

【作者】 颜琳

【导师】 秦亚青;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文的核心问题是:为什么有的武装组织放弃招募和使用儿童兵,选择社会性克制呢?该问题源于经验现实的困惑。在当代内战与武装冲突中,儿童沦为武装组织袭击和招募的目标。招募和使用儿童兵是武装组织理性、现实的选择。但是,越来越多的武装组织选择放弃招募和使用儿童兵,保持行为克制。武力打击、法律威慑与惩罚、间接政治施压和经济制裁有一定的作用,但是更容易激起武装组织的反抗和报复,进而招募更多的儿童兵。本文提出了以“参与进程”为核心概念的理论分析框架,旨在探讨武装组织选择社会性克制的动力与进程问题。参与进程是指:行动者参加、维持和发展社会实践与社会意义的动态关系。社会性克制是指:有能力、有意愿招募和使用儿童兵的武装组织放弃招募和使用儿童兵,接受国际人道主义规范,保持自我行为克制。本文假设:参与进程有助于说服武装组织学习和接受新规范、放弃招募和使用儿童兵、保持行为克制。参与进程强调接触、对话和谈判,重视过程性因素。通过监测和报告机制、制度设计两大规范传播机制,武装组织在国际、国内和平进程中的参与实践有助于推动武装组织学习新规范,催生信任与合作意识,重新界定行动意义与利益,进而导致渐进式变化,保持行为克制。此外,武装组织的参与程度也影响其接受和遵守规范的程度。本文选取了冷战后布隆迪与乌干达境内的武装组织作为对比案例。布隆迪境内的武装组织主要是保卫民主全国委员会—保卫民主力量、胡图人解放党—民主解放力量。通过参与国际、国内进程,他们最后都放弃招募和使用儿童,释放了部队内的儿童兵,因此从“黑名单”中删除。与此形成鲜明对比的案例是乌干达上帝抵抗军。联合国仍未同上帝抵抗军进行直接接触与对话,而乌干达人民国防军的军事行动宣告朱巴和平进程失败。迄今,上帝抵抗军仍在招募和使用儿童兵,并犯有杀戮、残害、强奸等侵害儿童的罪行。上述案例表明,参与进程有助于说服武装组织放弃招募和使用儿童兵,选择社会性克制;在国际、国内和平进程的参与程度越高,武装组织越容易接受规范。

【Abstract】 The key question is why some armed groups give up the recruitment and use ofchild soldiers, choose social restraints? The question comes from practical puzzles. Incontemporary civil wars and armed conflicts, children become the attack andrecruitment targets of armed groups. It is a rational and realistic choice for the armedgroups to recruit and use child soldiers. However, more and more armed groupschoose to give up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, keep social restraints.Military strikes, law deterrences and punishments, indirect political pressures andeconomic sanctions have some effects, but these measures could more easily stir upthe revolt and revenge of armed groups, who would recruit more child soldiers.The dissertation proposes a theoretical framework in which participative processis the key concept, to analyze the dynamic and process of armed groups’ socialrestraints. Participative process is that actors participate into, sustain and develop thedynamic relationship with social practices and social significances. Social restraintsmean that armed groups with ability and intention to recruit and use child soldiersgive up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, accept international humanitariannorms, and keep self restraints.The dissertation hypothesizes that participative process could help persuadearmed groups to learn and accept new norms, give up the recruitment and use of childsoldiers, and keep restraints. Participative process emphasizes engagement, dialogue,negotiation and process. Through norm transmission mechanisms, including monitorand report, institutional design, participative practices of armed grups in internationaland domestic peace process could promote armed groups to learn new norms,generate senses of trust and cooperation, redefine the meanings and interests, thenlead to gradual changes, and keep behavioral restraints. Furthermore, the degree ofarmed groups’ participation would affect the degree of acceptance and obedience.The dissertation chooses armed groups in Burundi and Uganda as comparativecases. CNDD-FDD and PALIPEHUTU-FNL are the main armed groups in Burundi.Through participating international and domestic process, they finally give up therecruitment and use of child soldiers, also release child soldiers. So, they are deletedfrom the “blacklist”. The comparative case is Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda.There are no direct engagement and contact between the United Nations and LRA,while UPDF’s military strike declares the failure of Juba Process. Now, LRA stillforcely recruits and uses child soldiers, and commits many crimes, such as killing,maiming and raping children. According to the cases, participative process could helppersuade the armed groups to give up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, choosesocial restraints; the higher participation in the international and domestic dimensions,the more likely to accept norm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】D815
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】268

