

Effect of Driver Information Sharing and Communication on Unsafe Driving Behaviors

【作者】 王培

【导师】 萨文迪; 饶培伦;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 研究者首先全面调研了我国从人因工程角度进行的道路交通安全研究。在此基础上,确定了本文的三个研究问题:风险驾驶,侵犯驾驶,机动车和自行车交互安全。并确定了本文的研究目的:第一,找到影响三类不安全驾驶行为的关键因素;第二,提出有效措施来改变这些因素,进而改变不安全行为;第三,验证该措施对降低风险驾驶和侵犯驾驶、提高自行车交互安全的有效性。首先,本研究通过问卷调研,研究了影响风险驾驶的关键因素。调研收集了324份有效问卷,通过因子分析和多元回归分析发现感觉寻求和自我准则两个因素显著影响驾驶员采取风险驾驶行为的可能性。影响侵犯驾驶的因素包括隐蔽性,自我防御和愤怒。影响机动车和自行车交互安全的主要因素是驾驶员注意和反应时间,以及车辆行驶方向。为了了解机动车与自行车的交互场景,研究者进行了实地观测。结果表明:骑车人最严重的三类违规行为是闯红灯、逆行、骑车带人。观察过程中的发生的365起冲突中,骑车人责任占66.9%。然后,研究者提出通过发送提示信息和沟通信息的方式来减少三类不安全驾驶行为。设计并开发了信息共享和沟通系统,简称为DISC系统。在风险驾驶时,DISC系统向驾驶员发送道路交通状况、驾驶行为、交通规定信息;在侵犯驾驶时,发送交通状况和其他驾驶人不当行为信息,以及来自相邻驾驶员的沟通信息;与自行车交互时,发送自行车行驶方向和速度信息。研究者提出了4个假设来探讨DISC系统对三类不安全驾驶行为及其关键因素的影响。设计并进行了3个仿真驾驶实验来检验以上假设。36位驾驶员参加了实验。实验数据统计分析结果表明:(1)DISC系统的提示信息显著提高了驾驶员的自我准则,降低了风险驾驶的感觉寻求以及行为意愿,最终减少了风险驾驶行为;(2)DISC系统提示信息和沟通信息,显著降低了驾驶员的主观隐蔽性,减少了侵犯驾驶行为;(3)DISC系统提示自行车方向和速度信息,帮助驾驶员提前注意到自行车并避让,提高了交互安全,降低了发生碰撞事故的可能性。本研究的理论探讨和实验研究为道路交通安全中的人因学研究提供了坚实的基础。研究者对改变不安全驾驶行为提出了可行的建议。

【Abstract】 Based on review of road safety researches in China, there is gap between thehuman factors research and three salient problems of road safety. They are Chinesedrivers’ risk taking, aggressive driving and interacting with bicycles at intersections.There were three objective of this study:(1) to find out the most important factors of thethree unsafe behaviors;(2) to propose an approach which can be used to change thefactors and also unsafe driving behaviors;(3) to testify the effectiveness of thisapproach.First, a survey study was conducted to find out the most important motives behinddrivers’ risk taking, with324valid participants. Results of multiple regression analysisindicated that sensation seeking and personal norm are the two factors attributed themost of risky driving. The influential fators of aggressive driving are anonymity,ego-defensiveness and anger. The influential facotrs of vehicle-bicycle interaction aretime to notice and traveling direction.The driver information sharing and communication system (DISC) was proposedto send information and communication when drivers were taking risk, driving infrustrated situations and interacting with bicycles. In order to evaluate the effectivenessof the DISC system, three simulation-based experiments were conducted with36drivers participated. In experiment of risk taking, the DISC system sent real-timeinformation of road environment, drivers’ performance and related traffic regulation ofthe specific location both before and during drivers’ risk taking. Drivers’ sensationseeking, personal norm, intention to take risk and also risky driving behaviors weremeasured. In experiment of aggressive driving, the DISC system sent detailedinformation of the frustrating situations, and also communication with the neighboringdrivers. Drivers’ ego-defensiveness, subjective aggression and aggressive behaviorswere measured. In experiment of interacting with bicycles at intersections, the DISCsystem sent information of bicycle direction or information of both direction and speed.Drivers’ perceived risk of the interaction and their reaction performance were measured.The main results indicated that:Providing information was effective to increase drivers’ personal norm, to decrease sensation seeking, intention to take risk and risky driving behaviors.Drivers’ anonymity and aggressive behavior was significantly influenced byproviding the information of the frustrating situation and communication withneighboring drivers. However, no significant difference was found of drivers’ego-defensiveness, anger and subjective aggression.Providing bicycle information during interaction was effective to help driversnotice bicycle and have enough time to react, which decreased the possibility of crash.These findings provide a solid foundation to prevent risk taking, aggressive drivingand to enhance safety of vehicle-bicycle interaction. It also has implication forintelligent transportation system design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

