

"Survival of the Fittest":A Study of Translation from the Ecological Perspective

【作者】 郭兰英

【导师】 冯庆华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在过去的半个世纪里,翻译研究在经过了语言学、文艺学、文化学、交际学、行动目的论、多元系统论、解构主义理论观等不同研究视角的此消彼长、相互影响以及互为补充,翻译理论流派纷呈的局面直接推动着世界翻译活动的蓬勃发展。然而,由于研究者的研究兴趣、所属国别、文化背景、语言运用、教育经历等因素的差异,现有翻译理论的普遍性、哲理性、系统性、可操作性的局限和不完善也显而易见(胡庚申,2004)。随着科学家对生物体与其周围环境(包括非生物环境和生物环境)相互关系的研究,即生态学研究的深入,人们也开始从生态学的视角来认识、理解和研究翻译。翻译的生态学研究是将生态整体主义思想以及达尔文的进化论运用于翻译研究,试图用自然科学的理论研究翻译的问题,创建新的译学理论系统,是从生态学视角对翻译进行的综合性研究。翻译生态学(translation ecology)是由爱尔兰都柏林城市大学人文科学系主任兼翻译与语篇研究中心主任Michael Cronin首次提出的。他的理论对发展翻译的跨学科研究,开拓翻译科学新领域是一个重要的贡献。国内外翻译界学者对生态类比的翻译研究也曾有过共识。他们运用自然生态的术语或概念来描述翻译活动,为进一步的系统研究奠定了基础。然而,翻译的生态学研究尽管已近十年,但仍处于探索和初创的过程之中,现有研究中尚有明显的局限和不足。其中包括翻译生态系统与自然生态系统两者之间的关联性、类似性和同构性研究尚显不足,翻译生态系统的综合性论证与整合性研究鲜有论及等(许建忠,2009)。目前,我国国内翻译的生态学研究成果有两大主要倾向。首先,天津理工大学许建忠教授于2009年1月由三峡出版社出版的专著《翻译生态学》给翻译的生态学研究增加了新的意义,引起了翻译界的关注与积极的评价。清华大学胡庚申教授的专著《翻译适应选择论》早于2004年由武汉湖北教育出版社出版;其后2008年胡庚申在《中国翻译》上发表了“生态翻译学解读”一文;同年,胡庚申教授主持申报的“生态翻译学:译学的生态视角研究”获得2008年国家社会科学基金项目立项资助,随之而来的更多的生态翻译学研究相关成果已先后呈现,主要有:1)适应与选择:翻译过程新解(胡庚申,《四川外语学报》2008年7月第24卷第4期第90-95页);2)生态翻译学:译学研究的“跨科际整合”(胡庚申,《上海翻译》2009年第2期第3-7页)3)傅雷翻译思想的生态翻译学诠释(胡庚申,《外国语》2009年3月第32卷第2期第47-53页)。胡庚申(2004)在《翻译适应选择论》(An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection)一书中明确指出:译者必须适应翻译生态环境、译者也是“适者生存”,否则就有可能被翻译生态环境“淘汰”。在此基础上,胡庚申提出了生态翻译学解读(胡庚申,2008b),旨在实现翻译研究的转向、超越和回归。根据胡庚申的观点:对翻译研究来说,生态翻译学既是一种“喻指”,又是一种“实指”。所谓“喻指”,指的是将翻译生态与自然生态作隐喻类比而进行的整体性研究;所谓“实指”,指的是取向于译者与翻译生态环境相互关系的研究,特别是译者在翻译生态环境中的生存境遇和能力发展研究(胡庚申,2009:48)。翻译研究史表明,自有翻译活动以来,中、外翻译理论家关于译者的作用、要求、主体性和主导性等等论述就持续不断。本论文作者认为:在翻译过程中,译者的素质及能力对翻译中语言需求、文化蕴涵、所处环境、临场状态、心理影响、突发事件等翻译的客观生态的适应与选择将绝对影响翻译最终效果。就翻译研究而言,相对笔译,口译生态环境对译者的挑战性更大,译者与口译动态环境的互为适应与互为作用是口译效果与口译质量的关键。随着社会对口译人才需求的越来越大,需求定位也越来越高,口译者必须历经磨练,才能较好地适应口译的自然生态环境,获得口译效果的最大认同。本论文尝试,基于生态学理论探讨翻译家族相似性基础上的口译的特殊生态环境及其对生态翻译学的支撑。作者提出三个假设: 1,口译生态环境是翻译生态环境中的自然、客观的反映; 2,生态翻译学能够诠释口译活动的特点和本质; 3,口译效果取决于译者与口译生态环境的相互作用。本文通过文献研究、概念分析、演绎论证、调查分析等方法对上述三个假设进行了充分论证,并综合阐述,得出结论。全文共分五章进行论述,引言和结论分别单独列出。具体如下:引言中作者对翻译研究的历史,特别对生态翻译学产生的背景,目前研究的现状进行简要论述。介绍本论文写作的意义、写作框架和论文价值。第一章为翻译理论相关研究的生态学评述。通过简要回顾翻译理论研究的从口译的原生态到笔译的进化态,以及翻译研究的多元、新生和自我平衡的自然模态,梳理翻译研究的发展脉络,提出生态学翻译研究的创新思路。本人认为,在经历了众多视角研究之后,翻译生态学视角研究旨在回归翻译的自然生态和客观现象,是翻译研究的必然趋势。第二章为翻译研究的生态学理据。首先,本章探讨了翻译生态学的定义。此外,主要阐述了翻译的生态链、翻译的生态位、翻译的生态系统、翻译的生态平衡、翻译的生态危机、翻译的生态进化等基本概念;翻译的生态学基本理论、翻译适应选择论、翻译的生物多样性理论、翻译的语言多样性理论、翻译的生态整体主义思想;翻译的多效应原理、相互联系原理、限制因子定律、耐度定律与最适度原则、局部生境效应、自然选择学说等等生态学原理。本章生态学理论研究将对第四章的翻译研究提供理论支撑。第三章为翻译研究的生态学路径。本章研究主要侧重生态学理论指导下的翻译研究。首先,论文对翻译与翻译学以及翻译学科与翻译科学的概念进行区别和界定。通过翻译性质的艺术性、科学性、技巧性、行为性以及科学与艺术的对立统一性之争辩,从生态学视角将翻译定义是一种行为。以此为主线,探讨翻译主体相关的行为生态,包括单体行为、群体行为、集群行为、学习行为以及占域行为。之后,论文探讨了翻译主体与译者生存的关系,并对我国8位翻译家的译海作舟、译有所为的翻译实践到译有所悟、译有所论的翻译生态思想以及理论升华的路径、思想和观点进行了阐述。本人以生态学的整体主义思想为指导,对“译者中心”论提出辩证与批评,最后对翻译生态整体主义核心和翻译主体互动网络构架进行了论述。第四章为口译研究的生态学实践。本章从翻译家族相似论出发,借助生态翻译学理论,对口译进行了认真研究,探讨口译对该理论的支撑。口译理论研究的本体论研究针对口译定义、口译本质、口译特征、口译类型等进行;翻译学视角研究围绕释意理论和脱离语言外壳的内涵;语言学视角研究分口译意义功能、语用功能、语境功能、教学培训四个方面;认知学视角从口译复杂概念化能力和认知推进与提升两部分进行;哲学视角探讨口译的共性与个性、动态与静态、主观与客观、形式与内容、语言与思维的对立与统一;跨文化交际学视角探讨口译交际行为、交际意识和交际策略;心理学视角则强调了口译的过程研究、记忆研究、话语研究和思维研究。在综述前人研究的不同视角后,本章主要讨论了口译生态环境的基本特征,包括突变生态、时间生态、空间生态、个体施动、效果补救等,还阐述了口译主体能力的发展与储备,分析了口译中主客体的联立关系、主客体的互为适应,调查了大学生语言生态适应与文化生态适应的能力现状。第五章是作者对口译研究进行的主体性阐述,总结了全文并就先前的假设得出结论。作者认为:口译的特殊性更符合翻译的自然环境及客观生态;生态翻译学能够诠释口译活动的客观过程和特征;“适者生存”体现了生态翻译学的主体功能。“译者中心”论有偏于主观的缺陷。我们不否定译员在口译中的重要作用,也不否定译员主体功能的发挥,所强调的是译者功能“度”的掌控。所以,相对于“译者中心”,作者本人更支持译者“主体作用”的措辞与观点。最后为结论段。将对论文做全面总结,肯定成绩,找出缺陷,以便今后进一步更深入的研究。本人希望该论文的问世可以吸引更多的学者关注生态翻译学,特别是对口译的研究,使口译理论研究更加丰富和深入。

【Abstract】 In the past half century,translation studies have undergone from the perspectives of linguistics, art, culture, communication, skopos theory, polysystem theory to deconstruction by way of support and influence each other. The presentation of multiple theories mushrooming in translation studies has driven a quick development and advancement of translation activities. However, it is obvious for us to see the defect and limitation of translation theories based on the researchers’differences from interest, nationality, culture, language, and education background.Along with the profound studies of scientists on ecology, people