

Research on Control Mechanism and Remote Rescue System for Coal Thermodynamic Disaster

【作者】 王凯

【导师】 蒋曙光;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 矿井火灾和瓦斯爆炸是我国煤矿开采面临的重大灾害事故,这些事故往往造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失,可能还会诱发次生灾害。本文根据此类事故救灾过程难度系数大、技术要求高、危险性强的特点,运用通风系统学、流体动力学、燃烧与热力学、爆炸动力学等相关理论,对矿井热动力灾害进行了大量的实验研究、数值模拟和理论分析,研究热动力灾害控制机理及应急救援设备的配置方法所涉及的关键科学问题。取得了如下创新性成果:对主进风巷火灾的各类可燃物蔓延模型、燃烧产物及其危害进行分析。推导了顺流、逆流、不同倾角条件下火灾蔓延速度计算公式,分析了烟气流在巷道内扩散、蔓延的运移规律。对烟流滚退距离进行无因次分析,得出了修正的无因次烟流滚退距离公式,计算了特定条件下的临界风速。研究了复杂通风系统中主进风巷火灾应急救援远程控制系统建设原理,提出了灾变过程中由被动抗灾转向主动救灾的思想。通过FDS模拟平巷火灾中不同风速和热释放速率的烟流滚退距离,拟合出三者关系式:L=19.43*ln0.911*QD/v~3;计算临界风速并与前人的实验拟合公式对比,获取最佳的参数设置;模拟相同燃烧参数不同倾斜角度的区段巷道火灾烟流滚退变化规律。针对通风系统实况建立三维巷网模型,模拟分析远程应急救援系统启动前后的火灾蔓延规律、烟流运动路径、温度分布情况,证明了远程应急救援系统配置的实用性、可行性及数值模拟的通用性。结合主进风巷火灾应急救援远程控制系统的工作原理,提出了灾变过程中保证烟流区高效灭火和非烟流区安全撤人的风量分配方法。利用数值模拟和理论计算的方法,确定了抑制火灾蔓延和烟流滚退的风量配置,从而保证非烟流区达到原有风量的60%,并且可设定救灾过程中关键巷道最佳风量分配阈值。在救灾系统简化风网基础上建立了风量参数监测子系统。通过简化风网结构迭代解算反演出火风压的动态值,将其代入灾变风网中迭代解算,获取救灾过程中各分支风量的动态结果。在瓦斯爆炸传播机理及其对周围通风设施的破坏效应研究基础上,根据救灾过程中通风系统恢复原理,提出了在可能发生瓦斯爆炸的区域、易于破坏的关键通风设施位置选择性预“埋”常开风门,灾变后自动关闭恢复通风系统的新思路。建立了现场瓦斯爆炸频发的局部通风系统模型,对不同位置和巷道配置方式下的弱面通风设施破坏效应进行了试验研究。根据超压值和弱面板破坏片度的统计结果确定了多处通风设施的破坏优先级,为通风设施的防爆配置提供了参考。结合巷道火灾救灾、瓦斯爆炸后通风系统恢复的特点,以及灾变过程的调控方法对应急救援设备的要求,研发了基于PLC和光通信的矿用本安兼隔爆型控制器和地面中心站,动态监测井下灾害频发点、区域风量、风门开关状态及开度调控情况。设计了具有防夹、克服巷道变形、开度可调功能的风门结构,风门的动力源具备井下压气和备用高压气瓶的“双保险”功能,系统电源具有外电和备用电池的“双保险”功能。开发了地面中心站和上位机软件,实现了救灾系统远程人工控制、智能控制和井下自动控制相结合的“三保险”功能,以及救灾过程中风网风量的远程智能调控及分支风量动态显示。该系统在龙东煤矿进行了安装调试,通过演习体现了救灾过程远程风量智能调控技术的良好效果。针对三个煤矿远程应急救援系统现场建设的实况,分析了其配置方案、工作原理及应用效果。研究成果为煤矿热动力灾害远程应急救援系统的建立提供了理论依据和技术保证,为井下工作人员的生命安全提供了保障。对今后井下通风设施的配置和灾变过程的应急救援具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。另外,针对相关研究成果发表论文10篇,其中EI已收录3篇,待收录EI源刊3篇。

