

Study on the Ecological Environmental Change of the Jing-hang Grand Canal

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 张金池;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 京杭大运河全长1794km,具有2500多年的历史,在中国历史上发挥了政治、经济、军事、文化交流等重要作用,至今济宁以南1100多公里的航道仍在被利用。但目前运河存在着的生态环境现状不良、人文环境关注度不足的问题。南水北调东线工程的实施和京杭大运河申请世界文化遗产,为大运河生态环境的保护提供了新的机遇和挑战。开展京杭大运河沿线生态环境变迁研究,对京杭大运河区域及沿岸城市的经济可持续发展具有现实意义。本文通过野外调查,结合历史文献,以遥感数据为基础,进行土地利用解译和植被反演,分析了京杭大运河两岸60km范围内的土地利用结构变化和植被分布、年内变化及年际变化现状;以京杭大运河徐州段为例,采用遥感数据进行解译和温度反演,提出不同年代区域森林覆盖率和区域平均温度变化定量关系式;运用RegCM3气候模型对不同区域地表温度的模拟,探讨各区域多年平均气温和森林覆盖率关系;以京杭大运河扬州段为例,通过将河口、河道、运河变迁和城市演变相结合,分析扬州城市自形成之初至2006年2500年来的空间演变;以京杭大运河北京段为例,提出了历史文化遗产类环境评价构成要素及新的综合环境评价模型。具体研究内容及结果简述如下:本文通过野外调查,结合历史文献,以遥感数据为基础,进行土地利用解译和植被反演,分析了京杭大运河两岸60km范围内的土地利用结构变化和植被分布、年内变化及年际变化现状;以京杭大运河徐州段为例,采用遥感数据进行解译和温度反演,提出不同年代区域森林覆盖率和区域平均温度变化定量关系式;运用RegCM3气候模型对不同区域地表温度的模拟,探讨各区域多年平均气温和森林覆盖率关系;以京杭大运河扬州段为例,通过将河口、河道、运河变迁和城市演变相结合,分析扬州城市自形成之初至2006年2500年来的空间演变;以京杭大运河北京段为例,提出了历史文化遗产类环境评价构成要素及新的综合环境评价模型。具体研究内容及结果简述如下:(1)以遥感反演植被指数,结合MODIS-NDVI和SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI序列植被指数,探讨了京杭大运河两岸60km范围内的植被分布、年内变化及年际变化。结果表明,大运河沿线植被覆盖总体呈增加趋势,植被指数最高值为0.42出现在8月份,最低值为0.18出现在1月份。(2)以京杭大运河徐州段为例,对徐州地区不同时期同一月份的遥感数据进行解译和温度反演,获得各土地利用类型及各区域平均温度,提出了区域森林覆盖率和区域气候变化定量关系。研究表明,区域温度变化和林地覆盖变化密切相关,且1987年8月11日区域最高与最低温度差为0.98℃。其遥感影像反演各区域多年平均温度与森林覆盖率关系式为:y=-0.2132x+25.769;2006年8月11日区域平均最高温度为29.61℃,最低为26.37℃,区域间最高温度与最低温度差异为3.24℃,这不仅反映了城市化带来的热岛效应对局部区域极端温度和平均温度的影响,同时也反映了森林覆盖率变化对区域极端温度和平均温度的双重影响。遥感影像反演各区域多年平均温度与森林覆盖率关系式为:y=-0.1044x+30.649。运用RegCM3气候模型,对不同间隔期(1960-1967年间,1990-1997年间)区域地表温度的模拟表明,1960-1967年间各区域间多年年平均气温介于13.6℃-14.1℃之间,低于1990-1997年间各区域间多年年平均气温(13.5℃-14.5℃)。1990-1997年间最高区域多年平均温度较1960-1967年间升高0.4℃,最低区域多年平均温度较1960-1967年间低0.1℃。1960-1967年间徐州市各区域多年平均气温和森林覆盖率负相关,森林覆盖率每增加10%,区域多年平均气温降低0.68℃左右,函数关系式为y=0.0201x2-0.3791x+15.398, R2=0.67,各区域间多年年平均气温介于13.6℃-14.1℃之间。1990-1997各区域多年平均气温和森林覆盖率负相关,森林覆盖率每增加10%,多年平均气温下降0.75℃,函数关系式为y=-0.0747x+15.229, R2=0.90,在全球气温升温情形下,徐州市各县区多年森林覆盖率的增加,对于应对全球变暖、控制区域气候变暖具有重大意义。(3)以京杭大运河扬州段为例,运用3S技术和城市历史地理学研究成果,通过将河口、河道和运河变迁和城市演变相结合,分析了扬州城市自形成之初,历经春秋、汉代、东晋、唐代、明清至今2006年2500年来的空间演变,并深入探讨这种演变的驱动力因素,为城市历史地理学的研究探索了一种新方法。由于长江河道北岸大量泥沙淤积的南移带来城市变迁,通过3S技术复原的不同历史时期的长江河道与邗沟运河的演变过程,得出2000多年间扬州附近长江河道水域面积缩减了663km2,城市面积由最初的317km2增加到2006年的980km2,年平均淤积面积最高达0.49km2,而运河在这期间发生了四次较大的变化,入江位置也南移了20km。结果表明,扬州城市演变受多种因素影响,其中气候因素是大背景,长江河道和运河水系变化起主导作用,而且运河对城市的影响贯穿始终,城市的发展始终朝向运河的方向拓展,即使城市缩小了也依然邻近运河的方向。总体上看,唐代之前,受自然因素影响较多,唐代之后受人文因素影响较多。(4)以京杭大运河北京段为例,利用遥感数据和统计资料,以及大量的野外调查,在原有生态环境评价基础上,增加了人文环境评价,构建了综合环境评价体系,提出了历史文化遗产类环境评价构成要素及新的评价模型,对北京地区京杭大运河沿线区域综合环境定量评价。结果表明:北京地区运河沿线区域环境总体状况一般,中等及以下等级的区域占34%;在区域上,表现为由郊区向市区逐渐变差的态势,需因地制宜采取措施,加强运河沿线地区整体环境现状的改善。北京地区的评价结果与现状相符,该评价体系也可运用于其他省市运河沿线区域的环境综合评价,可为运河全线区域环境的保护、规划和可持续发展提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 The Jing-Hang Grand Canal with a total length of more than1,700km, goes through2,500years in Chinese history. It plays an important role in the field of Canal navigation, militaryaffairs, political affairs and culture. Until now, the part of the Canal from Jining to Hangzhou,which is more than1100km, is still being used. However, the current situation of environmentalong the Canal is disgusting and the human environment is not thought important. The east lineof south to north water transfer project and the application for the world heritage of theJing-Hang Grand Canal provided new chance and challenge to protect its environment. Study onthe variation of environment along the Jing-Hang Grand Canal is of vital importance for itssustainable development as well as cities along