

【作者】 万明

【导师】 吴友富;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 统计数据显示:上世纪50年代,担任一国元首或政府首脑的女性仅有1人,60年代有3人,70年代有7人,80年代有11人。而到了21世纪,女性领导人数量显著增加,欧洲多国内阁中女性人数超过了男性,世界政治舞台掀起了一阵强劲的“粉红旋风”。除了直接担任国家首脑,女性还以男性首脑妻子的身份出现,间接发挥着不可或缺的作用。这些杰出女性政治家不仅在国内享有崇高的威望,在国际上也扮演着极其重要的角色。随着国际政坛“她时代”的来临,国际政治话语显现出不同以往的柔性化特征。与传统男性政治强调控制所不同的是,女性更主张并擅长于沟通,且女性独有的亲和力和个人魅力令她们在男性统治的世界中更加游刃有余。鲜花、咖啡、靓丽的外表都可以成为她们独到的传播方式。女性给传统的男性政治带来了怎样一股清新之风?女性的特点和优势是怎样影响国际政治的?女性首脑们对国际政治传播有哪些影响和意义?本文将聚焦活跃在当今国际政坛较有代表性的女性领导人,以两性性别心理和社会行为差异为切入口,尝试运用社会学的方法考察女性领导人的性别角色、形象、话语和行为在国际政治传播中的作用,并通过个案分析,比较女性在传播方式、传播效果上的特征,探索女性特有的话语和符号体系对国际政治传播的影响。通过撰写此文,笔者希望引发人们关注女性经验和价值观对国际政治体系的补充和平衡作用,促进读者对女性执政规律和趋势的进一步思考,并相信在中国政府大力倡导构建和谐社会的背景下,研究该议题对中国争取良好的外部发展环境有着深远意义。

【Abstract】 The statistics show that in the 1950s there’s only one female head of state or government leader in the world. The figure increased to 3 in the 1960s, 7 in the 1970s and 11 in the 1980s. However, this number rises significantly in the 21st century. There are more women than men in the cabinet of many European countries. The Pink Tornado blows strongly on the world’s political stage. Besides taking the head of state, women also come up as wives of male counties leaders and play an indispensable role indirectly. These stateswomen have great prestige and influence both in home and abroad. With the arrival of Women Times in the political era, international political discourse becomes tenderer than ever before.Different from the traditional politics which focus on power of domination, women maintain and prefer communication. In addition, because of their exclusive charm, they are more easily accepted in the male-dominant world. Flowers, coffee and glamorous appearance are their special ways of communication. What did women bring to male-dominant politics? How do female characteristics and advantages affect the international political communication? The thesis chooses some outstanding stateswomen from different counties, makes comparisons of their images, discourse and behavior through the angles of social gender in order to make a conclusion on features and effects of female political communication.The thesis is going to arouse the attention on the values of females in the international political system and inspire the further thoughts on female governing rules. The research is of great significance on constructing harmonious international environment.

【关键词】 女性领导人国际政治沟通
【Key words】 Female leadersInternational politicsCommunication
  • 【分类号】D50;G206;C913.68
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1532

