

College English Teachers Performance Evaluation Studies

【作者】 张蔚磊

【导师】 陈坚林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究主要包括三大部分:第一部分,大学英语教师绩效评估现状研究,在这一部分里主要研究了大学英语教师绩效的概念界定,大学英语教师绩效的特殊性,高绩效大学英语教师的特征,同时采用问卷调查与访谈的方法对当前大学英语教师绩效评估的现状进行了研究。第二部分,大学英语教师绩效评估指标体系研究,在这一部分中主要研究了大学英语教师绩效评估指标体系建立的理论基础、基点、原则和功能,指标体系的具体结构和权重。第三部分,大学英语教师绩效评估的实施方法研究,包括应用数据包络分析方法和标杆管理方法对教师绩效进行排名,对绩效不佳的教师提出具体改进措施,利用增加约束的办法来平衡大学英语教师的教学、科研和服务工作。为了进行深入研究,本论文进行了充分的准备与论证,重点针对大学英语教师绩效评估所涉及的7个方面,展开了较为全面的理论思辨和实证研究。本文研究的主要问题和观点如下:1、大学英语教师的绩效应该包括哪些方面?教师绩效评估的功能、原则和意义是什么?大学英语教师绩效评估是对大学英语教师在工作中的表现,包括教学、科研、服务和素质等几个方面,也就是大学英语教师的劳动过程、劳动行为和劳动结果等进行评估,通过对评估结果的反馈,提高大学英语教师的素质、教学、科研和服务水平的过程,是对教师行为的一种规范和引导。在评估的过程中和指标确立的过程中要充分考虑大学英语教师区别于其他行业及专业群体的特殊性。绩效评估要考虑到大学英语教师所占有资源(投入)的因素,即成本因素,从成本投入与产出的角度来进行绩效评价,要体现出一定的效率。开展大学英语教师绩效评估研究有利于完善外语教师评估,有利于拓展外语教师管理理论,有利于提高高校外语教学质量,有利于引入外部竞争淘汰机制,调动大学英语教师的积极性、主动性,有利于吸引优秀人才,增强外语师资力量,提高组织内部管理效率,有利于填补现有研究空白。2、大学英语教师的绩效和其他行业人员或其他专业教师的绩效是否有差异?如果有的话,大学英语教师的特殊性(差异性)是什么?大学英语教师有其不同于其他行业和专业的劳动特点和自身素质特征。大学英语教师行业的特殊性主要包括:教师职业对教师素质技能要求的特殊性,劳动手段、过程和对象的特殊性和复杂性,劳动成果的特殊性和复杂性。大学英语教师专业的特殊性主要包括:英语地位的迅速提升及社会的广泛认同是其他专业学科无法比的,大学英语教师的从业群体之巨大是其他专业无法比的,全国范围内的大规模的大型统一考试,是其他专业所不具备的,较其他专业比,大学英语的大班授课现象也比较严重,从学生对某一学科的重视率和重视程度上看,大学英语要远远高于其他学科,英语的重要的工具性角色也是其他专业无法比拟的,全国范围的大学英语教学改革是其他专业无法比的,全国范围内大学英语教学政策和外语教育教学政策的多次颁布也是其他专业无法比的,作为一门学科,英语的必修实践如此之长,这时其他专业所无法比的,大学英语的学分占总学分的比重也是其他学科无法比的。3、什么样的教师可以称为高绩效大学英语教师?其特征有哪些?高绩效大学英语教师的特征是指具有高水平的教学、科研和服务的大学英语教师区别于教学科研水平低或毫无教学或科研的大学英语教师的独特差异或不同点。高绩效大学英语教师应具备如下特征:(1)有丰富的教育知识和语言知识,包括:外语学科内容知识、一般教育学知识、教学法内容知识;(2)充满问题意识和批判性思维,包括:善于探寻教学现象,用批判性的眼光看待教学,善于与教学实践紧密联系;(3)具备优秀的教学能力和信息化素养,具备主动性、敏锐性、灵活性和创造性;(4)注重教师的个人发展,具备终身发展的意识,包括经常进行反思性教学,经常进行协作发展,经常利用网络进行学习,经常进行教学行动研究;(5)具有较强的教学自主能力和很高的自我效能感,包括:具有较强的专业承诺力,具备较强的自主工作动机的内在原动力,可以产生更好的教育有效性;(6)有较强的人格魅力、影响力和沟通能力;(7)突出的外语教学、科研和服务成就,包括圆满完成外语教学任务,承担科研项目,发表科研论文和专著等,积极参加校内外的服务工作与活动,为外语学科建设贡献力量。高绩效大学英语教师可以从教师行为和教师成就两方面去判断,行为(如教师综合素质等)是成就产生的基础或条件,成就(如教学、科研和服务等)是特定行为的逻辑结果。一般而言,高绩效大学英语教师的教学行为高度合理,教学成果显著有效。具体来说大致包括四个方面:素质、教学、科研和服务。它们是一个整体,共同构成高绩效大学英语教师的特征。4、大学英语教师绩效评估的现状是什么?此问题又可以分为如下子问题:1)目前各个学校大学英语教师绩效评估的方式和方法是什么?所采取的评估指标都包括什么?2)各个大学对评估结果的反馈和利用情况如何?3)大学英语教师对现行的评估体系满意么?他们持什么态度?4)目前大学英语教师绩效评估体系合理么?存在哪些问题?如何解决这些问题?通过对全国23所高校的108名一线大学英语教师进行问卷调查与访谈,发现目前各个学校大学英语教师绩效评估有的采用定量方法,有的采用定性方法,有的是定量和定性相结合的方法;评估指标主要包括教学工作量和科研工作量,理工科院校更加重视科研;对于评估结果有些学校给予了反馈,有些学校根本没有反馈;大学英语教师对于现行的评估体系和实施是不太满意的。现行的绩效评估中存在很多问题:绩效评估制度中存在的问题,包括“重量轻质”的思想,“走过场”的做法;绩效评估体系中存在的问题,包括评估体系仅考虑产出绩效而没有考虑投入成本,缺少统一的评估标准,绩效评估结果没有促成改进等;绩效评估指标中存在的问题,包括评估指标不全面,导向不合理,评估指标内涵有交叉,评估指标缺乏科学分析,没有体现差异性。因此,在绩效评估指标体系的设计中应该考虑英语学科差异性,从而确保大学英语教师绩效评估的公平性、科学性。5、如何建立一个合理的大学英语教师绩效评估体系?一个合理的体系究竟应该包括哪些具体指标?建立一个合理的评估体系的基点、程序和步骤是什么?建立一个合理的绩效评估指标体系是需要理论支撑的,一个有效的大学英语教师绩效评估指标体系应该建立在以下理论基础之上:教学过程理论、教师评估理论、价值观理论、人力资源管理理论、系统理论和激励理论。建立大学英语教师绩效评估指标体系要遵照以下基点:评估中要以人为本,评估要全面,评估要着眼于提升教师素质,重视评估中的教学方法、教学模式指标。同时要充分考虑到以下几个原则:局部服从整体的原则,理论与实践相结合的原则,普遍性与特殊性相结合的原则,系统优化原则,可行性原则等。按照发散阶段、收敛阶段和试验修订阶段等三个步骤来设计指标体系由于各大学的外语学院都肩负着外语教学、科研、服务三大任务,依据高校的发展目标、人才培养的客观要求以及大学英语教师工作的具体特点,本文对大学英语教师的评估从以下4个方面进行,即素质,教学,科研,服务。(1)素质。以师德为首,包括是否能够为人师表,教学的态度、科研的道德操守、团队合作精神以及教师的专业素质等等。(2)教学,包括教学工作量、教学质量、教学创新、学生对教师的评分等。教学分为质和量两个方面,量的方面主要通过统计教学时数、学生人数、教学手段等数据,质的方面是通过学生评估、听课组专家评估及主管教学院长评估等来衡量。(3)科研,包括具原创水平的科研成果、科研项目的数量和质量、论文的数量和质量,等等;在科研方面不仅有量的要求,而且还有质的要求。(4)服务,包括参与学校和社会的各种公益活动,在学术界的地位等等。如社会兼职、党政职务、学术兼职等。在现有的教师绩效评估研究的基础上,通过对一百多名大学英语教师和近十名外语教育专家的调查,以及对来自17所大学的担任外语学院行政职务且同时从事大学英语教学的教师们进行了访谈,反复筛选、讨论,最后形成了大学英语教师绩效评估指标结构。6、用什么方法来对大学英语教师的绩效做出评估更为合理?为何要选取数据包络分析方法?其具体模型如何设计?如何应用数据包络分析方法和标杆管理思想来对大学英语教师的绩效做出科学合理的评估?进行绩效评估的方法有很多,借于数据包络分析方法在大学英语教师绩效评价中的优越性和可行性,本文采用了数据包络分析方法。DEA方法的优点是:同类教师既可以横向作多个教师间比较,也可以纵向做DEA分析;不需要预先知道投入产出指标之间的显性函数关系;不用预先计算投入产出综合比率指标,不必无量纲化处理,输入与输出指标的量纲可以不统一。DEA法将投入和产出分开考虑,计算量较小;也不用事先确定各指标的权重,因此把DEA方法应用在大学英语教师绩效评估上有较强的客观性和实用性。但是,DEA只能用于相对有效性评价,对于存在多个DEA有效单元的情况,无法对每个有效决策单元进行分析,因此本文将引入标杆管理的思想来弥补DEA方法的缺点。