the canal.Based on remote sensing inversion of vegetation index of the whole Jing-Hang Grand Canalwithin60km, this study analyzed the vegetation distribution along the canal; in the case of theXuzhou city on the canal, based on remote sensing inversion of temperature and interpretation ofland use, equation between regional forest coverage and regional average surface temperaturewas established; With RegCM3to simulate surface annual average temperature, equationbetween regional forest coverage and regional average annual surface temperature wasestablished; in the case of Yangzhou city, integrated estuary change, river bank change and canalchange with urban change of Yangzhou city, the variation of Yangzhou city within2500yearswas analyzed; in the case of Beijing city, a new human environmental evaluation model wasproposed systematically with cultural and heritage factors. It was integrated with ecologicalenvironment evaluation model to create a synthetic environment assessment model to evaluatethe environment along the Canal of Beijing. The results are as follow:(1)Based on remote sensing inversion of vegetation index of the whole Jing-Hang GrandCanal within60km, as well as the vegetation index from MODIS-NDVI andSPOT/VEGETATION NDVI, this study analyzed the vegetation distribution along the canal. Itshowed that the vegetation index was the highest in the August (0.42) and the lowest in theJanuary (0.18).(2)In the case of the Xuzhou city on the canal, based on remote sensing inversion oftemperature under Arc GIS9.3from remote sensing image on August,11th,1987and August,12th,2006, and interpretation of land use, lad use map and regional average surface temperaturewas acquired and equation between regional forest coverage and regional average surfacetemperature was established. It showed that on August,11th,1987, the max temperaturedifference among seven prefectures was0.98℃, the equation between regional forest coverage and regional average surface temperature was y=-0.2132x+25.769; While on August,11th,2006,the max temperature difference among seven prefectures was3.24℃, which showed on one hand,the increase of extreme surface temperature due to hot island effect in the city area, on the otherhand the decreases of regional average surface temperature in several prefectures due to theincrease of forest. The equation between regional forest coverage and regional average surfacetemperature was y=-0.1044x+30.649.With RegCM3surface annual average temperature was simulate for the period1960-1969and1990-1997. It showed that surface annual average temperature varied between13.6℃-14.1℃in the years from1960-1969,lower than those(13.5℃-14.5℃) in the period form1990-1997.The max surface annual regional temperature in the years1990-1997was0.4℃higher than thatin the years1960-1969while the minimum annual regional temperature in the years1990-1997was0.1℃lower than that in the years from1960-1969. The equation between regional averageannual surface temperature and regional forest coverage for the period1960-1969was:y=0.0201x2-0.3791x+15.398, R2=0.67, showing that for each10%increase of forest coverage,regional average annual surface temperature decreased by0.68℃. That for the period1990-1997was y=-0.0747x+15.229, R2=0.90, showing that for each10%increase of forest coverage,regional average annual surface temperature decreased by0.75℃. On the background of globalwarming, increase of forest coverage in the Xuzhou city controlled regional warming, showinggreat importance in response for global warming.