

A Study on College English Curriculum Design

【作者】 史光孝

【导师】 陈坚林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【副题名】A Hidden Curriculum Perspective

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国的大学英语教学水平有了长足的进步,大学生的英语能力整体上上了一个新台阶,但长期以来我国外语教育存在着“费时低效”的问题也是不争的事实。针对这一问题,学界从不同角度进行了诸多探讨并试图加以解决,但实际效果并不理想。从上个世纪末开始我国高等教育进入快速发展时期。然而,与这种高等教育快速发展不相称的是我国的外语课程设计与研究工作的滞后与缺失,尤其是在信息技术与外语课程开始进行全方位的整合、外语课程构成范式发生深刻转变的情况下,从课程角度对外语教育“费时低效”问题进行的探讨更不多见。以计算机网络为代表的信息技术与外语课程整合后,外语课程的构成范式也就从传统的“2 + 1”模式(理论、方法+课程或教材)转变为“3 + 1”模式(理论、方法、技术+课程或教材),即教学理论、教学方法、信息技术体现于课程或教材之中。可以说,课程构成范式的改变是计算机网络环境下外语课程定位的首要特征之一。因此,本研究选取以改革开放以来的第三次大学英语教学改革为大背景,以“3 + 1”外语课程构成范式为主线来对国内三所高校及其部分教师和学生的外语隐性课程状况及其原因进行考察,并就研究的发现对我国外语课程设计的启示进行探讨,以期能够对我国大学英语教学改革的顺利进行起到良好的促进作用。论文共由七章组成,总体框架基本如下。第一章作为整个论文的导言,主要介绍了该项研究的缘起、相关的背景信息以及论文的主要结构等,同时对研究的理论和实践意义以及所运用的研究方法和手段作了简要说明。在随后的文献综述部分,笔者采用夹叙夹议的方式对学界先前有关课程和隐性课程的研究以及相关文献资料进行了较为系统的综述和梳理,并结合外语教学的实际情况,对课程和隐性课程进行了新的诠释和解读,为后续研究进行了理论铺垫。笔者提出了课程不仅具有“计划性”,同时还具有“实际性”和“过程性”的观点。从这个角度出发,本研究把课程定义为“为实现学校教育目标而计划、进行和发生的所有教育内容的总和”。作为课程的一个下位概念,隐性课程相应地被重新定义为“学校情景内进行和发生的、相对于明确陈述和预先计划的显性课程而言的处于‘隐蔽’状态的教育内容”。在显性课程与隐性课程的关系上,笔者特别指出,两者呈现出兼容并包而非互为对立的关系。两者之间的区分是为了彰显隐性课程在教育中的重要地位和作用,同时也是对课程的一种兼具广度和深度的思考。出于研究需要,笔者将外语隐性课程分为了学校、教师和学生三个层面并分别加以考察。第三章就是以《大学英语课程教学要求》(2007)为显性课程比较参照系、以国内三所学校为样本对学校层面的外语隐性课程进行的考察。在对第三次大学英语教学改革进行简要介绍后,论文用了较大篇幅对研究问题的提出、研究变量的确定、研究对象的选取以及研究方法和手段的运用理据等做出了较为详细的说明。