根据本文所构建的大学英语教师绩效评估的DEA模型和指标体系大学英语教师绩效的投入主要包括人力投入、财力投入和物力投入三种形式,产出主要包括教学产出、科研产出和服务产出。7、在大学英语教师绩效评估中,如果有些教师评估结果不理想,应该如何利用数据包络分析模型对其提出改进方案?针对有些教师教学和科研发展不平衡的状况应该如何应用数据包络分析方法进行评判?本研究把DEA模型和标杆管理思想结合起来,不但可以对大学英语教师的绩效做出评估,还可以针对绩效不佳的教师提出具体改进策略,如适当增加教学工作量和科研工作量,增加整体绩效满意度等方法来使这些绩效不佳的大学英语教师变成绩效良好的教师;可以通过引入标杆教师的方法,对绩效都是良好的教师进行再排名,在本文的研究中,有三位教师为DEA有效,通过引入标杆管理方法,对这些教师的有效性进行了再区分;此外,可以通过施加约束的办法,来解决当前大学外语教师的教学、科研和服务三者发展不平衡的问题,解决部分教师教学工作质量和教学工作数量发展不平衡的问题。针对大学英语教师的特点,引入了教学科研平衡发展约束和教学内部平衡发展约束,随着约束数量的不断增加,每个大学英语教师的DEA有效性的数值和具体排名也随之发生变化,这说明学院的导向对于教师的绩效评估结果有着非常重要的影响,我们可以通过给指标施加不同约束的方法,来有效地引导外语教师的教学、科研和服务工作。在外语教师的绩效评估工作中,学院可以根据自己的发展目标有目的的增加或改变不同的约束,使得教师向着学院引导的方向发展,同时还可以把就某一方面存在问题的外语教师找出来,提出针对性的措施。领导者们也应该有意识的引导大学英语教师在教学、科研和服务三方面的平衡发展,使得大学英语教师平衡好教学工作量和教学质量的关系。本研究由九个章节组成。第一章,介绍了论文选题的背景,包括教师评价研究的缘起以及大学英语教师评价的法律政策背景;从理论角度和现实角度介绍了本文的研究意义;整体介绍了本文的研究问题、研究变量、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法、研究范围和研究框架。第二章,对大学英语教师绩效评价的概念逐级加以界定,分析了大学英语教师教学现状,大学英语教师绩效的特殊性和高绩效大学英语教师的特征;阐述了大学英语教师绩效评价的功能,原则和意义。第三章,对我国大学英语教师绩效评价研究现状进行了汇总分析,包括国外高校教师绩效评价研究发展历程及其绩效评价实践和国内高校教师绩效评价研究发展历程及其绩效评价实践;对国内现有的教师绩效评价研究进行了分析归类与总结,指出了当前研究中存在的问题与不足;在对国内外相关研究进行文献检索的基础上,总结了高校组织层面的调查分析结果;针对大学英语教师绩效评估,从教师层面进行了问卷调查与统计分析,分析了大学英语教师绩效评估中目前存在的问题及其影响因素,并提出了消除影响因素的对策。第四章,具体论述了大学英语教师的绩效评估的理论基础。包括教学过程理论、教师评价理论、价值观理论、人力资源管理理论、激励理论和系统理论。第五章,详细介绍了大学英语教师绩效评估指标体系建立的基点和原则,评估指标设计的程序和步骤,以及大学英语教师绩效评估指标设计的具体结构和评分标准,另外还对大学英语教师绩效评价指标权重设计提出了建议。第六章,对大学英语教师绩效评估的方法,即数据包罗分析方法进行了概述,首先介绍了DEA方法的含义、基本原理、基本分析功能、基本模型和具体意义,对DEA模型作为业绩评价方法的特点做了详细阐述,分析了将DEA方法应用于大学英语教师绩效评价的可行性和优越性,同时也指出了DEA方法的不足。另外引入了标杆管理方法,来弥补DEA方法的不足,尽量做到对教师绩效评估的科学化。第七章,具体分析了大学英语教师的投入和产出的含义和内容,建立了大学英语教师绩效的DEA模型及评价指标体系。第八章,是大学英语教师绩效评估的实证分析。给出了一个具体例子。应用之前介绍的DEA方法,对该学院的十几名大学英语教师进行了绩效评估,得出了具体排名,对评估结果的具体数据进行了详细的分析,证明了DEA方法的可行性。同时对于绩效评估结果中效果不理想的教师,利用数据包络分析模型的还原功能,进行了再次运算和求解,提出了具体改进办法。对于绩效较高的教师即DEA的值全部为1的教师,通过引入标杆教师的方法,对他们进行了再排名和重新评价,以发现他们的不足。最后通过添加约束的方法,融入学院的导向,来引导大学英语教师在教学、科研和服务等几方面平衡发展。第九章,对整个论文的研究工作做了总结。总结了论文的主要工作和创新点。展望了有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 21st century is an international era of high-tech; this age is facing the conversion from industrial society to informational society. It expands cultural exchange and cooperation among different countries with the rapid technological advancement, the rising of interdisciplinary, the blending between the scientific culture and the literary culture, the developing of information society. The opportunity and challenge to foreign language teacher’education would be realized. Plan Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Development and Reform (2010—2020) points out that high-quality teacher staff should be built. Teachers are the essentials in the education. Qualified teachers can lead to qualified students. Education evaluation should be improved. A scientific and diverse assessing rubric should be established according to talent objective and conception. Teacher evaluation and selection system should be improved, so that a better education environment can be created. With scientific talent concept, scientific and socialized teacher evaluation and development system should be established. And this system is based on job responsibilities, is oriented to morality, ability and performance. College English teacher performance evaluation is a key session of foreign language teacher education; college English teacher performance evaluation will be studied in this paper.This dissertation includes three parts. Part 1 is research status. In this part, the definition and the particularities of college English teacher performance are made clear, it is a kind of conceptual refinement; The characteristics of high performance college English teacher is analyzed; the status quo of college English teacher performance evaluation is