

【作者】 白莲花

【导师】 金基石;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本论文基于语言类型学的视角,利用对比语言学的理论,以论元和非论元结构之间的语序排列为纲、以历时游移为辅,归纳了韩汉语的语序特征和规则。全文共分六个章节:第一章,绪论部分,主要介绍本论文的研究宗旨和选题、对韩汉语语序研究进行梳理并总结前人研究的成就与不足,概述国内外类型学研究、当代语言类型学研究中的几组重要概念及本文的相关理论依据,介绍内容框架、研究方法及语料来源。第二章,韩汉语论元成分的语序类型,从语言共性角度出发,指出韩汉语S、O、V三个成分在常规分布和变异类型上反映出的2条倾向性和3组动因;分析了韩国语双主格标记、双宾格标记与语序类型间的互动模式。第三章,韩汉语非论元中NP修饰语的语序类型,对名词短语层面上核心名词与各类修饰语之间的排序进行描写和解释。第四章,韩汉语非论元中VP修饰语的语序类型,对动词短语层面上核心动词与各类修饰语之间的排序进行描写和解释。通过描写韩汉语非论元成分的语序类型,归纳韩国语和汉语在语序上存在的一系列相关性,包括普遍共性、蕴涵共性和倾向性,找出导致韩汉语不同排列形式的制约条件和动因,并对此进行类型学的解释。在三、四章节中,本文首先(1)依次考察了单项、双项修饰语之间的语序排列,归纳了韩汉语多项修饰语的排序;(2)描述韩汉语可能出现的排序和不允许出现的排序,找出了驱使语言形式的各项动因;(3)在名词短语层面上,围绕两个问题,从各二元参项间的蕴含共性推导出了各类参项和名词之间的语序和谐性。通过对比分析,得出结论:(1)韩汉语时间修饰语要比处所修饰语具有更强的前置倾向;(2)韩汉语VP修饰语的排序符合“电子分层分布原理”。第五章,韩汉语历时游移的特殊案例分析,通过考察在历时上发生游移的两个特殊案例—数名结构和否定结构的历史演化,对比韩汉语的历时演化轨迹,从它们相同或者相异的演化轨迹推导出类型学动因,对共时语言现象重新作出解释。第六章,结论部分,总结本文的研究工作,归纳韩国语类型学总体特征,指出今后要进行的研究工作。

【Abstract】 Basing on theories from contrastive linguistics, this dissertation aims at analyzing the characteristics and principles of word order between Chinese and Koreanlanguages(C&K) from the perspective of linguistic typology, and is mainly withinthe outline of the word order arrangement of argument and non-argument structure, taking the diachronic evolvement as a supplement. The present dissertation consists of six chapters.Chapter One introduces the researching purpose and reasons to select this researching subject. After a brief review of the previous C&K word order studies and summing up the achievements and shortcomings, this chapter makes a general introduction to some critical concepts of typology researches both in China and abroad, relevant theoretical foundations, contents, research methodology and the source of Corpus of this dissertation.Chapter Two discusses word order types of C&K argument in terms of linguistic universal, indicating 2 tendencies and 3 groups of motivations reflected fromnormal distribution and variation type of C&K subject, verb and object. This part also analyzes the interactive mode between C&K double-nominative mark, double-objective mark and word order type.Chapter Three talks about the word order type of NP modifier in C&K non-argument. This chapter describes and explains the sequences of the core noun andits modifiers within the noun phrase.Chapter Four talks about the word order type of VP modifier in C&K non-argument and describes and explains the sequences of the core verb and its modifiers within the verb phrase.This chapter concludes a series of C&K word order relevance including universals, implicational universals and tendencies by depicting the word order type ofC&K non-argument, locates the constraints and motivations leading to different C&K arrangements and carries out he typological explanation accordingly. In the Chapter 3 and 4, the following was talked first: (1) C&K multi-modifiers sequencesare concluded by analyzing the word order arrangements of single modifier and double modifiers respectively; (2) Probably appearing C&K sequences and not permitted C&K sequences are listed and different motivations of language forms arefound out; (3) Basing on noun phrase level and focusing on two problems, wordorder concordance between each kind of parameters and related nouns is deducedby discussing implicational universals of various dual- parameters. The conclusionswere carried out by contrast and analysis: (1) C&K time modifiers tend to be more often preposed than place modifiers; (2) The sequence of C&K VP modifiersis in accordance with“Electronic Hierarchical Distributed Principle”.Chapter Five makes a special case study of C&K diachronic evolvement by inspecting two special cases which go through evolvement diachronically, namely,the historical evolvement of numeral-noun structure and negative structure. By comparing this evolvement with the C&K evolving orbit diachronically, either similar or different, I derive the typological motivations and remake an explanation to the synchronic language phenomenon.Chapter Six is the conclusion part in which researching in this dissertation issummed up, general characteristics of Korean typology are concluded and the following research is summarized.

【关键词】 语序类型学韩国语汉语对比研究
【Key words】 word ordertypologyKoreanChinesecontrastive study
  • 【分类号】H55;H146
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1124

