

The Political Equality’s Theory Searches Analyzes with the Modern Construction

【作者】 邓玉函

【导师】 王岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在历史唯物主义基本观点的指导下,以政治生活中的重要范畴——政治平等为研究对象,尝试对政治平等的概念内涵、历史沿革、生成根据、价值体系进行深入的理论探析,力图描绘出人类政治平等思想的历史图景,并揭示出政治平等的理论特征和生成逻辑。在此基础上,本文寄希望于在政治平等的理性研究和反思中构建实现社会主义政治平等的理性维度,为当代中国的社会主义政治文明建设实践提出有益的理论依据。平等是人类的永恒理想和规范原则,而平等观念是理解当代政治实践及各种理论流派历史演变的一个核心概念。在政治平等理论的视角中,整个人类文明的发展就是一部不断追求平等,争取政治平等权利的历史。政治平等本身就是一种以现实为基础,以理想为目标,在争论中前进的价值,它既追求平等的表现形式,又体现平等的内在价值,从而推动政治文明的进程。马克思主义认为,作为社会意识的一部分,平等和政治平等观念都是对社会存在的反映,因而在政治平等实践中产生的政治权力和主体权利成为政治平等观念的内在驱动力。人类的政治平等观念正是在政治权力和主体权利的对抗中得以产生,由此引发了在政治平等实践中对机会平等、条件平等、实质平等、经济平等等具体的平等要求。在人类的政治平等的历史沿革中,从古希腊时期开始讨论平等权的原则,到自然法确立法律面前人人平等,再到契约理念以平等权解释自然权利,西方思想家对政治平等赋予了“天赋人权”的价值取向。“天赋人权”的价值取向奠定了政治平等的自然法基础,政治平等的权利是被承认的自然法则,它指代的是法律面前所有人的权利平等,而不是指所有方面的绝对平等。而中国传统社会思想史中的政治平等观念则是一种追求整体利益的和谐论,不管是以诸子百家为代表的思想学派、农民军的起义运动,还是资产阶级的改良思想,中国传统社会的平等观点都以大同社会作为价值理想。这就导致了中西方平等理论发展的同形异质。马克思主义是一种以人类社会的彻底解放为宗旨的理论。它在对人类社会发展的客观规律的分析基础上,为人类指明了争取平等的正确途径。从方法论的角度而言,马克思主义通过对人类社会最基本的活动——生产力与生产关系之间的矛盾运动的规律性的分析,揭示了人类社会发展的客观规律,提出人类社会生产力的发展是人类社会平等发展过程中的基本动力的观点。在这个基础下,马克思主义指出,人类社会的平等,将随着人类社会生产力的不断提高而在广度和深度上逐渐得到发展。本文立论的逻辑起点是政治权力和主体权利的辩证统一。从历史的角度看,政治平等的生成根据表现为政治权力与主体权利的生成;从实践的角度看,政治平等的生成根据表现为国家与公民的互动张力。以政治权力和主体权利为解读范式对政治平等进行理论特征的解读。从早期基督教平等到自然法平等再到政治平等的产生,构成了政治平等的历史生成形式;形式平等与实质平等,在一定程度上描述了西方政治平等价值的实践历程和实现程度的差异,二者构成了政治平等的理性演绎形式;在权利平等与权力平等的对立中构成了政治平等的重要价值意义,因此二者构成了政治平等的理论核心形式。在政治平等的展开过程中,包含了规则平等、机会平等、起点和结果的相对平等、起点和结果的绝对平等的四个方面的范畴层次展开内容。政治平等的价值一方面关涉的是平等的价值问题;另一方面关涉的是平等在本质上是一个社会形态中政治主体与政治结构的如何作用以及如何发展进化的问题。因此,政治平等的展开过程还包括着主体性展开和社会本体论的展开。而马克思恩格斯对政治平等观念的科学阐述,是建立在对其他社会主义流派平等观的批判基础,在这其中就形成了马克思主义政治平等观念的批判性视角展开。由此,也构成了马克思主义唯物论立场下的政治平等的内容构成,包括政党平等权、阶级平等权、民族平等权和法律平等权。政治平等是马克思主义政治哲学理论体系的重要价值范畴,在以政治平等范畴为价值中心的展开中,正义、自由、公平、民主、法治构成了政治平等在实践中得以实现的价值因素。这些范畴之间以相互的逻辑层次构成了与政治平等的联系,正义是以公共利益为依归的社会制度的首要价值,它是政治平等的价值评判标准,构成了对政治平等的支配作用;自由是政治秩序守护的终极价值目标,它与政治平等具有同一性和对立性,是政治平等最高层次的价值理想;公平作为最基本的社会价值和社会关系的体现,它是政治平等的价值延伸,在政治平等视阈中体现为利害相交换的制度设计;民主作为主权在民的基本规则,它是政治平等的合法性根基,为政治平等的实现提供了运行的准则;法治作为现代政治文明的必要条件,它对公民的政治平等权利具有保障的重要意义,在政治平等的视阈中体现为对政府权力的限制与保护。政治平等的问题是体现个人与国家、国家与社会之间关系的问题,在马克思主义政治哲学的规范里研究政治平等问题,它的目的是为当代社会主义政治文明建设提供有益的理论依据。政治平等在当代的价值向度关乎人的生存和人的发展。马克思主义把政治平等看作是人类追求的美好社会制度的规范性基础。从马克思恩格斯到马克思主义的思想家都对政治社会存在的不平等现象进行了批判,并在批判的基础上分析了消除人类社会不平等的基本道路。到了现当代政治哲学的发展中,政治平等仍然是马克思主义政治哲学的基本诉求和社会理想。因此,在当代中国的社会主义发展中,不管是科学发展观、社会主义和谐社会的构建还是社会主义政治文明的建设,都蕴涵着政治平等的价值意义。同时,从本文的立论基点出发,在中国社会发展中体现出政治平等的主体诉求,包括从人的至善生活到善治政府的诉求、人的主体意识彰显的诉求和人与社会基本和谐的诉求。基于此,本文尝试提出当代中国无差异共识的政治平等维度,包括宪政的民主治理、公平与效率的博弈、构建学习型政府,从而在政治平等的理性研究和反思中构建一个自由、平等、民主、进步和文明的理想社会。

【Abstract】 This article under the historical materialism basic concept’s instruction, take political life’s inimportant category--politics equality as the object of study, attempts to the political equality conceptconnotation, the historical evolution, the production acts according to, the value system to carry on thethorough theory to search analyzes, tries hard to describe the human politics equal thought thehistorical prospect, and promulgates the political equality the theory characteristic and productionlogic. Based on this, this article places hopes in the political equality rational research and theresonsideration constructs realizes the socialism politics equality rational dimension, proposes thebeneficial theory basis for Contemporary China’s socialism politics civilization construction practice.The equality is the humanity eternal ideal and the standard principle, but the equal idea isunderstood the contemporary politics practice and each kind of theory school history evolves a coreconcept. In the political equal theory’s angle of view, the entire human culture’s development is onepursues the equality unceasingly, strives for the political equal rights the history. The political equalityis in itself one kind take the reality as a foundation, take the ideal as the goal, goes forward the valuein the argument, it both pursue equality manifestation, and manifests the equal the intrinsic value, thusimpetus politics civilization advancement. The Marxism believed that takes the social consciousness apart, the equality and the