

Research on the Key Technology of Facility Layout for Agile Workshop Based on Axiomatic Design

【作者】 王晓勇

【导师】 楼佩煌;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着产品个性化需求以及全球性竞争的加剧,对于制造系统的敏捷性要求越来越高。敏捷制造车间作为产品生产的重要场所,其规划技术的先进性直接影响产品的生产周期与成本。但是当前的车间规划技术主要基于经验或局部优化技术,难于满足现代车间规划的需求。基于车间规划技术在制造业中的重要地位和敏捷制造车间的实际需求,本文提出了基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术,建立了基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划框架,并从基于独立公理的敏捷车间布局优化技术、基于公理设计的多属性决策技术、制造车间敏捷规划平台开发和敏捷建模技术等方面进行了研究。由于车间规划技术对于企业的生产经营具有重要影响,本文分析了车间规划技术在国内和国外的研究内容与研究现状,指出当前车间规划技术的研究方法所存在的问题以及车间规划技术未来发展方向,在此基础上提出了基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术。把先进设计理论引入到车间规划领域,克服了现有车间规划方法主要基于经验和过程而缺乏系统的理论指导的缺陷。建立了基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划层次模型及层间映射模型,把车间规划过程划分为车间层、单元层和工位层三个层次,实现车间规划的由顶向下、逐层细化过程;在此基础上建立了基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划总体框架,实现了规划组织过程与公理设计过程并行推进,有效地减少由于任务分配不当造成的设计组之间沟通不畅与设计迭代,提高了布局设计的可靠性和设计效率。针对敏捷制造车间规划问题,建立了基于公理设计的多空间映射模型,分析了车间规划过程中各个空间之间的交互关系,结合基于公理设计的车间层规划过程,通过设施组、任务组、设计组之间的映射,分析了设计组之间的协调关系,有效减少了因设计组之间任务迭代所引起的时间浪费。运用独立公理分析了现有布局优化过程中存在的耦合性问题,提出了敏捷车间集成多目标布局优化过程。对敏捷车间集成多目标布局优化过程中的敏捷车间的单元构建、设备选择、物流网络构建、输入/输出站位置确定、生产运作性能等关键问题进行了详细分析,建立了具有纵向固定通道的multi-bay布局问题的多目标求解数学模型。在新的集成多目标优化过程指导下所得到的优化方案更加可靠,更能够满足敏捷制造车间要求。分析了多属性决策中的相关性问题,提出了基于公理设计的多属性决策方法,最大程度减少了决策过程中的目标冲突问题;并对信息公理中的信息量计算方法进行了改进,使其能够兼顾系统能力和决策者满意度,更适合于解决多属性决策问题。提出的基于设计公理的多属性决策过程为多次重复决策提供了新的思路。为了方便所研究的基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术在实际中的应用,开发了基于公理设计的制造车间敏捷规划平台。对基于布局沙盘的模型快速反求方法进行了研究,为了把车间布局数字模型快速转化为仿真模型,建立了制造系统分层面向对象赋时有色Petri网(HOTCPN)模型,并开发相应软件,把HOTCPN模型的控制逻辑自动转化为eM-Plant仿真模型的控制逻辑,实现了车间仿真模型的快速建模过程。该平台为基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术在现实中的应用提供了便捷工具、增强了技术可用性。最后,以对某企业焊装车间的规划作为基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术的实际工程应用。初步验证了所提出的基于公理设计的敏捷车间规划技术的在敏捷车间规划中的可行性和有效性。

