

Study on the Countermeasures to Enhancing the Universities’ Graduates’ Employability

【作者】 施炜

【导师】 邹放鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 科技与教育管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 普通高等学校在人才培养方面的最本质的价值指向就是促进学生实现“全面而自由的发展”,这也是大学生创造人生财富、实现人生价值的前提。而要达到这一目标,大学生首先必须要在社会生活中从事一定的社会职业,这就要求大学生具备一定的基本素质和综合素质,其中就业能力是关键。然而,目前用人单位普遍反映大学生就业能力存在很多不足。这些不足主要是由于高校人才培养质量与人才培养模式所存在的问题而导致的。因此,提升毕业生就业能力成了普通高校本科教育的重要命题。大学生就业能力是大学生素质和能力中一个非常重要的组成部分,是大学生综合素质在求职、面试、工作等一系列活动中所展现出来的行为特征,它有狭义和广义、绝对和相对之分。狭义的大学生就业能力特指求职应聘能力。广义的大学生就业能力是指与顺利获取工作和成功保持工作直接相关的带有职业倾向性的各种能力的有机组合,包括求职应聘能力。大学生就业能力还具有绝对意义和相对意义。其中,绝对就业能力是相对就业能力的基石,而相对就业能力是绝对就业能力大小的一种体现形式,对大学生而言,不仅要注意绝对就业能力的提升,也要重视相对就业能力的提升,两者缺一不可。大学生就业能力是一个由不同要素构成的复杂系统,它主要由求职应聘能力、专业能力、人际关系能力、自我发展能力、情绪调适能力这五种能力要素构成。这五种能力要素相互作用,构成了大学生就业能力的球状结构模型,该模型由内到外可分为核心层、发展层和应用层三个层次,其中情绪调适能力处于核心层,自我发展能力处在中间的发展层,应聘能力、专业能力、人际关系能力位于球体表面的应用层。这三个层次中的各能力要素构成了一个完整的决定大学生外在就业行为的就业能力系统。通过德尔菲法和问卷调查法,大学生就业能力结构模型的合理性在一定程度上获得验证,并进而得到了大学生亟需提升的关键能力要素。在各种对大学生就业能力产生影响的因素中,高校教育具有独特的主导作用,因此,提升大学生就业能力,应从大学生就业能力的绝对性和相对性出发,结合大学生就业能力的不同要素和结构层次,着重对高校的教学模式和人才培养模式进行全面而有针对性地改革研究,提出适应各个就业能力要素与维度的提升途径和方式。大学生的综合素质是大学生就业能力的内在基础和发展前提。因此,提升大学生就业能力就必须要促进大学生的综合素质的协调发展。这就要求高校应以素质教育为理念,促进人的全面发展,关注个性的成长与发展。同时,还应调整办学理念,突出办学特色,转变人才培养模式,培养适销对路的合格的专业人才。根据实际调查,大学生在专业技术能力、问题解决能力和求职应聘能力方面最欠缺。针对这些能力,高校应对症下药,采取有针对性的对策,如,提升大学生专业技术能力主要从创新专业教学体系入手;提升问题解决能力,则要强化实践训练环节;提升求职应聘能力,主要是加强就业指导教育。而大学生相对就业能力的提升,就必须要端正大学生的就业观,提高大学生就业能力与社会需求的匹配性。因此,高校应实施基于“价值引导下的自主构建”理念下的新型的就业观教育。该论文有图7幅,表15个,参考文献130篇。

【Abstract】 The most essential value orientation of colleges and universities in personneltraining is to promote students to achieve "full and free development”, which ispremise of students creating wealth and realizing the value of life. To achieve thisgoal, students must be engage in a certain social occupation in the social life at first,which requires students to have some basic qualities and comprehensive qualities,among which employability is the key element. However, at present, many employingunits generally reflect that graduates are lack of some employability. The lack ismainly due to the colleges and universities which have troubles in quality of personneltraining and training mode. Therefore, enhancing the graduates’ employability hasbecome the important proposition of the regular college course education.The graduates’ employability is a very important part of the graduates’ qualitiesand ability. We can differentiate narrow and broad senses, absolute and relativefeatures of the graduates’ employability in the article. Graduates’ employability is acomplicated system formed by different factors, which is mainly composed of theability of hunting a job and interviewing, professional ability, interpersonal ability;self development ability, emotion regulation ability and the five ability factors’ actingupon each other form the global instruction model of the graduates’ employability. Inthe model, we can separate into three levels from inner to outer, which are core level,development level and applying level. Through the Delphi Method and questionnairesurvey, we can prove the rationality of graduates’ employability instruction model insome extent and have some key ability factors which are desired to be enhancedimmediately. Higher education plays a leading role in various factors influencing thegraduates’ employability. Therefore we should enhance the absolute and relativeemployability, and comprehensively and well targeted innovate the mode of personneltraining and teaching of universities and colleges according the different factors andinstructive levels of employability and put forward some methods and suggestions toenhance the graduates’ employability.Enhancing graduates’ employability lies in the improvement of the quality ofhigher education essentially. Colleges and universities should adjust the idea, stressingthe characteristics of running a school, change the mode of personnel training, anddevelop marketable qualified professionals. Therefore it requires colleges anduniversities to set up the quality education as the concept, promote the student’s allround development, and pay close attention to students’ individual growth anddevelopment at the same time. Colleges and universities should take targetedmeasures according the employability which graduates lack, such as, innovating thesystem of specialized subject teaching to enhancing the graduates’ specializedtechnological ability, improving the practice training to enhancing the graduates’ability of solving problems, strengthening the employment guidance to enhancing thegraduates’ ability of hunting a job and interviewing and attaching importance to theeducation and guidance about sense of worth of employment to enhancing thegraduates’ relative employability. There are7figures,15tables and130references in the Paper.


