

A Conceptual Integration Study on Meaning Negotiation in the Interpreting Process

【作者】 谌莉文

【导师】 梅德明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要从概念整合认知视角研究口译思维过程的意义协商原则及其认知运作机制。在此项研究中,口译思维过程指口译发生时的后台认知,聚焦正式会议交替传译(以下统称口译)所涉及的译员大脑思维的心智运作;意义协商亦称概念化协同运作,指口译心智运作的特殊意义构建,表征为涉及一系列复杂输入维度的概念整合思维。研究试图说明,通过意义协商机制运作,译员将动态感知的语言信息和交际信息与长时记忆中的经验信息不断进行在线整合,获得一连串思维顿悟。截至目前,大多数针对口译思维过程的研究(如信息加工、脑神经、认知心理等)都是围绕口译程序的串行加工进行反复论证,而对于语言信息处理、记忆分析以及意图实现之间的概念接口与概念化方式尚缺乏系统描写,口译思维过程所蕴含的认知本质扑朔迷离。本研究以系统科学的自组织运动机理为整体观照,以Fauconnier&Turner(Fauconnier 1997;Fauconnier &Turner 1996,2002)提出的概念整合理论为视点,结合认知语言学、心理语言学与认知科学中描述言语交际的相关原理,采用理论模式探讨与实据论证相结合的办法,考察口译思维过程中不易察觉的概念化表征,并在此基础上力图构建围绕意义协商机制运作的口译思维过程认知模式。基本理论假设是,口译思维过程通过体现人类高度复杂经验认知的概念化系统得到表征,其心智运作绝不是简单和笼统的输入——输出机制,而是以动态、开放、立体的思维主体意义协商运作为核心机制的语言和非语言信息意义构建,体现为独特的概念整合思维流程,并通过三阶合成运作得到模式表征。口译思维流程以心智空间为基本认知单位,涉及源语空间、感知空间、关联空间、语境空间、理解空间、记忆空间和译语空间的概念合成运作,输入维度涵盖语言、交际和经验三类相互关联的范畴层级,通过空间意义协商,不断进行合成运作,在合成空间出现一系列概念突显。意义协商机制体现为包括从源语表征空间到译语表征空间之间的前知识突显、双重语境连通和主体性对话互动等概念化方式。意义协商贯穿于口译思维理解、口译思维推进和口译思维重构等程序,通过不断出现的新生结构,实现口译认知交际的言效契合。研究旨在揭示系统与要素以及各范畴层级之间的相互关系,构建具有解释性及可操作性的口译思维过程认知模式,并从概念层面把握口译意义协商认知运作的思维规律。在研究方法上,沿用Setton(1999)所提倡的多元定性研究路线,既包括自下而上的理论探讨,也包括自上而下的实证分析。理论探讨以内省法为主导,借鉴现代语言学、心理语言学、语言哲学、认知科学的研究成果,结合现场会议口译语料进行观察分析,构建体现口译概念整合思维的意义协商模式。为进一步说明模式的有效性,实证分析以定量数据为主、定性分析为辅,采用实验法和调查法进行多方位举证;通过变量赋值与研究对象的范畴分类,科学量化关涉语言与思维操作的相关变量;最后分析各变量在口译概念整合不同阶段的作用、相互关系和不同变化,获得对译员相关概念化能力的综合评价。主要发现如下:首先,口译思维后台认知并非体现由源语到译入语的简单映射,而是表征为认知主体不断进行概念整合的意义协商,涉及一系列概念化运作,既包括认知过程,也包括认知结果。语言结构的解码与编码的实质在于具有不同思维模式与个性化特征的概念范畴的在线交流与合作,促发来自不同心智空间的参与要素不断进行概念合成运作,以获得认知效用最大化。其次,口译思维过程中,能力取决于大脑对概念框架的组构,综合体现为建立在许多子系统基础上的意义协商运作。因此,口译认知能力不是一个静止的概念,而是涉及一系列概念化子系统内部以及子系统之间互为关联、互为激活的概念整合。第三,意义协商既是统领口译各项概念化运作的认知机制,也是区别系统内部概念化类型的态度尺度。口译概念整合包含无数发展变化和错综复杂的子系统,每一个子系统都是通过上一层级的概念化运作获得概念突显,相关的子系统又通过进一步概念化运作,作为输入成分进入新的合成运作。第四,口译思维过程的意义协商机制活跃于概念整合系统思维网络,体现出不同类型的认知取向,主要归属于简单合成与复杂合成两大类。该项研究是针对口译心智运作的概念化本质所进行的系统尝试,力求做到理论推陈出新、论证细致严密。如提出前知识突显假说,说明前知识突显是意义协商的概念化表征,存在于口译概念整合的任何阶段,体现出贯穿口译思维过程的前知识结构动态发展观,澄清了口译界广为承认但缺乏明晰的前知识运作本质;提出双重语境连通假说,论证了口译概念化认知中在场与不在场概念的内在关系,揭示了口译语境是一个伴随口译思维进程而变化发展的意义构建概念化实质,为进一步认识言语交际中的语境概念提供了崭新的视角;提出言效契合假说,通过重新解读口译思维过程的主体间性,将不同认知主体的互动融通视作形成空间关联的重要理据,口译言语行为认知通过围绕意义协商空间运作的概念整合思维模式得到合理化解释;最后,在可行性实证研究中,采用变量赋值和范畴分类方法,对一些相对模糊的认知概念进行标准化处理,大大提高了数据验证的效度。通过系统论证,解决了口译思维过程探讨中一些长久以来未曾得到明确解答和深入讨论的关键问题。该研究亦可为进一步揭示口译思维过程中的注意、记忆等微观认知机制提供可资借鉴的视角。

【Abstract】 This dissertationreports onaconceptual integrationstudyofmeaningnegotiationanditsoperationmechanisminthecognitiveprocessofinterpreting.Inthis study,theinterpretingprocess,a backstagecognitionis narrowed downtotheinterpreter’s mental working in consecutive conference interpreting (hereafter calledinterpreting).Meaningnegotiation,also namedas asynergyoperationof conceptualization,is perceived as a special mechanism of meaning construction in interpreting, representedby a series of conceptual integrations with complex inputs. It attempts to reveal thatthrough the coordination of meaning negotiation mechanism, the linguistic andcommunicative information the interpreter captures dynamically and the pre-existingknowledge in her memory will be constantly integrated online, which keeps inspiring theinterpreter’mindinsightfullyandcontinuouslytowork.Up to now, researches into the interpreting process (as in the field of informationprocessing, cranial nerves, cognitive psychology, etc.) mostly center on a repeateddemonstration of serial interpreting procedures, which leave the world of a systematicsearch within the conceptualization and the conceptual interface between linguisticprocessing, memory analysis and intention realization unsatisfactorily explored andchartered. Therefore, the cognitive nature of the interpreting process remains complicatedandconfusing.Againstthebackdropofself-organizingmechanisminsystemsthinkingandthrough