【Abstract】 Personalized products and increasing global competition require manufacturing systems with moreagility. In view of the important position of agile manufacturing workshop for production, whetherworkshop planning technology is advanced or not directly impacts on the production cycle andmanufacturing cost. Nevertheless, the present workshop planning technology based on experience orlocal optimization technology is difficult to meet the needs of the modern workshop planning. As theimportance of plant planning technology in the manufacturing firms and the actual needs of agilemanufacturing plant, the planning technology for agile manufacturing workshop based on the axiomaticdesign is presented. In this paper, the agile workshop planning theoretical framework based on theaxiomatic design is built and the agile workshop layout optimization techniques, multi-attributedecision-making based on axiomatic design, the development of agile manufacturing workshopplanning plantform and rapid modeling techniques are studied in detail.As the facilities planning techniques has important influence on the production operation, in thepaper The research situation of facility planning is analyzed and the research deficiencies and futuredevelopment direction are pointed out. Based on the above analysis, the concept of agile workshopplanning technique based on axiomatic design is proposed. The proposed technique introduce theadvanced design theory to the workshop planning area and overcome the shortcomings of present plantplanning methods which base on experience and lack the guide of systematic theory. The proposedtechnique will have an important impact on the workshop planning research.The agile manufacturing workshop planning hierarchical model based on axiomatic design andmapping model between levels are established. The workshop planning process is divided intoworkshop level, unit level and workstation level to achieve the top-down planning and taskdecomposition level by level. The overall framework of agile workshop planning based on axiomaticdesign is established. In the framework, the planning organization process and the design process arepropelled in parallel, the poor communication between the design groups and design iterations arereduced which are caused by improper tasks distribution and the layout reliability and the designefficiency are improved. Aiming at agile manufacturing workshop planning problem, the multi-spacemapping model of agile workshop planning based on axiomatic design is established. In the model, theinteraction between the spaces in the workshop planning process are analyzed, the mapping betweenfacilities group, task group and design group are established. Using the model, coordination between thedesign team is smooth and the wastes of time caused by task iterations between the design groups areeffectively reduced.Through the analysis to the plant layout planning process with independent axiom, the couplingproblem in the traditional layout optimization process is found. By coupling analysis, themulti-objective integrated layout optimization process for the agile workshop is presented. The cellformation, equipment selection, logistics network construction, input/output stations position andoperational performance about agile workshop are analyzed respect. The multi-bay layout problem withthe vertical fixed-channel has been studied and its multi-objective mathematical model is established.Under the guidance of the new integrated multi-objective layout optimization process, the optimizedlayout is more reliable and better able to meet the requirements of agile manufacturing workshop.The relations issues of multi-attribute decision-making are analyzed, multi-attribute decision-making method based on axiomatic design theory are proposed. In this theory, the hierarchicalcriteria system analysis model based on the independent axiom is constructed, which takes into accountof the impact of the relationship between criteria and reduces the objective conflicts in thedecision-making process by the greatest extent. In order to reflect the degree of fulfillment of thedecision maker’s requirements, the computation method of information content is improved. Theimproved formula synthetically embodies decision-maker’s satisfaction degree and the system ability,which better suites to solving multi-attribute decision making problems. The proposed multi-attributedecision-making model based on axiomatic design provides a new idea for the repeateddecision-making process.In order to support the study of agile layout theory based on axiomatic design, the layout softwareplatform based on axiomatic design for the agile manufacturing workshop is developed and rapidreverse engineering method based on sand table model of workshop layout is presented. In order totransform the workshop layout digital model into the simulation model, Hierarchical Object-orientedTimed Colored Petri Net (HOTCPN) model of manufacturing system is established and thecorresponding auto-conversion software is developed. Using the software, the control logic ofmanufacturing workshop HOTCPN model is automatically translated into the control logic of eM-Plantsimulation model, which achieves the rapidly modeling of the workshop simulation. The layout softwareplatform provides a convenient tool for agile workshop planning techniques based on axiomatic designto be applied in the real engineering and enhance the technical availability.Finally, the facility layout techniques of agile workshop based on axiomatic design are used todesign the welding workshop layout. The engineering application initially verifies the feasibility andeffectiveness of the proposed facility layout techniques for the agile workshop based on axiomaticdesign.