have already started to examine translation from the perspective of ecological analysis which aims not only to bridge natural science and social science and humanities but to offer a new sight for translation studies to solve the problems and to set up the new theoretic system on the basis of ecological holism and Darwin’s evolution theory. It is a complex consisting of various translation phenomena and their explanations.Translation ecology, according to Xu Jianzhong, originated from the study of Michael Cronin, Dean of Translation and Discourse Research Center, Dublin City University, and whose theory has devoted a lot both to cross-disciplinary development and to new approach extension of translation studies.Many translators and scholars abroad and at home have ever conducted such similar studies as ecological analogy. They have applied ecological terms and concepts to describe translation interaction and have laid a solid foundation for further translation studies. Yet, translation studies on ecology, though after about 10 years, are still in the process of exploration and initiation with obvious limitation and defect including the co-relationship, similarities and so on between translation ecological system and natural ecological system with few works on comprehensive analysis and inter-disciplinary research of translation ecological system.There are, up to now in China, two sides of translation studies based on ecology. One is Translation Ecology by Xu Jianzhong (2009) whose Translation Ecology published by SanXia Publishing House in 2009 is highly valued and widely attracted for its new sight in translation studies. Another one is Ecological translation by Hu Gengshen whose researches have won the highest national fund support in 2008 with several pieces of articles published afterwards.According to Hu’s An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection, translators have to adapt and select once situated in the eco-environment in order to keep their survivals and otherwise they will be eliminated through selection. He puts forward the ecological translation theory on the basis of adaptation and selection theory to expect a return of translation studies to nature. He compares translation eco-environment with natural eco-environment, conducts a study on the whole system and focuses on the relationship between translators and translation eco-environment and even the development of the translators and their abilities in translation.The translation history has already proved that translators’studies have exactly followed translation interactions including their function, standards, subjectivity and predominance. The author believes that a translator’s quality and ability such as languages level, cultural background, performance on spot, psychological feature, adaptation to the instantaneous changes and so on are bound to affect the effect and quality of translation work. Compared with translators, oral interpreters, if located into the complicated eco-environment of interpretation, usually accept more challenges and also interpreting is greatly influenced by interpreter’s ability of adaptation and selection in the eco-environment. Therefore, interpreters must practice and train hard to meet the higher need of the society and to be qualified for interpretation profession and practice.This dissertation attempts to explore the supports of interpretation as a family member for translation theory from the perspective of eco-translatology by three hypotheses:1. Eco-environment of interpretation matches the natural and objective eco-environment of translation.2. Eco-translatology explains the innate character and essence of interpretation.3. Interpretation effect and quality depend on the interaction of interpreters and the eco-environment involving interpretation.Research method: literature review; hypothesis;conceptual analysis;deductive argumentation; empirical study;The dissertation can be divided into five major chapters excluding introduction and conclusion. Introduction provides a brief account of the history of translation