studied by the way of questionnaires and interview. Part 2 is the study of index system of college English teacher performance evaluation. In this part, the theoretical basis, guidelines, principles and function of the index system are illustrated; the concrete structure and weight scales of the assessment index system are constructed. Part 3 is actualization (or implementation method) study of college English teacher performance evaluation. It includes:ranking 15 teachers using data envelopment analysis method and bench-marking method; bringing forward betterment measures to non-valid (or poor performance) teachers; balancing teaching, scientific research and service work of college English teacher by adding constraints.In order to make an in-depth study or an intensive study, an adequate preparation and a substantial argument are made. Especially to the 7 aspects involved in college English teacher performance evaluation, a comprehensive theoretical speculativeness and empirical research are developed. The questions and viewpoints are as follows:1. What kind of aspects should be included in college English teacher performance? What are the functions, principles and significance of college English teacher performance evaluation?College English teacher performance evaluation is the assessment to the work performance of college English teacher, including teaching, scientific research and service. In other words, it refers to the evaluation to labor process, labor behavior and labor results of college English teacher. It can regulate and guide the teachers’behavior according to the evaluation feedback so that the teachers’qualities, teaching level, scientific research level and service level can be improved. The particularities of college English teacher as distinguished from other groups should be considered in the process of evaluation and process of establishing the index system. To some extent, performance evaluation means efficiency evaluation, so that the cost factor or the input factor should be taken into consideration. The evaluation can be made from the aspect of cost input and performance output, to reflect the efficiency. Developing college English teacher performance evaluation will benefit foreign language teacher performance evaluation system, will contribute to the development of foreign language teacher management theories, will be helpful to improve college foreign language education quality, will be favorable to bring in competition mechanism, will be good to stimulate or motivate teacher enthusiasm and initiative, will be beneficial to attract talent, enlarge faculty force, improve the organizational efficiency, will be conductive to fill the gap of current studies.2. Are there any differences between the performance of college English teacher and that of other industries or other professions? If there are, what are the particularities of college English teacher performance? College English teacher have their own particularities as distinguished to other groups, such as industrial characteristics and professional features. Industrial particularities cover:the particular teacher quality skill required by teacher vocation; the specialty and complexity of teacher labor method, labor process, labor object and labor fruits. Professional particularities comprise:rapider development and wider affirmation of English major; larger population of English teacher; nation-wide unified examination; larger class teaching; more significant status in students’mind; the tool role of English; nation-wide college English teaching reformation; many times foreign language education policies promulgation; the longest time as obligatory course; more credits than other subjects, etc.3. What