theoretical and empirical demonstrations, this research aims to construct acognitive model of meaning negotiation by probing into the hard-to-be-perceivedconceptual operation mechanism in the interpreting process in light of ConceptualIntegration Theory proposed by Fauconnier & Turner (Fauconnier 1997;Fauconnier&Turner 1996,2002) and in combination with the basic principles of languagecommunicationincognitivelinguistics,psycholinguisticsandcognitivescience.The present study is hypothesized as follows. Cognitive operation of interpreting istestified by systematic conceptualization representing the complexity of cognition andexperience. The cognitive process of interpreting is more of an open dynamic non-linearmeaning construction involved with both linguistic and extra-linguistic informationrepresented in a three-stage-integration model manipulated by the corresponding meaningnegotiation mechanism in a series of conceptual integrations rather than a simply linearinput-output procedure. With mental space as its basic unit of cognitive operation, theinterpreting process involves the conceptual integration taking place across effector space, perception space, relevance space, contextualization space, understanding space,memorization space and receptor space. During processing, the cognitive inputs, includingsuch dimensions in language, communication and prior knowledge, participate inintegration and result ina series of conceptual salience in the blended space, with meaningnegotiation mechanism working acrossverious mental spaces. Meaning negotiationmechanism is reflected in the conceptualization of prior-knowledge salience betweeneffector space and receptor space, constant interactions between cognitive subjects and soon. All of these interrelated operations interplay with each other and work with thecross-space meaning negotiation, and new structures of conceptualization becomeemergent in different stages of conceptual integration of interpreting. As a result,perlocutionary correspondence is eventually achieved as a result of the co-operative workof conceptualizations in such procedures as understanding, memorizing and reconstructionintheinterpretingprocess.The study is aimed to reveal the relationship between whole and part, categories andhierarchies in a system of concept by proposing the basic theoretical principles on whichmeaning negotiation mechanism keeps running, and to build an explanative and feasiblecognitive processing model of meaning negotiation featured with conceptual integration.The research, with a multi-aspect, qualitative approach adopted from Setton (1999), hastriedtocombinebottom-uptheoreticalinvestigationwithtop-downempiricalanalysis.Thetheoretical investigation, developed on the basis of recent developments in modernlinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguistic philosophy, cognitive science and systems science,has attemptedtoanalyze thedatacollectedinlive conferenceconsecutiveinterpretationbyusing an introspective method, and to build a conceptual integration model of meaningnegotiation. To further illustrate the validity of the study, empirical analysis, guided by amixture of quantitative data with qualitative analysis, and experimentation with survey, isintended to scientifically quantify relevant variables involved in language and mentaloperation, as well as to analyze the functions, relationship and variance of each variable indifferent stage of conceptual integration. In order to ensure the internal validity of thevariables, such means as variable assignment and sample categorization are employdduring data analysis. These above efforts hopefully will lead to a better and more accurateevaluationofconceptualizationcompetenceoperatedbymeaningnegotiation.The