

Urbanization and Spatial Organization of State Farms in Sanjiang Plain

【作者】 李静

【导师】 张平宇;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(东北地理与农业生态研究所) , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 农垦城镇是我国特殊历史背景下形成的,以从事专业化农业生产活动为主的人口聚居地,是一种特殊的城镇聚落形态。随着农垦区经济社会发展水平的提高,工业化和城镇化成为垦区发展的必然趋势,是当前我国农垦区发展的迫切要求。本论文就是针对这一现实的需求,以三江平原垦区城镇宝泉岭、红兴隆、建三江和牡丹江为研究对象,分析了垦区城镇形成与演变过程、产业结构、城镇工业和服务业、人口集聚与就业结构等关键要素演变的特征识别;选取了与垦区城镇区位相邻的普通农区城镇富锦市、密山市、萝北县、集贤县以及东部沿海农业大县嘉善县作为对比样本,从经济发展、产业结构、生活水平、社会发展、基础设施以及资源环境等多方面特征构建评价指标体系,基于组合权重法对三江平原垦区城镇化质量进行测度与比较;在分析垦区城镇中心职能强度、与区外城镇经济联系强度及核心城镇的辐射范围的基础上,从垦区中心城镇的培育、等级规模多极化以及轴向拓展多元化等角度探讨了三江平原垦区点一轴空间组织模式;并从经济转型与产业升级、区域经济开放与合作以及城镇化制度的创新等方面提出了促进垦区城镇化进程的调控对策。论文主要研究内容包括以下5个方面:1、在对相关概念进行辨析的基础上,分析了垦区城镇化、城镇化质量与城镇化空间组织的内涵,系统总结了垦区城镇化过程与空间组织评价的相关理论和方法,为开展三江平原垦区城镇化过程与空间组织分析与评价奠定理论基础。2、阐述了三江平原垦区城镇形成与演变阶段,深入分析了1989-2010年农垦城镇三次产业结构、城镇工业和服务业以及人口集聚与就业结构等关键要素的演变过程及机制,并定性分析了垦区城镇化的现状特征,为确定垦区城镇化质量评价指标体系及城镇化空间组织提供依据。3、以三江平原垦区城镇宝泉岭、红兴隆、建三江和牡丹江为研究对象,选取了与垦区城镇区位相邻的普通农区城镇富锦市、密山市、萝北县、集贤县以及东部沿海农业大县嘉善县作为对比样本,从经济发展、产业结构、生活水平、社会发展、基础设施以及资源环境等多方面特征,构建评价指标体系,基于组合权重法对三江平原垦区城镇化质量进行测度与比较。4、依据中心职能强度的大小把三江平原27个城镇分为3级,基于改进的经济联系强度模型分析了垦区城镇与周围城镇经济联系的空间分布情况,基于维诺图模型划分了三级核心城镇的辐射范围,并从垦区中心城镇的培育、等级规模多极化以及轴向拓展多元化等角度探讨了三江平原垦区点一轴空间组织模式。5、作为一种以开发农业资源为主的地域,考虑农垦经济的特殊性,从经济转型与产业升级、区域经济开放与合作以及城镇化制度的创新提出了促进垦区城镇化发展的调控对策。

【Abstract】 Towns in state farms were formed under special historical background in China. It is a specialurban settlement pattern where people are engaged in specialized agricultural production. With thedevelopment of economy and society, industrialization and urbanization are the inevitable trendsand urgent requirements in the state farms. Focus on this practical requirements, this paperselected Baoquanling, Hongxinglong, Jiansanjiang and Mudanjiang as the study objects, analyzedthe formation and evolution of the towns in state farms, identified the key elements of change ofindustrial structure, development of industry and service industry and population aggregation andemployment structure. The paper selected Fujin, Mishan, Luobei and Jixian which were near thetowns in state farms and the larger agriculture county of Jiashan located in eastern coast as thecompared cases, the evaluation index system based on the economic development, industrialstructure, standard of living, social development, infrastructure and environment had beenestablished to measure and compare the urbanization quality between state farms and others by theCombination Weights method. Based on analyzing central function intensity of state farms towns,the economical relation intensity with the towns around state farms and the radiation ranges of themajor towns, this paper discussed the spatial organization type of Point Axle from the aspect ofstrengthening central towns, multi-polarization of scale grade and diversification of axialdevelopment. Modulating countermeasures from economic transformation and industry upgrade,the open and cooperation of regional economic and innovation of urbanization system had beenproposed in order to promote the urbanization process in state farms. Five parts of contents wereincluded as follows:Firstly, based on the understanding of related concepts, the thesis analyzed the connotation ofurbanization in state farms, urbanization quality and the spatial organization of urbanization,summarized the theories and methods of urbanization process and spatial organization in statefarms, which could provide guides for the analysis and assessment of urbanization and spatialorganization in state farms.Secondly, the thesis elaborated the formation and evolution phrase of the state farms towns inSanjiang plain, analyzed the evolution and mechanisms of key elements such as the change of three-industrial structure, development of industry and service industry and populationaggregation and employment structure from1989to2010and qualitatively analyzed the currentcharacteristics of urbanization in state farms, which could provide basis for establishing theurbanization quality evaluation system and spatial organization of urbanization in state farms.Thirdly, The paper selected Fujin, Mishan, Luobei and Jixian which were near the towns instate farms and the larger agriculture county of Jiashan located in eastern coast as the comparedcases, the evaluation index system based on the economic development, industrial structure,standard of living, social development, infrastructure and environment had been established tomeasure and compare the urbanization quality between state farms and others by the CombinationWeights method.Fourthly, towns in Sanjiang plain had been divided into three grades according to the centralfunction intensity. The paper analyzed the spatial distribution of the economical relation intensitybetween state farms towns and around them based on the improved Economic Relation Intensitymodel. The radiation ranges of the three grades towns had been mapped by Voronoi model. Andthen this paper discussed the spatial organization type of Point Axle from the aspect ofstrengthening central towns, multi-polarization of scale grades and diversification of axialdevelopment in state farms.Finally, considering the economic particularity of state farms, modulating countermeasuresfrom economic transformation and industry upgrade, the open and cooperation of regionaleconomic and innovation of urbanization system had been proposed in order to promote theurbanization process in state farms mainly for the agricultural resources development.

  • 【分类号】K901;F299.29
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1148
  • 攻读期成果