kind of teacher can be called high-qualified college English teacher? What are their characteristics?The characteristics of high-qualified college English teacher refer to the differences of high-level college English teacher as distinguished to low-level teachers, in the respects of teaching, scientific research and service. The characteristics are as follows:(1) abundant education knowledge and language knowledge, including foreign language knowledge, general education knowledge, and pedagogy knowledge etc; (2) problem consciousness and critical thinking, containing exploring teaching phenomena, making a critical thinking in teaching and studying, integrating theory with practice; (3) excellent teaching ability and information accomplishment, flexibility, initiative and creativeness;(4) all-around development value, individuality development belief and lifelong development belief, covering reflective teaching, cooperation development, network studying, teaching action research; (5) better teaching autonomy and higher sense of self-efficacy, such as great profession promise ability, automatic working motivation, better education validity; (6) stronger personality, influence, communication capability; (7) outstanding achievement on foreign language teaching, scientific research and service, embracing finishing teaching task successfully, publishing scientific research papers, taking active part in service activities inside school and outside school, contributing their share to foreign language subject development etc.High-performance college English teacher can be judged from two sides:teacher behavior and teacher achievement. Teacher behavior, such as teacher synthetic quality which is the base and condition of teacher achievement, teacher achievement, such as teaching, scientific research and service is the logical result of teacher behavior. Generally speaking, the teacher behavior of high-performance college English teacher is highly reasonable, teacher achievement is highly effective.In details, there are four fields, i.e. quality, teaching, scientific research and service. They are an entirety; they constitute the characteristics of high-performance college English teacher.4. What is the status quo of college English teacher performance evaluation? This question can be divided into the following subquestions:1) What are the methods of college English teacher performance evaluation? What has been included in the evaluation indexes? 2) How do colleges feedback and use the performance results? 3) Are college English teacher satisfied with the current evaluation system? What are their attitudes? 4) Is the current evaluation system reasonable? What kind of problems are in the present evaluation system? How to solve the problems?The questionnaires and interviews to 108 college English teacher coming from 23 universities are made to find problems in the current evaluation system. Some colleges take quantitative method, some take qualitative method, others take both; evaluation indexes mainly include teaching hours and scientific research tasks, science and technology colleges make more emphasis on the scientific research tasks; some universities make feedback to the assessment result, but others do not; most of the college English teacher are not satisfied with the current evaluation system and execution process. There are a lot of problems in the present performance evaluation system. Firstly, there are some problems in the performance evaluation mechanism, such as stressing quantity but not quality, making evaluation as a mere formality. Secondly, there are some problems in the performance evaluation system, like lacking unified rubrics; emphasizing the outputs of teachers