

Industry Development of Forest Leisure Tourism Based on the Resource Constraint

【作者】 程南洋

【导师】 聂影;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 休闲是经济增长和社会发展的产物,休闲旅游以旅游为手段实现休闲的目的,追求的不仅是一种旅游过程,更是一种精神层面的满足。森林资源为休闲旅游提供了优越的生态环境,独特的自然景观和宁静的休闲空间,是休闲者实现人与自然的统一、身与心的和谐的理想场所。森林休闲旅游既追求健康、生态的高品质,更重视物我两忘的雅境界,受到越来越多的休闲者的关注。近10年来,中国森林公园接待休闲旅游人次、旅游直接收入年均增长17.63%和36.7%的实践则是最好的证明。然而,森林休闲旅游业的高速发展面临着有限的森林资源、脆弱的生态环境和不完善的服务体系的制约。对休闲者来说,理想的休闲地和健康休闲环境却没能实现旅游休闲的目的;对森林景区来说,优越的生态环境和特色的景观资源没能转化为竞争优势;对产业发展来说,快速的经济增长和巨大的市场需求却没有形成健康的产业体系。本文力求突破森林休闲旅游产业发展的资源与环境制约,对产业发展路径进行了一些创新性的探索。初步构建了森林休闲旅游产业发展的分析框架,科学界定了森林休闲旅游内涵。本文基于产业经济学理论、环境与资源经济学理论和现代休闲理论,从文化、时间、资源、环境、服务和经济的视角来考察森林休闲旅游,提出了森林休闲旅游自由时间、自然资源、生态环境和服务体系的FRES分析框架。揭示了我国森林公园休闲旅游产业存在着休闲时间和休闲季节的不均衡,资源开发与资源利用空间的不均衡,环境质量与生态保护力度的不均衡和基础设施与产业体系不健全等发展困境。分析了森林休闲旅游产业的关联关系,构建了森林休闲旅游产业体系。本文基于投入产出统计数据,揭示了森林休闲旅游与各产业部门的后向关联与前向关联程度,测算了影响力系数和感应度系数,构建了包括目的地产业、中介产业和辅助产业在内的森林休闲旅游产业体系。中国森林休闲旅游产业与各产业的关联程度越来越高,对餐饮业、住宿业和交通运输的依赖越来越大,对煤炭、石油化工等能源的依赖越来越强。森林休闲旅游产业波及面进一步扩大、产业影响力显著提高,而国民经济对旅游业的拉动作用并不明显。构建了森林休闲旅游产业发展的资源依赖与环境影响分析模型,测算了森林休闲旅游产业对主要资源的依赖程度及环境影响程度。测算了森林休闲旅游产业对物质和服务最终产出的消耗分别为48.05和51.95%,论证了旅游交通业、餐饮住宿业以及旅游开发对水资源、能源资源的消耗及其带来的环境影响。占GDP总量0.0735%森林休闲旅游产出,消耗了0.081%的原油,1.09%的煤炭,0.09%的水资源,森林休闲旅游资源消耗显然高于全国产业的平均水平;排放了占总量0.05%的CO2,0.112%的SO2,单位产出污染物排放较高。分析了森林休闲旅游产业增长与水资源、能源资源消耗和环境污染增加的相关性,建立了森林休闲旅游产业资源消耗与环境污染的动态分析模型,揭示了技术进步和环境治理投入对生态环境保护的影响。在技术进步和环境治理投入不变的情况下,测算了森林休闲旅游人次每增长1%会直接和间接导致能源资源消耗总量增长0.241541%,石油资源消耗增长0.217261%,煤炭资源消耗增长0.292284%,天然气资源消耗增长0.751697%,水电、风电、核电资源消耗增长0.34679%,水资源消耗增长0.14458%;同时导致生活废水排放增加0.162914%,生活SO2排放量增加0.372375%,生活烟尘排放量增加1.2365%。技术进步、产业转型和环境治理投入是减少森林休闲旅游资源消耗和环境污染的重要手段,生活用COD的排放每减少1%,需要污染治理投入增加0.15978%,总的氨氮排放量减少1%,需要污染治理投入增加1.0788%。基于森林休闲产业发展的资源与环境的内在联系,提出了森林休闲旅游产业持续、健康发展,需要提升森林休闲旅游产业的创意水平和服务层次,提高产业的技术含量,降低对物质资源的消耗,促进产业发展的时空均衡。

