

Study on Overlying Strata Movement Behavior for Longwall Filling Mining of Superhigh-water Material and Its Control

【作者】 孙春东

【导师】 张东升;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 煤矿井工开采实施长壁工作面整体充填是当今充填开采技术发展的难点和研发热点。本文以超高水材料为充填材料,依据陶一煤矿充6工作面地质条件,综合采用理论分析、实验室模拟试验、工业性试验及现场实测等方法,结合陶一煤矿充6工作面长壁充填开采工业性试验成果,对超高水材料长壁充填开采覆岩活动规律及地表下沉控制进行了深入研究,并有效指导了工程实践,主要研究成果如下:(1)首次对长壁采空区不同形态(纯浆型、胶结混合型、界面混合型)的充填固结体系统进行了不同凝固阶段的力学特性测试;采用自行研制的10,000kN大尺寸蠕变试验系统,对充填固结体进行了大尺寸蠕变试验,分析了充填固结体的蠕变特性及尺寸效应,为现场充填实践提供了基础参数。(2)建立了“覆岩-顶板-煤层-充填体”长壁充填开采覆岩整体结构力学模型,结合充填体物理力学性能,揭示了超高水材料长壁充填开采工作面顶板变形破断机理,分析了工作面来压特征,基于“支架-围岩”相互作用关系,提出了相应的支架阻力计算方法,为长壁工作面充填开采顶板控制提供了理论指导。(3)采用数值计算的方法,结合等效采高原理,对长壁工作面开采不同等效采高条件下覆岩活动规律及地表变形特征进行了系统分析,为长壁工作面充填方法选择、充填工艺设计等提供了依据。(4)根据超高水材料充填开采的特点,为适应更大规模长壁充填开采的需要,在井下充填工艺系统的基础上,首次构建了与长壁充填开采相配套的地面充填工艺系统,并开发了配套的大流量(320m3/h)浆体生产线自动控制系统,在生产监控、生产配比设定、数据查询、系统校称等环节实现了自动化,提高了浆体生产系统的效率,为提高工作面充填效率和及时充填的能力提供了重要支撑。(5)研发并实施了与超高水材料长壁充填开采相适应的充填工艺技术,通过构筑人工隔离堵漏墙等方法提高了充填液面高度,有效控制了顶板的破断及垮落高度发展,形成了超高水材料长壁充填开采覆岩控制技术体系。对长壁充填开采工作面矿压显现、地表变形等的全面观测结果表明该方法对地表变形控制效果良好。

【Abstract】 Implementation of the longwall coalface overall filling is the difficulty spot andresearch hot spot of the filling mining technology development. This paper is based on theNo.6longwall filling coalface geological conditions of Taoyi coalmine using super-highwater filling material, by the combination of theoretical analysis, laboratory simulationtest and the industrial test methods, combined with industrial test achievements of theNo.6longwall filling coalface, making a systematic research for super-high waterlongwall filling mining strata movement regularity and surface subsidence control, andeffectively directing engineering practice, the main research results are as follows:(1) Firstly making the systematic test for the different stages of mechanical propertiesof longwall coalface filling mining various forms (pure slurry, cementation-mixed,interface-mixed) super-high water mined-out area filling cementation body, applying the10000kN large size filling material test system, and making the large size creep test, thispaper analyzes the super-high water creep property and size effect, providing thefoundation parameters for the filling practice.(2) Establishing the longwall filling mining overburden strata structure mechanicsmodel of "overburden strata-roof-coal seam-filling body-floor", combined with fillingbody physical mechanical properties, and reveals the longwall mining roof breaking rulesmechanism, and analyzing the pressure characteristics, based on "support-the surroundingrock" interaction relationship, putting forward the corresponding support resistancecalculation methods, providing the theoretical guidance for the longwall coalface fillingmining.(3) Applying the numerical calculation and combined with equivalence principle ofmining height, making the systematic analysis for overburden strata movement rules andground surface deformation characteristics under the condition of the longwall coalfacedifferent equivalent mining height, and providing guidance for filling method choice andprocess design.(4) According to the super-high water material filling mining characteristics, incomparison with filling process of the system, in order to adapt to the need of the moremassive longwall filling, and on the basis of underground filling process system, buildingthe ground filling process system (320m3/h) to support the longwall filling mining,developing the slurry production automatic control system, making the automation in theproduction monitoring, production ratio set, data query, the system calibration, improvingthe production efficiency of the slurry system, and providing important support for filling efficiency improvement and timely filling capacity.(5) Making the research and applying the filling process technology to adapt tosuper-high water material longwall filling mining, through constructing artificial isolationplugging wall to lift filling liquid surface height, effectively control the roof breaking andcaving height development, forming the super-high water material longwall filling miningoverburden strata control technology system. The longwall filling mining coalfaceobservation results of mine pressure appearance and ground surface deformation show thatthis method can effectively control the deformation of the ground surface.


