

How to Upgrade the Effectiveness of College English Classroom Teaching

【作者】 郝鸿耀

【导师】 庄智象;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从语言交际能力培养目标角度来看,我国英语教学长期存在“费时低效”(戴炜栋,2001;周燕,2010)的问题。大学英语课堂教学更是如此。造成这种局面的因素主要有以下几个方面:1)针对学习理念和学习策略培养的学习者教育没有得到应有的重视,人们更多关注的是学习内容的传授(content-teaching),“以学习者为中心”(learner-centeredness)在很多情况下还仅仅是一个口号;2)中学英语教学和大学英语教学之间缺乏必要的过渡,特别是在中学阶段习以为常的一些不适宜教学方法和学习方法没有得到及时纠正,从而严重影响了大学英语教学效果;3)长期以来,通过考试(如大学英语四、六级)成为师生最重要的关切,很少有人关注以熟练掌握目标语技能为目的的教学本身;4)教师对教学实践的反思不够,加之教师对学生学习过程的积极干预被长期忽略,使得大学英语课堂教学的实效性未能达到应有水平。根据上述发现,本研究提出以下几个假设:1)尽管每个教师的教学理念各不相同,却无一例外地从诸多方面深刻地影响着教学效果;2)教师在重建学生的学习理念、对学生进行学习策略训练、干预学生的学习过程等方面的努力必然会正面地、显著地影响教学效果;3)将审美元素融入课堂教学实践的尝试可以起到促进学习动机和激发学习兴趣的作用;4)以引导学生主动“注意”、“聚焦于形”,强调重复性朗读为核心的反思性教学可以显著提高教学效果。基于以上分析,本研究试图以反思性教学为视角,通过构建和使用新的教学模式,探讨提高大学英语课堂教学实效性的方法与途径。反思性教学(Reflective Teaching)(Richards,J.C.,1996)理论在外语教学中得到广泛应用。它是以教师为主体,对教学行为进行反思的一种教学实践。在反思性教学理念引导下,教师对教学实践的多个个层面进行批判性思考,及时地发现和纠正教学中存在的问题,实现教学效果的提升。为实现上述目标,本研究参考了国内外外语教学的相关研究成果,在反思性教学理论框架下,建立了以“注意理论”、聚焦于形(意)和最近发展区理论(ZPD)为主要支撑,各个支撑点相互配合,协同发挥作用的教学模式。在这个模式中教师的作用主要体现在理论和实践两个层面。理论层面的核心思想是针对学习者贯彻‘全人’教育理念,通过学习理念、学习策略、学习心理的培养,端正学习态度,纠正功利化的学习动机,培养有效的学习策略,提高学习者的主动性、独立性和反思性。实践层面的核心内容是教师对学习过程的干预。例如在注意理论指导下,通过对学生朗读技能、听力技能的培养,将审美元素融入教学实践,从而激发学习兴趣,提升学习效果,最终实现大学英语课堂教学效果的提高。本论文共分七章:第一章是导论部分,这一章概括性地介绍大学英语教学改革背景,通过分析当前大学英语教学中存在的问题,在对这些问题进行思考的基础上对以往有关对语言课堂教学和对学习者研究进行综合性回顾与阐释,并对论文的研究方法、研究目标、研究的价值以及论文的整体架构进行大致说明。第二章是对有关外语教学实效性研究有关文献的综合回顾。这一章首先介绍了几个外语教学的相关概念,然后对国内外语言教学效果的研究成果进行了陈述。在明确了相关文献的成就和缺陷的基础上,提出了本研究的总体研究设想。第三章是本研究的理论基础。这一章内容围绕二语或外语教与学的基础研究文献展开调查,目的是为本课题的研究做理论铺垫。为此本章主要阐述了反思性教学理论、聚焦于形理论、聚焦于意理论、注意理论和维果斯基的最近发展区理论(ZPD)等,并尝试性地提出了理论模式。第四章是对大学英语课堂教学存在问题的调查研究。研究方法包括问卷调查、个别访谈和课堂观察等。问卷调查涉及不同性质的高校共5所,包括上海一所高校,北京一所高校,河北三所高校,被调查的师生数量合计758人,其中教师95人,学生663人。所得数据用SPSS17.0进行了分析讨论。第五章是论文的重点所在。该章针对调查访谈所发现的问题,在新的理论框架内提出了解决的方法和措施。这些措施主要分为指导思想和实践干预两个层面,各环节相互协调,综合发挥作用。第六章是第五章内容的自然延伸,通过一项个案研究对第五章所提出的应对措施进行实证检验。第七章为文章的结尾部分。该章对论文主要观点、主要结论和主要的创新点进行总结,同时也指出了本课题研究的缺点和不足,为后续研究明确方向。