研究发现,所选取的三所学校在教学要求、课程设置、教学模式、教学评估和教学管理等方面都不同程度地存在着一些隐性课程,很多情况下这些隐性课程呈现出与国家显性课程不一致的特征。引起学校外语隐性课程的原因主要集中在内部和外部两个方面:内部原因主要为《大学英语课程教学要求》本身的刚性有余和柔性不足,外部原因则主要为学校管理层的观念、对《课程要求》理解的不到位以及考试的反拨作用等。理解和参与课程是教师的工作和生活,而课程只有依赖教师的理解和实施才能实现自身的意义和价值。课程与教师的关系由此可见一斑。第四章运用调查问卷和访谈的方式对三所学校的26名教师的外语隐性课程进行了考察,发现以课程改革的理念和目标以及学校教学大纲为主要载体的显性课程在教师的课程实践过程中发生了不同程度的衰减和式微,这与教师们在教学内容、教学模式和手段以及师生作用和角色的处理上存在多元化的隐性课程有一定的关系。教师在课程改革中参与程度不高、教师信念与认知以及认知情景和认知对象是造成教师隐性课程的几个主要原因。在对学校和教师的隐性课程进行考察后,论文的第五章对三所学校的273名学生的外语隐性课程进行了考察和分析。考察的研究变量确定在学生的学习动机和目的、学习内容、学习过程和方式上。学生在以上几个方面的外语隐性课程体现出不同的特征,其中的学习动机和目的呈现出比较强的工具性特征,学习内容与学习动机有着密切联系,学生对“3 + 1”外语课程构成范式下的信息技术作用的认同感不高,实际使用信息技术提高语言应用能力的情况不甚理想。测试的反拨效应、课程设置的合理性以及外语教学软件设计存在缺陷与问题等是引起学生外语隐性课程的主要原因。第六章是论文的讨论部分,是在对学校、教师和学生等不同层面的外语隐性课程考察及其研究发现的基础上对我国外语课程设计的一些思考。在对课程设计的理论和模式进行了简要回顾后,该部分重点对外语课程设计的几个演变和发展阶段,比如传统模式、整体化课程、动态化课程和生态化课程进行了阐述,并在此基础上就课程设计中如何更好地体现隐性课程提出了几点建议,比如课程设计应以学习者为中心、重视教师的地位和作用以及情景化设计等。第七章主要对整个研究进行回顾,分析了本研究的创新之处及存在的不足,指出虽然本研究对课程和隐性课程的诠释在原有研究基础上有所突破,并对三所学校的外语隐性课程进行了实证考察,但研究层面尚不够广泛深入,实证研究尚待进一步完善。论文最后对隐性课程研究的发展趋势予以了展望。整体来看,本研究围绕隐性课程这一概念对三所学校大学英语教学改革进行的考察和所得到的发现一定程度上丰富了课程研究的内涵和范围,扩展了课程研究的视野,推动了课程理论的合理发展,同时对课程论学科的发展也具有一定的借鉴和参考意义,尤其是使隐性课程研究由目前的“隐性”状态转变为“显性”状态,一定程度上改变了先前隐性课程研究严重薄弱的局面。此外,该研究还通过考察不同层面的外语隐性课程状况,分析了外语隐性课程在课程设计中的重要地位,并在此基础上探讨了隐性课程对我国外语课程设计的启发。本研究不可能解决我国外语教育中的全部问题,但笔者仍希望它能够充实外语教育中课程研究的内容,从而为解决我国外语教育较长一个时期以来的“费时低效”问题提供一个新的角度和思路。

