位置较低,多为体力劳动和简单脑力劳动的低附加值环节。经济全球化条件下,中国要实现从加工制造大国向制造强国、服务强国、创造大国的转变,实现第二产业的产业内升级,提升其在全球价值链分工中的地位,最终只能依靠人力资源。人力资源的价值不仅体现在其数量上,更重要的是体现在其质量上。人力资源素质的开发与提高,是实现国家产业升级,保持经济持续健康发展的根本动力。人力资源开发是全球价值链分工背景下实现中国产业升级的关键。开发中国人力资源、将人口压力转变为人力资源优势,才能真正推动产业优化升级,实现中国经济从粗放型增长向集约型增长的转变。本文拟在相关理论基础上,采用归纳、演绎、国际比较和定量分析等定性与定量相结合的研究方法,结合理论研究与实证分析方法,通过数据整理、理论分析和模型推导,以第二产业为例,探讨人力资源开发对中国第二产业产业内升级的关键促进作用,揭示产业升级与人力资源之间的关联性。论文具体思路如下:在国际产业升级的基础上,深入分析全球价值链分工体系下不同的全球价值链动力机制、治理结构等方面对一国产业升级的影响方式与相应要求,从理论层面构建全球价值链分工对国家产业升级的多角度、多层次的影响,通过理论分析探讨中国第二产业产业内升级方向。同时,根据人力资源开发现象本身及其运行规律,提出个人、组织与社会中各种人力资源开发活动的方向与对策。进而,在科学分析人力资源与产业高度的相关性的基础上,结合中国发展要求,通过全球价值链分工和国际比较优势理论对中国现阶段产业高度状况及其未来方向进行分析和判断。最后,分析全球价值链分工背景下中国第二产业产业内升级对人力资源的要求,并联系各国促进产业升级过程中的人力资源开发策略,提出新的历史条件下促进中国第二产业产业内升级的人力资源开发策略建议。论文主要研究内容如下:第一部分:导论。从中国产业升级、全球价值链分工和人力资源开发的理论与实践研究背景出发,提出在全球价值链分工背景下实现中国产业升级的人力资源开发策略研究的理论与现实价值,并介绍论文框架、思路与研究方法。第二部分:产业升级中的人力资源开发:研究回顾。对国内外在产业升级、人力资源开发、全球价值链分工及其三者之间的关系等方面的理论和实证研究进行整体回顾,为论文的展开奠定基础,并引出论文研究的实际要求。第三部分:全球价值链分工条件下人力资源开发对产业升级的作用。在全球价值链分工条件下,对国家人力资源数量和结构与产业升级之间的作用关系进行分析,以此为基础,建立相关理论实证模型分析的基础。第四部分:中国产业高度与人力资源相关性实证分析。以中国第二产业产业高度与人力资源的数据为依据,对人力资源和产业高度之间的相关性进行实证分析,发现:人力资源状况对产业高度具有明显的影响作用。第五部分:全球价值链分工条件下中国产业升级方向及其对人力资源的要求。在分析中国产业升级现状的基础上,探讨全球价值链分工对中国第二产业产业内升级方向的要求,进而从人力资源数量、年龄、知识层次、行业、能力内容与层次、性别、地区等多个角度提出中国第二产业产业内升级方向对人力资源的要求。第六部分:全球价值链分工条件下各国为实现产业升级所采取的人力资源开发策略:以日本、韩国、中国台湾、中国香港、美国、印度为例。通过对亚洲部分国家产业升级中的人力资源开发政策的分析,为中国人力资源开发策略的提出奠定基础。第七部分:实现中国产业升级的人力资源开发。以理论分析为基础,借鉴部分国家产业升级与人力资源开发的经验与教训,在中国第二产业产业内升级方向的基础上,从制度改革、市场回报、系统原则等角度提出从人口政策、教育投入、产业政策、经济激励、专利保护、人力资源使用制度、社会保障、市场机制等方面开发高端技术、营销、设计人力资源,同时不断提升中国人力资源的创新能力,从而满足中国第二产业产业内升级的需求,促进全球价值链分工条件下实现中国产业健康持续发展。与已有的研究相比较,本文对全球价值链分工条件下中国产业升级中的人力资源开发策略进行了系统的研究,论文的主要创新点集中于以下三个方面:第一,选择了一个新的研究视角。把全球价值链分工作为产业升级的背景,研究全球价值链分工对产业升级的影响,进而研究如何通过人力资源开发来促进产业升级。第二,构建了一个新的实证模型。根据全球价值链分工条件下产业升级的特点与要求,设计国际人均GDP增值指数这一指标反映全球价值链分工条件下的产业高度,在此基础上构建了全球价值链分工条件下产业高度与人力资源之间的相关性分析模型。第三,提出了一个新的对策体系。在充分考虑政治、经济和社会化文化环境的条件下,在均衡区域、文化、民族、性别的基础上,通过揭示人力资源开发与产业升级之间的作用关系,提出全球价值链分工条件下促进中国产业升级的人力资源开发对策。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up policy was carried out more than 30 years ago, the Chinese Economy has developed steadily and fast. With the multinational transfer of the manufacturing industry, China has taken part in international division of labor and become a giant manufacturing country. However, the future prospects are not very hopeful. With the increasing pressure from environment, resources and more fierce global competition, to promote industrial upgrading and transformation of economic growth mode has become the only way to ensure the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of Chinese economy.One of the most important changes under economic globalization is the emergence of global value chain specialization. It has become the necessary path for any country, districts to take part in international division of labor. Different country, district should get the value added from different segments of global value chain based on its own characteristics of factor endowments. However, whatever industry, from traditional labor-intensive industry to high-tech industry, the value added in different segments of global value chain is different, which will bring totally different cost-effectiveness.To promote industrial upgrading in one country or district under the global value chain specialization, we must focus not only on proportion of different industries, but also on its status in the global value chain specialization. Only if the status in the global value chain specialization can be promoted and the transfer from the segments of low value added to the segments of high value added can be achieved, can industrial upgrading be attained.Human resources as the carrier of science and technology, its quality not only determines the level of science and technology in one country, but also influences the development of different industry and the realization of social and economic development. Under the global value chain specialization, natural resources and other physical resources just have a limited influence on industrial upgrading. Thus, human resource has become the key to determine the division segment of global value chain. Human resource development is the important factor to improve human resource. To develop human resources effectively will help promote industrial upgrading, raise its status in global value chain specialization and stimulate the healthy and sustainable development of economy.Since the reform and opening-up policy, the secondary industry in China has developed quickly. But until now, Chinese enterprises just take the low segment of the secondary industrial global value chain specialization, such as manual labor and simple mental labor which can add low value. Under economic globalization, china have to depend on its human resources in order to upgrade its secondary industry and promote its status in global value chain specialization if it wants to transform from processing giant to manufacturing, service and creation power. The value of human resources lies not only in its quantity, but also in its quality. The development and improvement of human resources is the elemental drive that promote industrial upgrading and the healthy and sustainable development of economy. Human resources development is the key to realize the industrial upgrading in China under global value chain specialization. To develop the human resources in China, to convert the population pressure to the advantage of human resources can really promote the industrial upgrading and the transformation of economic growth mode from extensive to intensive ways in China.Based