but not inputs; the evaluation results do not make for teachers’improvement. Thirdly, there are some problems in the performance evaluation indexes, such as the indexes themselves are incomplete and lack of scientific analysis, are short of differences between different indexes; indexes’orientation is unreasonable; the interpretation of the indexes are overlapping. Therefore, the differences of college English teacher should be taken into consideration when designing the performance evaluation system, so that the equity and scientificity of performance evaluation to college English teacher can be guaranteed.5. How to establish a reasonable college English teacher performance evaluation system? What should be included in this system? What are the guidelines and stages of the reasonable evaluation system?Theoretical supporting is necessary for a reasonable evaluation system. There are many theories to support college English teacher performance evaluation system, such as teaching procedure theory, teacher evaluation theory, values theory, human resource management theory, system theory and motivation theory. There are many guidelines for the evaluation system:principle of people-oriented or people foremost, principle of subordinating the interests of the part to those of the whole, principle of combining theory with practice, principle of unifying universality with particularity, comprehensive principle, operative principle, objective principle, feasible principle systematic and dynamic principle, the principle of emphasizing promoting teacher’s quality, stressing teaching methods and teaching modes indexes. There three stages of designing the evaluation system:divergent phase, convergent phase and experimental stage.As most of the foreign language departments of universities undertake three tasks, i.e. foreign language teaching, scientific research and service, in accordance with college developing targets and talents cultivating requirements, there are four aspects involved in college English teacher performance evaluation:quality, teaching scientific research and service. (1) Quality, headed by virtue, covers teaching attitude, scientific research morality, team-work spirits, and professional quality, being a paragon/model of virtue and learning for others, etc. (2) Teaching includes teaching hours, teaching quality, teaching innovation and students’impression. From the quantitative respect, teaching means teaching hours, student numbers and teaching method, etc. From the qualitative respect, teaching means the students’impression, the experts’impression and marks. (3) Scientific research contains original scientific research fruits, the quantity and quality of scientific research projects and articles, etc. (4) Service consists of inside-school and outside-school socially useful activities, the teacher’s status in the academic world, like social position, government position and other professional contributions, and so on. On the base of existing research on the teacher performance evaluation, questionnaires and interviews are made to more than 100 college English teacher and 10 foreign education experts, in-depth interviews are made to the college English teacher with administrative post coming from 17 universities. The college English teacher performance evaluation system structure is constructed after repeated siftings and discussions.6. What is the appropriate evaluating method to college English teacher performance? Why the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is adopted? How to use DEA method and bench-marking method to make an evaluation to college English teacher performance?There are many methods to make performance evaluation. After comparing, DEA is adopted