【Abstract】 Mine fire and gas explosion are the major disasters which coal mines facing inChina, the disasters often cause heavy casualties and property losses, but also maytrigger secondary disasters. Based on characteristics of the large difficulty coefficient,high technical requirements, and high risk in the process of an accident relief. Usingtheories of the ventilation systematics, fluid dynamics, combustion andthermodynamics, explosion dynamics. A large number of experiments, numericalsimulation and theoretical analysis on the mine thermal power disaster have beendone, and the control mechanism and the key scientific issues involved in theconfiguration of the emergency rescue equipment were studied. Innovative resultswere achieved as followed:This paper analyzed the spread model, combustion products and hazards of allkinds of combustibles in the intake airflow roadway. Formula of fire spread speeed onthe conditions of downstream, reflux, and different inclination were derived, and themigration law of gas flow diffusion and spread in the roadway were analyzed. By thedimensionless analysis on backflow distances of smoke, the modified dimensionlessformula of backflow distances of smoke was concluded, and critical wind speed wascalculated under certain conditions.Principle of remote rescue system for intake airflow roadway fire of complexventilation system was researched. The idea on the transformation from passivedisaster resistance to active relief in catastrophic process was put forward. Thedistance of smoke backflow under different airflow speed and heat release rate in thedrift fire disaster was simulated by FDS and the three-parameter relationship wasexpressed as L=19.43*ln0.911*QD/v~3. The critical wind speed was calculated andcompared with the experimental fitting formula to obtain the best parameter settings,and the law of smoke backflow under the same combustion parameters and differentinclination in the section of the roadway was simulated.3D roadway network modelwas established based on the actual ventilation system to simulate and analyze laws offire spread, path of the plume movement and temperature distribution before and afterthe startup of remote rescue system. It proved useful and feasibile of the configurationof remote rescue system, and versatile of numerical simulation.According to the working principle of remote rescue system in main intake fire,this paper presented air distribution methods to ensuring the high efficientfire-fighting in smoke flow zone and safety evacuation in non-smoke flow zone during disasters. Numerical simulation and theoretical calculation methods were usedto calculate the air quantity suppressing fire spread and smoke backflow, whichensured the air quantity in non-smoke flow reach60%of the original air volume andset the optimal air distribution threshold value for the key roadways in the reliefprocess. Monitoring subsystem of air quantity parameters was established based onsimplified network of disaster relief system. Iterative solution was used to inverse thedynamic value of fire pressure by simplifying network, which was substituted into theventilation network to get the dynamic results of the air quantity for each branch inthe relief process. The adjustable air doors were designed to remotely control theopening of air doors and achieve the optimal air quantity distribution.Based on the research of gas explosion propagation mechanism and damageeffects on the surrounding ventilation and the ideas of recovering ventilation system,we put forward the idea on selectively pre-buried “normally open” air doors in thearea where gas explosion probably might occur and positions where ventilationfacilities were easily damaged. Air doors could close automatically once disasterhappened. Local ventilation system model for gas explosion happening frequently wasestablished,to test the destructive effect on the ventilation facility of weak face indifferent locations and different ways of roadway configuration. According to theoverpressures and destroyed pieces of weak face, the priority of the destruction ofventilation facilities was determined, which provided references for theexplosion-proof configuration for ventilation facilities.According to the characteristics of roadway fire relief and ventilation systemrecovery after gas explosion happened and equipments of control methods for rescueequipments, intrinsically safe and flame proof controller based on PLC and opticalcommunications and ground supervising center were developed to dynamicallymonitor positions with frequently occurring disasters, regional air quantity, on-offstate and opening range of air doors. We designed air doors with anti-trap,non-deformability from roadways and the adjustable opening. Gas compressionunderground and alternate gas cylinders with high pressure provided a sort of doublesecure affirmance for air doors opening and closing. External power and spare batteryalso provided a sort of double secure affirmance for remote rescue system. Softwareof ground supervising center and the host computer were developed to realize a sort ofthree secure affirmance of remotely manual control, intelligent control and automaticcontrol, control remotely and intelligently air quantity of air network in rescue and diplay dynamically air quantity of airflow branches. The remote rescue system wasdesigned and installed at the Longdong Coal Mine and achieved the good effects ofremotely intelligent control for air quantity in relief process by exercise in the pit.According to actual situations on-site of the remote rescue system in three coal minesof Longdong, Changcun and Anjialing No.2Coal Mine, we analyzed theirconfiguration scheme, working principle and application effects of remote rescuesystem.The research results provided theoretical foundation and a technology for remoterescue system for coal thermodynamic disaster, and a guarantee for life safety of theunderground staff. It has important theory meaning and practice value for the futureconfiguration of the underground ventilation facilities and underground emergencyrescue for disasters. In addition, there were10papers (3EI articles and3EI articlesincluded in EI source journals soon) dealing with the subject.