【Abstract】 China’s English teaching has been“time-consuming and inefficient”(费时低效) (Dai,2001;Zhou,2010)since long. It is especially true when College English teaching is concerned. This problem is resulted from a variety of factors but may be most efficiently addressed from the perspective of College English teachers inside the classroom where teachers play a dominant role.Therefore, the current study, with the ultimate aim to upgrade the effectiveness of College English classroom teaching, is limited to what is under the control of the teachers. It adopts such tools as literature survey, questionnaires, classroom observations, interviews and case study. With these tools, preliminary investigation is conducted on teachers and learners from five universities of different types. Questionnaires are administered to 95 in-service College English teachers and 663 undergraduate non-English majors from the five universities in Hebei province, Bejing and Shanghai municipalities. It was found that the aspects affecting teaching effectiveness can be summarized in the following four respects:1) Learner education in terms of constructing learner belief system and learning strategy training has not received due attention, whereas much emphasis is put on content-teaching, leaner-centeredness being no more than a slogan;2) English teaching at middle schools and at colleges are poorly connected with each other in all respects;3) Little attention is paid to learning the target language itself in order to obtain a good command of it, instead, passing exams seems to be the greatest concern of all;4) Teacher reflections on teaching practice and intervention with the learning process have been neglected, which greatly hinders the effectiveness of teaching.With regard to the above findings, the whole research is hoped to prove the following hypothesis:1) Teaching philosophy differs from person to person and affects teaching practice in many ways; 2) Teachers’effort in learner education in terms of reconstructing learner belief system, undertaking learning strategy training, intervening with the learning process significantly helps to upgrade teaching effectiveness;3) An aesthetic taste added to teaching practice could help promote learner’s motivation and refresh their interest in learning;4) Reflective teaching by means of getting learner to notice, focusing on forms, stressing on repetitive loud reading, would work wonders in the effectiveness of teaching.From the literature survey conducted in this research, it can be seen that the effectiveness of language teaching was addressed in a rather discrete manner. For example, some studies were conducted either dealing with grammar teaching, or corrective feedback trying to see how effective these efforts may prove. Other studies such as those done by Chinese researchers approach to individual skills of either listening or writing in the pursuit of effectiveness. Little effort has been made to address College English classroom teaching as a whole in order to upgrade the effectiveness. Theories were based upon, but they have never been adopted within a coherent framework, where each theory is responsible for one aspect of teaching. The current research attempts to address the effectiveness of College English classroom teaching by constructing a new effective teaching model, based on what teachers are supposed to reflectively intervene with the learning process so that the anticipated goal of teaching effectiveness can be reached. On the basis of the analysis of the status quo of college English classroom teaching, this dissertation adopts the theory of reflective teaching, trying to exert teacher intervention on the learning process through which teaching effect is enhanced. Under the theoretical framework of reflective teaching, a new teaching model is constructed with the theories of noticing, focus on form, focus on meaning, ZPD included coherently as the supporting points. Detailed prescriptive remedies are offered in an attempt to deal with the causes to the ineffectiveness in teaching, supplemented with empirical case study.To sum up, the value of this study lies in the construction of a new teaching model that attempts to upgrade the effectiveness of teaching on the ideological level and practical level. The former focuses on the philosophy of‘whole person’learner education, through which learner beliefs, learning strategy, learning psychology are reconstructed so that problems of learner preferences, learner attribution to failure and learner motivation be addressed and learners become cooperative, independent and reflective in their study. The latter is realized through teacher intervention with the learning process. For example, by training learners in their loud reading, adding an aesthetic taste to teaching, learners’interest can be refreshed and learning outcomes improved, hence the effectiveness of teaching can be upgraded.This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter One is an introduction which tells the reader what makes the research necessary and how the research questions come into being, followed by a presentation of the research methodology, research goals and the value expected of the research, as well as a layout of the dissertation. Chapter Two is a literature review of the studies conducted by both Western experts in second or foreign language teaching and Chinese experts in College English teaching. Chapter Three provides a theoretic foundation of the current research, which includes the theory of reflective teaching, the noticing hypothesis, the theory of‘focus on form’, the theory of‘focus on meaning’, the theory of ZPD, based on which a conceptual teaching model is constructed. Chapter Four is diagnostically designed to identify the problems with both teaching and learning of College English and attempts to explain why these problems undermine the effectiveness of college English classroom teaching. Chapter Five is designed to be curative in that it offers a series of remedies for the factors affecting the effectiveness of college English classroom teaching. It puts emphasis on learner education, assuming that such factors as learners’belief system would profoundly affect their learning outcomes in either positive or negative way. Chapter Six is an extension of Chapter Five, with a case study designed to test the newly developed model of effective teaching. It is proved that the new model works better than the traditional teaching model in upgrading the effectiveness of teaching. Chapter Seven summarizes the major findings and the originalities of the current research, and concludes on the achievements and weaknesses of the whole research, with an attempt to orient the reader for further study.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2279