for its advantages and feasibility. The chief advantages of DEA are:horizontal comparison and longitudinal comparison among different teachers can be made; the dominant functional relationship between input indexes and output indexes does not to be calculated beforehand; the comprehensive rate parameters do not need to be calculated in advance; the non-dimensional quantities treatment do not need to be done; dimension of the input and output indexes do not need to unified; DEA deals with the input and output indexes separately with less computation amounts; so it is more objective and feasible to use DEA method in college English teacher performance evaluation. However, DEA can only deal with relative efficiency evaluation, it can not make analysis to each effective decision-making unit (DMU) in the case of there are multiple effective DMU. So the bench-marking method is used to make up this shortcoming of DEA.In accordance with the DEA model and evaluation system of college English teacher performance built in this thesis, the input of college English teacher performance includes:manpower input, material input and financial resources input; output of it includes:teaching output, scientific research output and service output.7. In the college English teacher performance evaluation, if there are some teachers’ evaluation result is unsatisfactory, how to present his or her improvement plan using DEA model? How to use DEA model to evaluate some teachers who are unbalanced in their teaching performance and scientific research performance?This thesis combines the DEA method and bench-marking method, it not only can make performance evaluation to college English teacher, but also can offer improvement strategies to non-valid teachers, and for instance, by adding teaching hours, scientific research tasks or improving the degree of whole performance satisfaction, by this way the non-valid teacher can become valid teacher. A second round evaluation can be made to all the valid teachers, by integrating bench-marking method into DEA model, so that the ranking of the valid teachers can be gotten. In addition, by applying constraint conditions to the DEA model, the unbalanced development problem of college English teacher in teaching, scientific research and service can be solved; the unbalanced development problem of college English teacher in teaching quantity and teaching quality can be solved partly.An empirical study is made in this thesis, based on the characteristics of college English teacher, a preference constraint of balancing teaching and scientific research, and another a preference constraint of balancing teaching quantity and teaching quality are designed to add to the DEA model of college English teacher performance evaluation(CETPE), with the changing of the constraints, the value of DEA and the ranking sequence of the 15 teachers are changing. This means the valuators’guidances have significant influences on the evaluation result. Different guidances can be provided through adding different constraints. In the foreign language teaching and scientific research, valuator/appraiser/estimator can present different constraints purposefully, especially to the problems that the valuator concerns about. By this means, the problematic teachers can be found, and the pointed improvement measures can be put forward. The valuators should guide college English teacher to balance their teaching, scientific research and serve work, so that they can get higher performance.This study consists of 9 chapters.Chapter one mainly introduces the background and significance of the theme, including the background information of teacher performance evaluation and the relative legal policies; the