(3)Yangzhou city, which lies besides the north bank of the Yangtze River, was built in theyear B.C.486and the same old as the Grand Canal. Within2500years, it experienced greatdevelopments and changes in several important historical periods (Spring and Autumn, HanDynasty, Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties). Based onliterature of historical geography and archaeological data, using the historical geography methodand3S (GIS (Geographic Information System), RS (Remote Sensing) and GPS (GlobalPositioning System)), this study integrated estuary change, river bank change and canal changewith urban change of Yangzhou city. Firstly, the boundary of the Yangzhou city was made on theimages in September2006of the LANDSAT ETM remote sensing data based on itsadministrative map; Then according to history literature and archaeology data, key points for theboundary of the Yangzhou city were selected and located by GPS field observation and stackedwith the RS image, using ArcGIS9.3to simulate the change process of the Yangtze River indifferent periods and acquire its attribute data quantitatively, based on which, characteristics ofurban change were analyzed in six historical periods and the driving factors for the urban changewere discussed.The results showed that climate change was the background of urban changes of theYangzhou city, but these changes were also affected by several other factors. The changes of theYangtze River channel and the Hangou Canal guided the changes of the Yangzhou city. Thespatial changes of the bank of the Yangtze River and of the Hangou Canal in different periods were estimated. The silted area and water area of the Yangtze River within Yangzhou city inhistorical periods were calculated. The changes that took place in the ancient Yangzhou city werecaused by the silt of the Yangtze River moving the bank southward by deposition on its northernbank, which in turn resulted in the necessary extension of the Canal for shipping. The cityextended its area, following the extension of the Canal. Even when the city decreased in size, itdid so by retreating back towards the Canal. In general, before the Tang Dynasty, the city waschanged mainly by natural factors, and after the Tang Dynasty by human factors.(4)Based on GIS and RS, SPOT5RS image data of September in the year2006forBeijing city was interpreted and raster database of land use/vegetation coverage was made.According to the cultural heritage data obtained from field observation as well as the ecologicalcharacteristics along the Grand Canal, a new human environmental evaluation model wasproposed systematically with cultural and heritage factors. It was integrated with ecologicalenvironment evaluation model to create a synthetic environment assessment model to evaluatethe environment along the Canal of Beijing. Results showed that the general environment alongthe Canal was usual, and the area under middle level takes34%of the whole. Correlating withnatural condition, economic development and human environment, its spatial distribution showsthat the synthesis value of environment decreased from the suburb to the urban area. So measuresshould be taken to improve both ecological environment and human environment along the canalin Beijing. The new model was believed useful for the ecological and human environmentassessment of the area along the Jing-Hang Grand Canal for its planning, protection,management and application for the world heritage as well as its sustainable development.


