

Research on Compatible Deformation Mechanism between Backfill Body-Surrounding Rock and Gob-side Entry Retaining Technology

【作者】 周保精

【导师】 徐金海;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在煤矿生产中,回采巷道的长度约占巷道总长度的60%以上,采用沿空留巷技术可以解决煤柱损失问题,提高煤炭回收率,还可以达到有效治理工作面生产中瓦斯超限问题。因此,采用沿空留巷无煤柱护巷开采方法符合我国科学采矿、绿色采矿的发展方向。在沿空留巷施工中巷旁支护充填体的稳定是沿空留巷成功的主要影响因素之一,由于巷旁支护充填体经历顶板活动持续时间长、产生应力集中度高、动压影响强烈,因此,保持充填体的稳定存在诸多不确定因素,充填体的破坏失稳是造成沿空留巷失败的主要原因之一。本论文采用理论分析、模拟计算、实验室实验和现场工业性试验等多种手段相结合的方法,系统研究了留巷顶板与充填体相互作用机理、充填体-围岩协调变形机理、软介质接顶充填体应力均布效果、以及软介质接顶充填体和冒落矸石胶结固化充填体的稳定性,并在工业性试验中取得了十分满意的效果。主要研究成果如下:(1)将充填体、接顶软介质和顶板简化成不同刚性系数k=Eab-Δb的等效弹簧,根据充填体和顶板相互作用机理,顶板与充填体之间应力与变形关系以及充填体适应顶板支护要求,通过充填体强度参数设计来实现老顶、直接顶与充填体之间协调变形。(2)根据倾斜煤层采空区冒落矸石自溜的规律,充分利用采空区冒落矸石作为主要沿空留巷巷旁充填主要材料,通过喷浆、灌浆固化提高充填体抗压强度和整体稳定性,成功实现倾斜煤层沿空留巷。(3)突破传统充填体宽高比系数不小于0.8的要求,采用宽高比系数为0.23的软介质接顶胶结材料充填体成功沿空留巷,这是在充填体力学性能和沿空留巷系统结构稳定性方面一次新的探索和实践。(4)在胶结材料充填体沿空留巷施工中,根据理论分析、计算采用柔性材料接顶适应了老顶大结构的给定变形,并在充填体上方实现应力均布效果,降低了充填体边界顶板“旋转下沉”和横向位移在充填体上产生的应力集中,提高充填体的稳定性。上述研究成果在攀煤集团四个生产矿井的45°以下复杂产状煤层工作面中得以成功应用。

【Abstract】 The length of mining roadway account for over60%of the length of allroadways in coal mining production. Using the gob-side entry retaining technologycan solve the problem about coal pillar loss, improve coal recovery and govern thegas ultralimit problem in workface production. Therefore, using the gob-side entryretaining technology with no coal pillars protection accords with developmentdirection of mining scientifically and greenly in our country. The stability of roadwaysupport backfill in the construction of gob-side entry retaining is one of the maininfluence factors which contribute to the success of gob-side entry retaining. Theroadway support backfill experiences a long period of sustainable roof activities, getsa high stress concentration degree and is under a serious dynamic pressure influence,thus there exists several uncertain factors which relate to the stability of backfill, thefailure and instability of backfill is one of the main causes which give rise to thefailure of gob-side entry retaining.In this paper, we utilize the method which combines theoretical analysis,stimulation calculation, laboratory experiment,industrial field test and many othermeans, study systematically the interaction mechanism of the roof of gob-side entryretaining roadway and the backfill, the coordinated deformation mechanism of thesurrounding rock and the backfill, the even stress distribution effect of the backfillwhich is used in roof–contacted filling with soft media and the stability of thebackfill roof-contacted with soft media and the caving gangue cementationsolidification backfill. We acquire very decent effect in the industrial field test. Theprincipal results are as follows:(1) We simplify the backfill, the roof-contacted soft media and the roof toequivalent spring with various rigidity coefficients (k=Eab-Δb). According to theinteraction mechanism of the backfill and the roof, the stress and deformationrelationship between the roof and the backfill and the demand for backfill to adapt toroof support, we implement the coordinated deformation between the main roof, theimmediate roof and the backfill through designing the strength parameters of thebackfill.(2) According to the law that caving gangue flows in inclined coal seam goaf, wemake full use of the caving gangue in goaf as main backfill material on gob-side entryretaining roadway and implement successfully gob-side entry retaining in incline coalseam through gunite and grouting solidification to improve the compressive strengthand the global stability of the backfill.(3) We break the requirement of the ratio of width and height of traditionalbackfill is not less than0.8and use the cementation material backfill with soft mediaroof-contacted which has a ratio of width and height accounting to0.23. It is a newexplores and practice for the mechanical properties of backfill and the stable factorsabout gob-side entry retaining system.(4) In the construction of the gob-side entry retaining with cementation materialbackfill, we adopt flexible material for roof-contaction to adapt to the given deformation from the main roof large structure and implement the even stressdistribution effect over the backfill, reduce the stress concentration, which caused by‘rotation and subsidence’ of the roof at the boundary of the backfill and transversedisplacement, on the backfill. We also improve the stability of the backfill.The above research results have been applied successfully in4working faces incomplex occurrence coal seam, whose dip angle is less than45°, in Panmei GroupCompany.