major findings are stated in the following four aspects. Firstly, the backstagecognition of interpreting, including both cognitive process and cognitive production,involves the operation of meaning negotiation mechanism with conceptual integrations taking place in the interpreter’s mental world, including paralleled conceptualizations,rather than simple mappings between source language and target language. During theprocess of interpreting, the core of decoding and encoding of language structures consistsin the on-line communication and cooperation of conceptual models with differentcognitive models and features, and maximized effect of blendingachieved byparticipatingelements from different mental spaces. Secondly, interpreting competence in cognitivesense is heavily relied on the interpreter’s conceptualized framing ability, generallyreflected by a systematic meaning negotiation operation among subsystems. In this sense,such so-called interpreting competence is not a static notion, but cognitive processing inwhich paralleled conceptualizations are involved and various subsystems are interrelatedand interactivated. Thirdly, meaning negotiation mechanism not only dominates variousconceptualizations in the interpreting process, but also provides a cognitive measurementclassifying those conceptualizations which take place in the mental operation system ofinterpreting. Conceptual integration in the cognitive process of interpreting incorporatesmany ever-changing and intricate subsystems, each of which is made conceptually salientbecause of the conceptualization of the previous subsystems. This conceptualized salientstructure, in the same way, lays a foundation for the next-stage conceptualization ofblending. Last but not least, meaning negotiation mechanism in the interpreting processdisplays two major types of cognitive tendencyin conceptual integration, namely, simplexintegrationandcomplexintegration.This research, an endeavor made to systematically depict the conceptualization ofmental operation in the interpreting process, is devoted to a theoretical innovation. Theproposal of Prior-knowledge Salience Hypothesis is grounded on the dynamic knowledgestructure in interpreting. It is hypothesized that the prior knowledge can be found in everyphase of the conceptual integration of interpreting, influencing the conceptualization ofmeaning negotiation. The conceptualization of the prior knowledge, which has been takenfor granted but not clarified in the interpretation-research circle, is, again, elaborated.Besides, the interrelationship between presence and absence is, for the first time,expounded in Dual-Context Interconnection Hypothesis, and it is also revealed that thecontext in interpreting is essentially conceptual, constructed in accordance with theconceptual integration of interpreting, both of which provide a new perspective in contextstudy. In addition, the notion of subjectivity is reexamined in PerlocutionaryCorrespondence Hypothesis. Communication between different subjects motivatesinteraction between spaces. The cognitive operation of verbal acts in interpretation is explained by conceptual integration from mental spaces. What’s more, the employment ofvariable assignment and categorization in data processing greatly increases the validity ofthe empirical research by standardizing those unstable variables associated with cognition.Through a comprehensive study, some of the key issues concerning cognitive process ofinterpretingand still remaining in debate, are discussed and unfolded, which is hoped tolenditselftothefutureresearchintosuchmechanismsasattention,memory,andthelikeintheinterpretingprocess.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1587