political equal idea is to the social being reflection, thus produces in thepolitical equality practice the political power and the main body right become the political equal ideathe intrinsic driving influence. Humanity’s political equal idea is precisely can produce in the politicalpower and in the main body right resistance, from this has initiated in the political equality practice tothe opportunity equality, the condition equality, the substantive equality, after Jiping and so onconcrete equal request.In humanity’s political equality’s historical evolution, starts from the ancient Greece time todiscuss the equal power the principle, to the natural law establishment law in front of all people beingequal, arrives at the contract idea again by the equal power explanation inherent right, the Westernthinker has entrusted with “the sports lotteries” to the political equality the value orientation.“sportslotteries” the value orientation has laid the political equality natural law foundation, the politicalequality right is the natural law which acknowledged that what it refers to the generation is in front ofthe law all person’s right equality, but is not refers to all aspects the absolute equality. But in theChinese tradition society thinking history’s political equal idea is one kind of pursue overall benefit harmony theory, no matter take alls of the various schools of thought as representative’s thoughtschool of thought that farmer armed forces’ revolt movement, bourgeoisie’s improvement thought thatthe Chinese tradition society’s equal viewpoint takes the value by the Datong society to be ideal. Thishas caused the Western equal theory development isomorph neterogeny. Marxism is one kind takehuman society’s thorough liberation as the objective theory. It to the human society development’sobjective law’s analysis foundation, indicated for the humanity has striven for the equal the correctway. Says from the methodology angle, the Marxism through to between the human society mostbasic activity--productive forces and productive relations’ contradictory movement’s regular analysis,has promulgated the human society development objective law, proposed that the human societyproductive forces’s development is in the human society equality developing process basic powerviewpoint. Under this foundation, the Marxism pointed out that human society’s equality, along withthe human society productive forces will enhance unceasingly, but obtains the development graduallyin the breadth and the depth.This article presents argument the logical beginning is the political power and the main bodyright dialectical unification. Looked from the historical angle, political equality production basisperformance for political power and main body right production; Looked from the practice angle,political equality production basis performance for national and citizen’s interactive tensity. Carries onthe theory characteristic take the political power and the main body right as the explanation model tothe political equality the explanation. From the early Christianity equality to the natural law equalityto the political equality’s production, constituted the political equality history generate form again;The form equality and the substantive equality, described the Western politics equal value practicecourse to a certain extent and realize the degree difference, the two constituted the political equalityrational deduction form; Constituted the political equality important value significance in the rightequality and in the authority equality’s opposition, therefore the two constituted the political equalitytheory core form. In the political equality launches in the process, has contained the regular equal, theopportunity equality, the beginning and the result relative equality, the beginning and the resultabsolute equality four aspect Fan levels launches the content. What political equality value at thesame time concern relation is the equal value question; On the other hand what concern relation ishow the equality in is essentially in a form of