

Basis Research on Segmented Switched Reluctance Motors

【作者】 陈小元

【导师】 邓智泉;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电机与电器, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 分块开关磁阻电机(switched reluctance machine,简称SRM)通过改变定、转子成分块结构,使其除具有普通SRM的控制灵活,耐高温等优点外,亦具有高速运行时风(油)阻小、低铁心损耗、高可靠性和高容错性等优点。因此,分块SRM在全电/多电飞机电力传动系统、起动/发电机双功能系统、电动车驱动系统以及新能源系统中具有潜在的应用前景。本文基于分块SRM的基本特性,从电磁设计、结构拓扑、性能仿真、位置信号故障诊断及容错控制、控制系统设计等角度开展研究。首先建立了12/8结构整距绕组分块转子SRM的二维和三维有限元模型,仿真分析电机的静态磁密分布,计算并实测了电机的相电感;基于整距绕组分块转子SRM不同位置时的电磁特性,确定了定、转子极弧系数选取的原则;将绕组电流波形等效于方波,推导了整距绕组分块转子SRM的主体尺寸计算公式;分析了绕组匝数的选取规则;并通过二维场路耦合有限元仿真验证了电机的性能。基于本文提出的方法设计了一台12/8结构的整距绕组分块转子SRM实验样机,并实验验证了本设计方法的有效性。针对单极性励磁时四相8/6结构整距绕组分块转子SRM定子磁通冲突的问题,提出采用定子分块和双极性励磁两种方案,并通过场路耦合法建立了两种方案下四相8/6结构整距绕组分块转子SRM的有限元瞬态模型,对比研究了两种电机的电流、铜耗、铁心磁密波形、铁心损耗等电磁特性。结果表明,采用双极性励磁方案,不但可克服定子磁通冲突,亦较采用定子分块方案时具有低的铁心损耗。在总结国内外现有结构的分块SRM工作原理和磁路特点的基础上,首次提出了环状绕组分块转子SRM、集中绕组分块转子SRM、C形分块定子SRM、E形分块定子SRM和混合气隙分块定子SRM等五种新型结构的分块SRM,结合结构示意图和磁路图对其基本工作原理分别进行分析,并根据结构特点和电磁特性分析了各种新型结构分块SRM的优缺点。通过三维有限元模型仿真了E形分块定子SRM的各定子线圈互感,结果表明E形分块定子SRM各线圈间的互感非常小,各定子块间磁路隔离。将各个独立的定子块作为单元,推导了E形分块定子SRM主体尺寸的计算公式,探析并建立了绕组匝数及其他主要尺寸的选取规则,完成了E形分块转子SRM的电磁计算,并通过磁路和电路的耦合计算对E形分块定子SRM的稳态性能进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了E形分块定子SRM电磁设计方法的有效性。在介绍分块SRM位置传感器安装的基础上,采用注入脉冲法测定位置传感器的位置偏差,实现电机的自起动。通过对分块SRM位置信号故障的分析,提出通过检测各相位置信号双边沿的触发顺序以及相邻触发边沿之间的角度差实现位置信号故障检测。该方法可统一诊断位置信号高、低电平故障。基于位置信号共享的原理,利用非故障位置信号对电机换相逻辑进行重构,实现传感器故障下的容错控制;且当故障位置信号恢复正常后,可平稳切入运行,提高了系统的可靠性。完成了分块SRM数字控制系统的研制,设计了两种不同结构的转速闭环控制程序。程序1根据转速优化开通角和关断角,采用实时调节电流斩波限的转速闭环控制策略;程序结构2采用实时调节开通角,优化关断角的转速闭环控制策略。最后讨论了两种程序结构的特点并通过实验验证。

【Abstract】 The segmented switched reluctance machine (SRM) consists of several independent stator ironsegments, or several rotor iron segments which are embedded in non-magnetic cover. Both of the twofeatures make it have the advantages of high fault tolerance, low wind (oil) resistance, and low ironloss at a high speed, besides the advantages of the conventional SRM like flexible control as well asadaptability of high temperature and speed. Thus, the segmented SRM has potential foreground inapplicable systems such as electro-mechanical actuation systems and starter/generator system in themore/all electric aircraft, electric/hybrid-electric vehicles and new energy system.This dissertation focuses on structure topologies of segmented SRM, electromagneticcharacteristics and electric machine design, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of positionsignals, and the design of the experimental system.Firstly,2D and3D models of SRM with fully pitched windings and segmental rotor areestablished in order to analyse the static magnetic density distribution and calculate phase inductance.The computational formula of main body for SRMs with fully-pitched windings and segmental rotorscan be obtained when the currents in phase windings are equivalent to square waveforms. The rule ofselecting pole arcs of stator and rotor teeth for SRMs with fully-pitched windings and segmentalrotors is analyzed based on the electromagnetic performances of the motor, especially at alignedposition and unaligned position. The principles of calculating the number of turns of windings andother key dimensions of the motor are also established. A prototype is designed with the methodpresented, the finite element analysis and the experiments are accomplished. The results verify thisdesign method for SRMs with fully-pitched windings and segmental rotors.To solve the collision of the magnetic flux in the stator teeth of the four-phase8/6SRM withfully-pitched windings and segmental rotors, two new methods are proposed. One is that dividing themotor’s stator and insulating them by magnetic spacers, the other is excitated with bipolar currents byfour identical H-bridges. Finite element instantaneous models of the two kinds of8/6segmented SRMare presented, to compare the electromagnetic feature of two kinds of motor’s current, copper loss,iron core’s flux density curve, iron loss.The existing segmented SRMs are overviewed based on the analysis of their constructions andmagnetic paths. Five novel segmented SRMs, which are toroidal-windings SRM with segmentalrotors, short-pitched windings SRM with segmental rotors, SRM with C-shaped segmental stators, SRM with E-shaped segmental stators and axial-radial air gap SRM with segmental stators, arepresented. The structures and the basic working principles of these five novel segmented SRMs areintroduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of them are also analyzed. All above will provide auseful reference for segmented SRM’s researches and applications.3D model of SRM with E-shaped segmental stators is established and mutual inductances ofwindings are analyzed. The computational formula of main body for SRM with E-shaped stators isdeduced when taking each separate modular stator as a power unit. The principles of calculating thenumber of turns of windings and other key dimensions of the motor are also established. A machineprototype is designed, the electromagnetic performance is analyzed and the results verify thiselectromagnetic design method.The installation of position sensors is discussed and position deviations are measured by plusecurrent method. According to the analysis of the fault of position signals, a diagnostic method, whichdetects the edge sequences of position signals and calculates the angle between the adjacent edges ofposition signals is researched. Fault-tolerant control is carried out by taking advantage of the anglerelations of position signals. When the fault position signals restore, the wrong edges can be detectedand rejected by using this diagnostic method, and the motor can run steadily when the position signalrestores. The validity and feasibility of fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant control and fault recovery areverified by experiments.A digital control system for segmented SRM is designed and the softwares are completed basedon two different control strategies. The first strategy optimizes turn-on angle and turn-off angle, aswell as adjusting current limits; The second strategy optimizes turn-off angles and adjusts turn-onangle according to speeds. Finally, the characteristics of two control strategies are analyzed andverified by experiments.