on the related theories, the paper is going to discuss the key role of human resources development in promoting the industrial upgrading of China and reveal the relationship between industrial upgrading and human resources from the perspective of the secondary industry by adopting inductive method, deductive method, international comparison and quantitative analysis. The fundamental reasoning of this paper is as following:the influences of the global value chain specialization on industrial upgrading in one country are clearly analyzed based on international industrial upgrading. And the directions of the secondary industrial upgrading in China are discussed from theoretical analysis. And at the same time, the directions and countermeasures of human resources development are listed based on the operating rules of human resources development. Then, based on the correlation analysis of human resources and industrial height, with development demands of China, the present conditions and the future directions of the industrial height in China is analyzed and judged. At last, the requests on the human resources of the secondary industrial upgrading under global value chain are analyzed. And with the analysis of the strategies of human resources development in different countries, some measures and suggestions on human resources development to promote the secondary industrial upgrading in China are provided.The major content of the paper is as follows:Chapter 1:Introduction. In chapter 1, the value of the research of human resources development ways to promote the industrial upgrading in China under global value chain specialization is discussed based on the theoretical and practical background of global value chain specialization and human resources development. And the frame, reasoning and research methods are also included in this chapter.Chapter 2:Review of Human Resources Development in Industrial Upgrading. In chapter 2, the studies of industrial upgrading, human resources development, global value chain and their relationships are reviewed, which is the foundation of the paper.Chapter 3, the Mechanism of Industrial Upgrading And Human Resources Development under Global Value Chain Specialization. Under global value chain specialization, the mechanism between human resources and industrial upgrading is analyzed, which is the foundation to the empirical analysis.Chapter 4:the Correlation Analysis between Industrial Height and Human Resources. In chapter 4, empirical studies are carried out based on the figures of industrial upgrading and human resources of the secondary industry in China. It shows that human resources have obvious impact on industrial height.Chapter 5:the Direction of Industrial Upgrading in China and its Requests of Human Resources under Global Value Chain Specialization. The directions of the secondary inner-industrial upgrading under global value chain specialization are discussed based on the present conditions of industrial upgrading in China. And then the requirements on human resources have been listed from the perspectives of the quantities, age, depth of knowledge, major, different content and levels of abilities, gender and districts.Chapter 6:The Practices of Human Resources Development in Different Countries. In this chapter, the practices of human resources development in different countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan China, Hong Kong China, U.S. and India are discussed, which may give some guidance to Chinese human resources development.Chapter 7:The Strategy of Human Resources Development to Promote Industrial Upgrading in China. Based on theoretical analysis and some practices from other countries, the suggestions are provided from the perspectives of institution reform, market reward, systematic and so on. And some advices on its development path have been given based on population policies, education, industrial policies, economic incentives, patents’ protection, use of human resources, social security and compensation systems to promote the creativities of human resources in China, which can meet the demand of the second industrial upgrading and realize the sustainable and healthy industrial development in China. Compared with the current studies, the paper makes a systematic study on the human resources development strategy to promote industrial upgrading in China under global value chain specialization. The innovation of the paper includes:First, the paper is based on a new perspective of research. Based on the background of global value chain specialization, the paper makes a systematic study on its impact on industrial upgrading and then studies the strategy of human resources development in one country or district to help promote industrial upgrading.Second, a new empirical model is designed in the paper. Based on the characteristics and requirements of industrial upgrading under global value chain specialization, Index of GDP Value Added Per Capita is designed in the paper to reflect the industrial height under global value chain specialization. And then a correlation model between industrial height and human resources under global value chain specialization is built.Third, a new whole system is given. Based on the contexts of political, economic and cultural environments, the strategies of human resources development in China is discussed to balance area, culture, nationality and gender by disclosing the working mechanism of human resources developmen and industrial upgrading.

  • 【分类号】F249.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1814