society the political main body and the politicalstructure to affect as well as how to develop the evolution question. Therefore, the political equalitylaunches the process also to include independent to launch with social ontology expansion. But MarxEngels elaborated to the political equal idea’s science, is the establishment to other socialism schoolequal view critique foundation, formed the Marxism politics equal idea criticalness angle of view to launch. From this, also constituted under the Marxism materialism standpoint political equalitycontent constitution, including political party equal power, social class equal power, equality ofnationality power and legal equal power.The political equality is Marxism politics philosophy system info’s important value category, intake the political equal category as in value center’s expansion, just, free, fair, the democracy, thegovernment by law constituted the value factor which the political equality can realize in reality.Between these categories constituted by the mutual logical level with political equality contacting,just is take the public interest as the being converted to social system’s most important value, it is thepolitical equality value judgment standard, constituted to the political equality control function; Thefreedom is the political order protection ultimate value goal, it has the identity with the politicalequality and the opposition, is the political equality highest level value is ideal; The fair achievementmost basic social value and social relations’ manifestation, it is the political equality value extends,manifests in the political equal apparent threshold for the system design which terribly exchanges;The democracy as the sovereignty in people’s fundamental rule, it is the political equality validfoundation, realized for the political equality has provided the movement criterion; The governmentby law as the modern politics civilization’s essential condition, it has the safeguard important meaningto citizen’s political equal rights, manifests in the political equality’s apparent threshold for to thegovernment authority limit and the protection.The political equality’s question manifests personally the question which with between thecountry, the country and the society relates, studies the political equal question in the Marxismpolitics philosophy’s standard, its goal is provides the beneficial theory basis for the present agesocialism politics civilization construction. The political equality to concerns person’s survival andperson’s development in the contemporary value. The Marxism regards as the political equality thehappy social system’s regulated foundation which is the humanity pursues. Has carried on the critiquefrom Marx Engels to Marxism’s thinkers to the politics social being’s inequalities, and analyzed in thecritique foundation eliminated the human society not equal basic path. To the generation of politicalphilosophy’s development, the political equality is still now the Marxism politics philosophy basicdemand and the society is ideal. Therefore, in Contemporary China’s socialism development, nomatter is the scientific development concept, the socialism harmonious society’s construction or thesocialism politics civilization construction, is containing the political equality value significance. Atthe same time, embarks from this article argument basic point, manifests the political equality inChina social development the main body demand, including lives from person’s ultimate good togoverns government’s demand, person’s main body consciousness showing demand and the person and the social basic harmonious demand friendly. Based on this, this article attempts proposes theContemporary China non-difference mutual recognition political equal dimension, includingconstitutional government democracy government, fair and efficiency gambling, construction studygovernment, thus constructs a freedom, the equal, the democracy, the progress and the civilized idealsociety in the political equality’s rational research and the resonsideration.


