

Chinese Characteristics of State-owned Enterprises Pushing Forward the Construction of Social Modernization

【作者】 范国荣

【导师】 鲍宗豪;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 已有的研究充分证明,现代性与现代化诸问题源于工业化初期,高发于工业化的中后期。中外历史表明,诸多社会问题似乎源于城市化,但本质上还是源于企业。胡锦涛在2011年2月19日省部级主要领导干部社会管理及其创新专题研讨班开班式上明确提出,要“进一步加强和完善社会管理格局,切实加强党的领导,强化政府社会管理职能,强化各类企事业单位社会管理和服务职责,引导各类社会组织加强自身建设、增强服务社会能力,支持人民团体参与社会管理和公共服务,发挥群众参与社会管理的基础作用”。但是,由于当前学术界对社会现代化概念的解释千差万别,莫衷一是,对企业与社会现代化之间的关系缺乏深入的剖析和把握,从而导致对国有企业在社会现代化进程中的地位与作用认识不足。本文以中国国有化带动工业化、工业化带动城市化为线索,研究了中国国有企业发展与社会建设和社会现代化之间的关系,重点研究了中国特色背景下国有企业推进社会现代化建设问题,包括国有企业推进社会现代化建设的责任与路径问题。本文共分6章,第一章运用马克思主义人类社会矛盾运动规律,辨析了社会现代化相关理论和概念,分析了现代性矛盾对社会现代化的影响,对社会现代化的中国特色做了深入剖析,从理论上回答了中国社会现代化为什么一定要坚持以共产党为领导、以政府为主导、以国有企业为主体的建设模式。第二章提出了国有企业是中国特色社会现代化建设的主体的思想,阐述了国有企业进入社会建设领域的五大理由和国有企业对于社会现代化所具有的五大价值。第三章分析了中西方“企业社会责任”理念的意识形态冲突,提出了建立全新的中国企业社会责任体系,并提出了国有企业推进社会现代化建设的三大责任。第四章从推进社会现代化建设的中国特色的视角,详细论述了国有企业党组织在社会建设中的政治优势。第五章提出了国有企业推进中国特色社会现代化建设的路径,具体分解为五大具体路径,强调国有企业承担社会建设的责任是中国特色社会现代化的必然选择。第六章介绍了沪东中华公司与沪东街道共同推进社会现代化建设的实践情况,并对国有企业参与中国特色社区建设的模式进行了理论与实例研究。在政府、社会、国有企业三者互动关系中,中国共产党的领导是核心因素。国有企业党组织是党领导国有企业推进社会建设的关键环节。维护社会稳定,促进社会发展,是国有企业的历史使命。要到达社会现代化的最高境界——实现人的完全自由,离不开国有企业的发展力和推动力。中国社会主义建设具有工业化带动城市化的历史经验,完全有可能再创国有企业与城市社会同步发展的新经验。

【Abstract】 Modernity research has fully testified that modernity and modernization issues all originated from the early stage of industrialization and climaxed in the middle and end of industrialization. Chinese and foreign histories have proved that various social problems seemed to be stemmed from urbanization, while in essence they rooted in enterprises. On February 19,2011, Hu Jintao clearly pointed out at the opening ceremony of Social Management & Innovation Seminar of Government Officials of Provincial and Ministerial Level that "we shall further enhance and improve social management structure, strengthen the leadership of party, intensify the social management functions of the government, improve social management and service functions of various enterprises and public institutions, guide various social organizations to strengthen themselves and their ability in serving the society, support social groups to take part in social management and public service, and engage the people into social management so as to give play to their basic functions." However, there are a variety of different interpretation of the concept of social modernization in the academic circle, which is not familiar with the relations between enterprises and social modernization and ignores the position of and the role played by state-owned enterprises during the process of social modernization.With the clue of nationalization-led industrialization and industrialization-led urbanization in China, this thesis studies the relationship between the development of Chinese state-owned enterprises with social construction and social modernization, with a focus on the state-owned enterprises pushing forward the social modernization process under the background with Chinese characteristics, including the responsibility and approach for the state-owned enterprises to push forward the social modernization. The thesis is composed of 6 chapters. In Chapter I with application of the Marxism movement law of human society conflicts, the theories and concepts related to social modernization as well as the influence of modernity contradiction to the social modernization is differentiated and analyzed, and the Chinese characteristics of social modernization is analyzed in depth, as a result the question why the social modernization in China must adopt the construction mode having the Chinese Communist Party for leadership, the government for governance and the state-owned enterprises for mainstay is answered in a theoretic way. Chapter II puts forward the thinking of state-owned enterprises as the mainstay of social modernization with Chinese characteristics, elaborating the five reasons for state-owned enterprises to enter social construction domain and the five values of state-owned enterprises for social construction. Chapter III analyzes the ideological conflict on "corporate social responsibility" between China and western countries, proposes a brand-new Chinese corporate social responsibility concept, and proposes the basic framework of Chinese corporate social responsibility theory,and brings forth the three important responsibilities of the state-owned enterprises in pushing forward the social modernization construction. From the perspective of taking part in social modernization with Chinese characteristics, Chapter IV dwells on the political advantage of state-owned enterprises’party organizations in social construction. Chapter V puts forward paths for state-owned enterprises to push forward social modernization with Chinese characteristics. In detail, it includes five key paths and five specific paths, proving that state-owned enterprises’taking responsibility in social construction is the inevitable choice for social modernization with Chinese characteristics. Chapter VI presents the practice made by Hudong-Zhonghua Company and Hudong Community in jointly pushing forward the construction of social modernization, and conducted theoretic and case studies on the mode of state-owned enterprises’participation in the community construction with Chinese characteristics.Among the interaction of government, society and state-owned enterprises, the leadership of CPC is a core factor. Party organization of state-owned enterprises is the key link for the CPC’s leadership of state-owned enterprises’pushing forward of social construction. Maintain social stability and promote social development are the historical missions of state-owned enterprises. To achieve the highest stage of social modernization—complete freedom of human being, state-owned enterprises’development and driving force are indispensible. China’s socialism construction has its historical experience in industrialization-led urbanization. It absolutely can create a new experience in the synchronized development of state-owned enterprises and urban society.