【Abstract】 Much progress has been made in college English teaching since China’s reform and opening to the outside world. Correspondingly, college students’abilities to use English have improved a lot as well. It is undeniable, however, that foreign language teaching in China has long been beset by the problem of being“time-consuming and low-efficient”. Although earnest endeavors have been made and various solutions have been suggested, the outcome has regrettably fallen short of the public expectation. From the end of last century China has been meeting the challenge to increase its development of higher education, which finds itself out of all proportion to the lagging behind of foreign language curriculum design and study. The absence of probe into“time-consuming and low-efficient”problem from the perspective of curriculum is more obvious under the background of integration between information technology and foreign language curriculum, which leads to a profound change in the foreign language curriculum construction paradigm.When the information technology represented by computer network is integrating with foreign language curriculum, a corresponding change is taking place in the construction paradigm of foreign language curriculum: the traditional“2 + 1”model (theory, method + curriculum or textbook) is transiting into a“3 + 1”model (theory, method, technology + curriculum or textbook). To put it another way, theory, method and technology are all embodied in foreign language curriculum or textbook. We are safe to say that the change in curriculum construction paradigm is one of the primary features of foreign language curriculum under the background of computer network. Based on all these factors, this study, taking the third college English teaching reform as the research background and“3 + 1”model as the main line, conducts a survey on the foreign language hidden curriculum of three universities and some of their teachers and students. Findings of the survey are believed to be helpful to our foreign language curriculum design, in the hope of promoting college English teaching reform.The dissertation is composed of seven chapters and its overall framework is as follows. The first chapter serves as the introductory part, briefing the origin and background of the study as well as the structure of the dissertation. Meanwhile, both the theoretical significance and practical implications of the research are introduced. The research methodology employed in the study is discussed too.What follows the introductory part is the literature review, where the author attempts to provide a panorama of previous studies on curriculum and hidden curriculum. The author’s comments on the literature are also made. On the basis of previous literature and the de facto foreign language teaching, the author offers a new interpretation of curriculum and hidden curriculum, the purpose of which is to pedestal the further research. The proposition that curriculum refers not only to the“what should be”, but also the“what actually is and happens”is put forward in this part. Therefore, curriculum is redefined in this study as“all the educational activities planned and taking place within school aiming at the educational goal”. As a subcategory concept of curriculum, hidden curriculum is correspondingly redefined as“the implicit educational activities taking place within school that are relative to the definitely-stated and pre-specified formal curriculum”. It is pointed out that, instead of being opposite to each other, formal curriculum and hidden curriculum are mutually-inclusive and the distinction between the two is made to highlight the importance of hidden curriculum. Meanwhile, a comprehensive and scientific study on curriculum necessitates such a distinction.The survey of foreign language hidden curriculum is conducted from the dimensions of school, teacher and student for the sake of clarity. Chapter Three, taking College English Curriculum Requirements as the formal curriculum, focuses on the foreign language hidden curriculum on the part of schools. After a brief introduction of the third college English teaching reform, the dissertation expounds the research question, research variables and research subjects. The employment of research methodology is justified as well. Findings indicate that the three selected universities have their specific hidden curriculum in teaching requirements, curriculum configuration, teaching mode, teaching management and evaluation to different degrees, which do not conform to the formal curriculum in some cases. Schools’hidden curriculum can be accounted for from both the internal and external sources: the internal source is related to the rigidity of College English Curriculum Requirements, while the external source is related to the notion of school management, deviation from College English Curriculum Requirements, and the backwash effect of testing.Being a teacher entails understanding and participating in curriculum, which, in return, is not valuable without teachers’understanding and implementing. In chapter Four, questionnaires and interviews are employed to carry out a survey on foreign language hidden curriculum on the part of teachers. Twenty-six teachers from the three selected universities voluntarily participated in the survey. Hidden curriculum on the part of teachers is found to be existing in their teaching content, teaching mode and media, and the roles they and their students play in actual teaching. Hidden curriculum on the part of teachers contributes to the changes in formal curriculum that is embodied in school syllabuses and some reform-related ideas. Teachers’hidden curriculum can be attributed to their inadequate involvement in curriculum reform, their belief and cognition, cognitive context and demands from their students, etc.After the examination of hidden curriculum on the part of schools and teachers, chapter Five, taking two hundred and seventy-three students from three universities as the subjects, targets the foreign language hidden curriculum on the part of students. Research variables include students’English learning motivation, learning content, and their preferred way of learning English. Hidden curriculum in the above aspects assumes different properties: learning motivation tends to be instrumental rather than integrative, learning content is closely related to learning motivation, and students’identity sense of information technology under the“3 + 1”curriculum construction paradigm is not strong enough. When it comes to the reasons for students’hidden curriculum, the backwash effect of testing, curriculum configuration and shortcomings of the teaching software are among the typical ones.Chapter Six presents a discussion of the study, aiming to clarify the enlightenment of hidden curriculum on foreign language curriculum design. At the beginning of this chapter is a review of curriculum design theories and models, which is followed by an elaboration of the stages foreign language curriculum design has been undergoing and will develop into, such as traditional model, coherent curriculum, dynamic curriculum and ecological curriculum. Principles that should be adhered to in incorporating hidden curriculum into curriculum design are put forward, such as learner-centeredness, teacher-highlighting and contextualization, etc.As a summary of the study, the final chapter makes an analysis of its originalities and shortcomings, pointing out that although the study provides a new interpretation of curriculum and hidden curriculum and some empirical studies on foreign language hidden curriculum are carried out, the study needs to be perfected in the types and number of schools involved as well as the design of empirical study. Future studies on hidden curriculum are also discussed.As a whole, the exploration into English teaching reform of the three universities from the perspective of hidden curriculum enriches the scope of curriculum studies and lends an impetus to development of curriculum theories, thus providing some enlightenment to the discipline of curriculum studies. In particular, this dissertation brings about a change in the existing nature of studies on hidden curriculum by promoting it from the state of implicitness/invisibility to that of explicitness/visibility. In addition, this dissertation highlights the importance and implications of hidden curriculum in foreign language curriculum design. This study is unlikely to provide solutions to all the problems in our foreign language education once and for all, but it is desirable that hidden curriculum can offer a new perspective to inspect the long-besetting problem of“time-consuming and low-efficient”in our foreign language teaching.

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