

Research on the Feasibility and Strategies of Urban Agriculture in Urban Built-up Area in China

【作者】 刘娟娟

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划及设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现有研究已经表明,都市农业能极大地促进城市可持续发展和食物安全。无论在发展中国家或发达国家,都市农业因其推动城市健康发展的巨大潜力,受到各国政府的重视。尤其在美国,都市农业以一种无所不在的姿态,“堂而皇之”地渗透进入城市建成区的各个角落,城市与农业水火不犯的局面在质疑和讨论中被欣然打破,这得益于城市规划、风景园林以及建筑领域的专业人士积极参与到城市与农业融合的研究实践,都市农业被城市规划设计人士认为“是城市可持续规划设计的重要策略”。相关规划设计理论正在形成,甚至规划法规层面也做出相应调整。美国一些城市修改区划法规(Zoning),以便促进都市农业整合进入城市空间,修改后的区划法规容许和鼓励利用城市商业用地、工业用地、居住用地,或者建筑屋顶进行商业或者非商业的农业生产,如堪萨斯、西雅图和旧金山等。这是都市农业发展迈出的坚实步伐。在我国,市域范围内的城市近郊或远郊的都市农业,如各种生态农业观光农业园,得到政府的大力支持,研究和实践成果颇丰。但是我国都市农业发展的一个重要困境是:主流上都市农业还是一个半城市化地区的行为,其发展仍被排斥在城市建成区范围之外。这是我国目前都市农业与美国都市农业发展的重大差异之所在。为了化解这一困境,本文创新性的将我国都市农业分解为城内农业和环城农业两大问题区别对待。都市农业与食物安全资源中心(RUAF)认为都市农业指的是在城市内部和周围耕种植物和饲养动物,包括了城市内部和周围两种不同的地理位置。早期的国际组织对都市农业的研究中已经提及到都市农业包括城内农业和环城农业两大范畴,但是各国的土地政策、规划法规以及政府体制不尽相同,研究者往往陷入笼统说事的泥淖。在我国土地管理和城乡规划法规体系中,城内农业基本隶属于建设用地范畴,由城乡规划法规控制;环城农业基本隶属于农用地范畴,由土地管理法和耕地保护法规体系控制。本文认为,只有将两者区别开,才能进一步探讨都市农业在“城内”发展的可行性和策略,才能在相应的法规体系之下找到合适的操作方法,促使其健康发展。因此,本文以“城市建成区都市农业”为研究对象,研究我国城内农业可行性及策略。本论文从四个方面展开研究:(1)调查研究我国城市建成区都市农业的生存现状。从目前已有的研究来看,都市农业在我国城市建成区的生存现状还是未知的,鲜有学者涉足此领域。本文对武汉主城区大量的实地调查研究,揭示了我国城市建成区都市农业的现状,并通过访谈、实测等研究方法试图证实其对可持续发展和食物安全的重要促进作用。(2)调查研究美国都市农业发展情况,分析其类型、动因、相关规划设计理论以及规划法规层面的调整情况,作为我国建成区都市农业发展的有力借鉴和参照。大量的实地调查和文献阅读,理清美国都市农业的研究和实践框架体系。(3)对我国城市建成区都市农业进行可行性分析,包括空间、水、肥、光热、劳动力资源等。(4)提出我国城市建成区都市农业发展策略。包括:①全面调查分析现状;②研究类型及其分类;③制定规划设计指南;④纳入规划法规体系。本项研究作者采用访谈、实测、比较等研究方法,对武汉城市主城区采样进行实地调查,尤其对其中典型性个案——武昌车辆厂职工宿舍的屋顶菜园进行长达两年的跟踪调研;并对美国都市农业进行了一年多的实地调查,全面了解中美都市农业发展现状。最后,力图借鉴美国经验并结合我国情况,论证我国城市建成区都市农业的可行性,提出我国城市建成区都市农业的策略。该研究填补了我国城市建成区都市农业研究的空白,对我国城市规划设计相关专业人士以及政府政策决策者利用都市农业解决城市问题,促进城市食物安全和可持续发展提供了参考借鉴。

【Abstract】 Existing studies have shown that urban agriculture can contribute significantly tourban sustainablility and food security. In developing and even developed countriesurban agriculture is considered as an important strategy to promote the healthy andsustainability of cities. Especially in the United States and Canada, urban agriculture isincreasingly appearing on every corner of urban areas by integrating urban agricultureinto urban life. Thanks to professionals in the fields of urban planning, landscapearchitecture and architecture who actively have been participating in the integration ofurban agriculture into urban development, their works have made a big progress: relatedplanning and design theories are formed; even planning regulations are also makingadjustment for adapting to the development of urban agriculture. Some U.S. cities havemodified Zoning in order to facilitate the integration of urban agriculture into urbanspace, the revised zoning codes allow and encourage the use of urban commercial land,industrial land, residential land, and buildings for commercial ornon-commercial agricultural production, such as in Kansas City, Seattle and SanFrancisco. This is a solid pace urban agriculture has taken.In China, the research and practice of urban agriculture in suburbs and peri-urbanhas yielded fruitful results with strong government support. However, the development ofChina’s urban agriculture is in a passive situation due to that urban agriculture isconsidered a peri-urban phenomenon, which results in the limited research and practicesin urban built-up areas. It is the major difference of China from U.S.In order to analyse the feasibility of UA in China’s urban built-area, in thisdissertation the concept of urban agriculture is subdivided into two types, which areurban agriculture within cities and peri-urban agriculture around cities. Although earlystudies of urban agriculture from international NGOs have already found out that urbanagriculture happens within and around cities. However, a more respectively detailedresearch on both are difficult to conduct due to the differences of land-use policy,planning regulations and government system in each country. In China, urban agriculturein built-up areas is controlled under the legislation on urban planning mostly, urban agriculture in peri-urban area under the legislation on land use and farmland protection.Only by subdividing UA combined with China’s actual situation, the research of thefeasibility and strategies of urban agriculture will be workable, and finally take solidaction to deal with the passive situation and make a progress, such as how to integrateUA into legislation on urban planning. Therefore,"urban agriculture in urban built-uparea" is the objective of the research.The research is conducted in the following4aspects:(1) Research on the current situation of urban agriculture in urban built-up area.The situation of urban agriculture in urban built-up area keeps unknown byresearchers; little research is conducted. In this part, the city of Wuhan is explored as atypical case. a large number of field studies revealed a real landscape of urban agriculturein built-up area, and proved that the advantages of it to urban sustainablility and foodsecurity.(2) Research on U.S. urban agriculture, including its types, motivation, planning anddesign theories and legislation adjustments as the reference of the future actions on urbanagriculture in China.(3) A feasibility analysis of urban agriculture in urban built-up area in China.(4) Strategies for urban agriculture in China’s urban built-up area,including:①fullinvestigation of the situation of urban agriculture;②recommendation on types and theirclassification;③guidelines on planning and design;④integartion into legislation onurban planning.The study on urban agriculture in China’s urban built-up area fills the gaps in thisfield, and facilitates professionals in urban planning and design to solve urban issues byurban agriculture and promote the overall sustainability and food security.