studies, especially the background, and present situation of ecological translation studies. Generally illustrate the significance,the outline and the value of the dissertation based on the author’s thought.Chapter one is the study of translation theory from different perspectives. By analysis and summarization in details of the translation theory and viewpoints based on perspectives of linguistics, art, culture, communication, skopos theory, polysystem theory and deconstruction, the author puts forward her own ideas. She then discusses translation studies from the new perspective --- ecological approach and outlines the writing of this dissertation involving theoretic value, method, and content. The author believes that translation study from the ecological perspective desiring to return objectively to nature is a must in translation research.Chapter two explores translation ecology from a macroscopic ecological perspective. It studies the definition, the terms, such as food web, ecological niche, ecosystem, ecological balance, ecological crisis, ecological evolution; the related theories as translation ecology, An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection, biodiversity, language diversity, and ecological holism; the principles as multi-effects, inter-related principle, ecological factor, Shelford’s law of tolerance, Flowerpots effect and Darwinian Natural Selection to set up a ladder or bridge theoretically for translation studies of Chapter three.Chapter three is an important part since it focuses on translation studies based on the concept of ecology. The author first distinguishes translation from translatology; and science of translation from discipline, or a branch of learning. While others define the nature of translation as an art, a science, or a skill, the author, however, believes it as the specific act which involves an individual or group who can gather, learn, and occupy.It deals with the relationship between a translator or translators and the way to keep their occupational or domain survivals. The chapter highlights the practice of some famous translators and introduces their theoretical achievements and translation thoughts to guide the followers the path to evolve in ability from practitioners to theorists. Finally in this section, the author argues about the theory of translator-centeredness to prefer ecological holism as the positive ways of eco-translation studies. The author tries to set up a framework of interaction of translation subjects. Chapter four is the study of interpretation based on eco-translatology. First, it summarizes the studies of interpretation as a family member of translation, from perspectives of translation, linguistics, cognition, philosophy, communication, and psychology. The author illustrates the definition, the nature, the features and the classification of interpretation. Most important of all, the basic features of interpretation eco-environment, such as sudden change, time instant, space interrelationship, individual performance, and effect remedy have been discussed. For the development and restoration of interpreters’ability, the author analyzes the interrelationship of the interpreters and their interaction. A laboratory test has been conducted and achievements test scores have been analyzed.Chapter five answers the three hypotheses of the previous part in description. The author suggests:1) Interpretation coincides with the natural eco-environment of translation.2) Eco-translatology can explain the factual process and feature of interpretation.3) The theory of“survival of the fittest”can indicate subjective function of interpreters.4) There are some defects in“Interpreter-centeredness”theory. To correct ,interpreter’s function is more acceptable as a term in wording or diction.The last is the conclusive section. The author gives an overall conclusion of the whole dissertation. And she hopes to attract more studies and great attention to translation and interpretation studies from ecological perspective.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】3812