【Abstract】 Leisure is the outcome of the economic growth and social development, leisure tourismattains the goal of leisure by means of travelling. Leisure tourism pursues not only a tourismprocess,but also a kind of satisfaction in spiritual level. Forest resources provides excellentecological environment for leisure tourism, and its unique natural landscape and peacefulrecreational space is the ideal place for tourists to fulfill the unity of human being and nature,the harmony of body and soul.Forest leisure tourism pursues not only the health and ecological high quality,but paysmore attention to the elegant state of two things I forget,and it attracts more and more leisuretravellers’ attention. In the past10years, the practise that Chinese forest parks’ reception ofleisure tourists has grown at annual average of17.63%and the tourism direct income has grownat annual average of36.7%is the best proof of the development of forest leisure tourism.However, the high speed development of forest leisure tourism faces the restriction of limitedforest resources, vulnerable ecological environment and not perfect service system. For leisuretravellers, the ideal leisure place and health leisure environment could not achieve the purposeof leisure and travel; from the view of forest scenic spot, excellent ecological environment andthe characteristic landscape resources can’t transform into competitive advantage; for theindustrial development, rapid economic growth and huge market demand has not develop into ahealthy industry system. This paper tries to break through the resources and environmentrestriction in leisure tourism industrial development.This paper initially constructs the analytical framework for forest leisure tourismindustry’s development. scientifically defines the forest leisure tourism’s connotation. Based onthe industrial economics theory, environmental and resource economics theory and modernleisure theory, from the point of culture, time, resources, service and economic to investigateforest leisure tourism, this paper puts forward the FRES analysis framework which takes thefree time of forest leisure tourism, natural resources, ecological environment and the servicesystem into consideration. Making use of the FRES annlysis framework, the paper reveals thatdisproportion between leisure time and leisure season, unbanlance of resource developmentand resource utilization of space, of environment quality and ecological protection in forestpark leisure tourism.It also reveals the other development dilemmas, such as the imperfectinfrastructure and industry system.This paper analyses the relationship of forest leisure tourism, and constructs the system ofit.Based on the input and output statistical data, the paper reveals the backward linkage andforward linkage level between forest leisure tourism and other industrial sectors.The reseacheralso calculates the influence coefficient and sensitivity coefficient, conducts forest leisure tourism industrial system including the destination industry, intermediary industry and auxiliaryindustry. The correlation between China forest leisure tourism industry and other industriesbecomes higher and higher, and China forest leisure tourism industry relys more on restaurantindustry, accommodation industry and the transportation.Bisides,it also becomes moredependent on resources like coal, petrochemical and so on. Forest leisure tourism industry’saffected areas becomes broader, and industry’s influence obviously increases, while thedrawing effect of national economy to the tourism industry is not obvious.This paper conducts the resource dependence and environmental impact analysis model offorest leisure tourism industry, estimates the dependence degree that forest leisure tourismindustry has on the primary resources and the industry’s impact degree on environment. Thepaper calculates forest leisure tourism industry’s final output consumption to material andservice and finds out that at48.05%and51.95%, it also demonstrates the consumption of waterresource and energy resource tourism transportation, food and accommodation industry tourismdevelopment brought, and the influence they have on environment. The output of forest leisuretourism, which accounts for0.0735%of SUMGDP, consumes0.081%of crude oil,1.09%ofcoal and0.09%of water resource, obviously the consumption is over the average level of allindustries. Apart from the consumption, the forest leisure tourism industry lets out emissionslike CO2and SO2, which are as much as0.05%and0.112%of the tatal emissions, theindustry’s pollution for each unit of output is a bit of high.The researcher analyses the correlation between the forest leisure tourism industry growthand water resources, consumption of energy resources and environment pollution’s increase,establishs the dynamic analysis model for analysing the forest leisure tourism industry resourceconsumption and environment pollution. This paper reveals the impact of the technologicalprogress and environmental improvement investment on the ecological environment protection.As calculated, in an invariable condition of the technological advancing and environmentimprovement investment, that1%of growth of forest leisure tourist number would be directlyand indirectly leads to total energy resource consumption growth of0.241541%of growth, oilresource consumption growth of0.217261%, coal resource consumption growth of0.292284%,natural gas resource consumption growth of0.751697%, hydropower, wind, nuclear powerresource consumption growth of0.34679%, the water resources consumption growth of0.14458%; at the same time that leads to the life wastewater increased by0.162914%, SO2emissions increased by0.372375%, the life smoke emissions increased by1.2365%. Technicalprogress, the industry transition and environmental improvement investment is an importantmeasure to reduce forest leisure tourism resource consumption and the environmental pollution,each1%decrease in domestic COD emission, it needs to increase the pollution controlinvestment by0.15978%and each1%decrease of the total ammonia nitrogen emissions, itneeds to increase the pollution control investment by1.0788%. Based on inner link of the forest leisure industry development resources and environment,this paper puts forward that, the forest leisure tourism industry’s sustainable and healthydevelopment needs to improve the creative level and the service level of forest leisure tourismindustry, improve the industry’s technology content, lower the consumption of materialresources, promote industry development space and time equilibrium.

  • 【分类号】F592;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2001
  • 攻读期成果