practical & theoretical significance of the theme; the main studying questions, variables, objects, contents, researching methods, researching frame and range.Chapter two gives a refined definition of college English teacher performance evaluation; analyzes the actuality or status quo of college English teaching, the particularities of college English teacher, the characteristics of high performance college English teacher; illustrates the function of college English teacher performance evaluation.Chapter three collects and analyzes the existing data of college English teacher performance evaluation, including the developing course and evaluating practices both at home and abroad; summarizes and analyzes the existing studying achievements and theories by sorting; describes the issues and shortages in current researches; makes a summary of the survey results in college organizational level on the base of sufficient document investigation of related research works at domestic and abroad; in this chapter, on the issues of CETPE, questionnaires survey and interview investigation are adopted; the present problems and influential facts are pointed out, several solutions to these issues are put forward.Chapter four expounds the theories supporting college English teacher performance evaluation, including teaching procedure theory, teacher evaluation theory, human resource management theory, values theory, motivation theory, system theory. Chapter five gives the detail information about the guidelines and principles of college English teacher performance evaluation index system. The concrete index structure, evaluation procedures, evaluation steps, evaluation indexes and index weight design are presented.Chapter six expounds the specific methods of college English teacher performance evaluation. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is outlined, including its meaning, fundamental rules and basic analysis function. The two basic models of DEA, their actual meaning and application conditions are introduced in here. The characteristics of DEA as a method of performance evaluation are described; the feasibility and superiority of DEA in this study are elucidated. The limitations of DEA are also be analyzed. Then, the benchmarking management method is introduced. The benchmarking management method is integrated with DEA method to compensate or make up the shortcomings of DEA model.Chapter seven establishes the DEA model and the evaluation index system of college English teacher performance. On the basic analysis of the job of college English teacher, an input analysis and an output analysis of college English teacher’s job are made. An index system is constructed from the perspective of DEA.Chapter eight is an empirical analysis. It is a case of college English teacher performance evaluation. In this chapter, DEA model and benchmarking management method are applied, taking 15 English teachers of a university as the sample, an operation, a solution and a relative analysis are made. The feasibility of this evaluation system and method can be verificated in this way. At the same time, in accordance with the reduction function of DEA model, several kinds of improved schemes for inefficient DMU (DEA decision making units) are supplied. A second round evaluation is performed to the efficient or valid DMUs by using the benchmarking way. At last, from the aspect of balancing among teaching, scientific research and service, a DEA model with constraints is brought forward.Chapter nine is a summary to generalize the whole study, innovations and limitations in this dissertation. Suggestions are proposed for further research and improvement.

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