

National Building in Mega-events

【作者】 艾小勇

【导师】 吴友富;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 国家形象事关国家合法性建构,强调主体价值标准的判断,是“形”和“像”的统一。国家形象在根本上取决于国家的综合国力,但并不完全等同于国家的实际状况,它在某种程度上是可以被塑造的。通过有选择的信息传递和有意识的舆论引导,可以改变国家形象中的不利认知因素如负面刻板印象或脸谱化的议程设置。国际社会对中国国家形象的不同认识反映了国家利益的分歧、意识形态的断裂,反映出对中国快速发展、迅速崛起会冲击现有国际格局的担忧,但同中国自身形象构建的某些失误与国际社会的误读也不无关系。随着全球公民社会的兴起,以公共外交为视角,通过重大事件的议题建构功能,利用媒介传播,以提升国家的国际声望被视为塑造国家形象的一种新型策略。本论文试图探究重大事件、国家形象和公共外交三者之间所存在的重要关联关系。本论文的核心议题是在公共外交基础上,研究重大事件是否有助于塑造良好的国家形象和获得有利的国际认同。根据公共外交理论,本论文提出重大事件中可能影响国家形象塑造的五个自变量的分析性假设,并构建了一个包括主题建构、活动造势、政府角色、媒介传播和公众参与五个要素组成的重大事件塑造国家形象的TAGMP模式。为检验以上关于重大事件中国家形象塑造的基本变量的假设,本文选取近年来发生的三个重大事件个案,进行深度分析,包括上海世界博览会、2010年智利圣何塞铜矿矿难和2011年英国“王室婚礼”三个事件个案。每个个案中都从主题建构、活动造势、政府角色、媒介传播和公众参与等层面进行分析比较。构建21世纪中国国家形象是个重要课题,本论文尝试从公共外交视角,提出重大事件塑造国家形象的TAGMP模式,积极探讨在重大事件中如何进行话语建构、价值诉求与行为识别来塑造良好的国家形象,这对于中国实施和谐外交理念和构建和平发展的国家形象具有重大现实意义和借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 National image is related to the national legitimacy construction. Emphasizing the subjective standard of value judgments, national image is the“shape”and“likeness”unity. National image depends essentially on the country’s comprehensive national strength, but not exactly the same as the actual situation of the country. It can be shaped to some extent. Through selectively transferring information and consciously guiding public opinion, we can change the national image of the negative cognitive factors such as negative stereotypes or stereotype of agenda setting. China’s national image of the international community not only reflects the different understanding of the differences of national interests, ideological fracture, reflecting the rapid rise will impact the existing pattern of international concern, but the image building of China’s own mistakes and the misreading of international society is related.With the rise of global civil society, exploiting the mega- events of the agenda building function, the use of media communication to enhance the country’s international reputation and shape the national image has been considered as a new strategy from the perspective of public diplomacy. This dissertation attempts to explore the important relationship among mega-events, national image and public diplomacy. Key issues of this dissertation is to research whether a mega-event will help create a good national image and to obtain a favorable international recognition based on public diplomacy, According to theory of public diplomacy, this research propose five independent variables of analytical assumptions probability that may affect mega-events in shaping the national image and construct a national image building model-TAGMP, including the Topic Building, Activity Launching, Government Role, Media Communication and public participation. In order to test the above basic variables of the hypothesis, the dissertation selects three mega-events occurred in recent years to analyze cases of in-depth, including the Shanghai World Expo, 2011British“royal wedding”and the 2010 copper mine in Chile in San Jose. Each case will be constructed from the Topic Building, Activity Launching, Government Role, Media Communication and public participation levels compared.Building the 21st century china’s national image is an important issue. This dissertation attempts to develop a mega-events shaping the national image of the TAGMP model from public diplomacy perspective, actively explores how to conduct discourse construction, value propositions and behavior recognition in mega-events to create a good national image, which is of great practical significance and reference value for the implementation of China’s harmonious diplomatic philosophy and building a peaceful development of the national image.

  • 【分类号】D80
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2153

