

Recsearch on Education of Chinese Studying in Belgium in Modern Times (1903-1949)

【作者】 潘越

【导师】 纪宗安;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国近现代留比教育虽然在规模、影响上不能与留英、留美、留日等留学大国相提并论,但是留比教育的形成、发展与演绎的历史进程具有自己的特色,是中国近现代留学教育的重要组成部分。对中国近现代留比教育的研究,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。正是基于此,本文将从三个方面对中国近现代留比教育进行深入地探讨,希冀在还原历史事实的基础上,作客观、全面、系统的评价。第一部分,中国近现代留比教育的兴起。19世纪初比国开始了工业革命,经济迅猛发展,亟须开拓海外市场,远东的中国成为比国海外扩张的既定战略目标。而当时中国社会的现状,自鸦片战争以后日益发展的“实业救国”思想、早期留欧学生回国后带回的信息、加上外交官员回国后的笔记、报告,将比国推入了国人的视野之中。在这样的历史背景下,中比双方抱着积极的态度促成了中国近现代留比教育的开始。第二部分,中国近现代留比教育分为晚清和民国两个时期。晚清时期的留比教育,其实业性的特征非常明显。学习工科的留比学生占了总数的近八成,其中以习机电、采矿为主,他们回国后进入了铁路、厂矿等机构,成为了基层骨干。民国时期的留比教育受国内外战争因素的影响,主要分为三个时期。初期以沿用延续晚清留学政策为主,中期和后期以勤工俭学运动和庚款留学运动为主。这一时期的特点,表现为留比学生逐步转为以自费生为主;学科上从工科一枝独秀发展为法政、文艺、机电、土木工程等多学科齐头并进;在学历上,硕士以上学历的学生集中在法政领域。第三部分,中国近现代留比学生在政治和文化层面具有积极影响。在政治方面,留比学生较之于其他留欧美学生,更加关心中国近现代国内不同时期的政治运动。从最初的辛亥革命到抗日战争,留比学生都表现了极高的爱国热忱,不仅在海外捐款捐物、宣传中国的政治主张、呼吁国际社会对华援助,而且还踊跃回国参加各种政治运动。在文化方面,留比学生回国后,大多数优秀人才得以进入高等学府,不仅为中国近现代文化的发展作出了贡献,还培养了大批的高级人才,为中国近现代学术的发展与转型做出来重要的贡献。基于上述分析讨论,中国近现代留比教育的发展轨迹及其特点较为清晰地呈现出来。本文在探讨留比教育的同时,也期为当今的留学教育发展提供些许的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The education of studying in Belgium in modern times can not be comparable to Britain,America, Japan, whether in scale or in impact, the development of the education of studyingin Belgium has its own characteristics, which plays an important component part in modernchinese education. Whether in academic field or in reality, searching the education ofstudying in Belgium is of great value. For this reason, this article aims to discuss moderneducation in Belgium thoroughly from three aspects, and to restore the historical truth andget an objective, comprehensive evaluation as far as possible.Firstly, the rising of the education of studying in Belgium. Having finished the industrialrevolution, Belgium got a rapid economic development and wanted to develop overseasmarket, China became the target of Belgium. Since the Opium War, the thought of “save thenation by engaging in industry” had grown, early international students in European wenthome, they took back some information, and the publishing of diplomatic officials’ notes andreports after returning, Belgium came into view. In this context, China and Belgium bothheld a positive attitude, which contributed to the education of studying in Belgium.Secondly, there were two periods for the education of studying in Belgium, includingthe late period of Qing Dynasty and Republic of China. Obviously, the characteristics of theeducation of studying in Belgium in the late Qing Dynasty was industy.80%of Chinesestudents in Belgium studied engineering, especially in the field of electromechanical andmining. They went back to China, and became the backbone of railways, mines and otherbasic organizations. In the period of Republic of China, there were three periods for theeducation of studying in Belgium because of the war factors at home and abroad. In the firstperiod, China mainly adopted the policy of studying abroad in the late period of QingDynasty. In the second and third period, there were work-study programs and reparationprograms of gengzi mainly. In this period, gradually, Chinese students studying in Belgiumhad to paid for themselves, not only did the students study engineering, but also they beganto study law, politics, literature, art, mechanical electrical,and construction. The studentsabove the master’s degree centered in the field of law and politics. Finally, the education of studying in Belgium had a positive influence on the political,cultural and educational aspects. In the field of politics, the students studying in Belgiumwere more concerned about political campaigns in motherland than the other studentsstudying in western countries. From the beginning of the Revolution of1911to the War ofResistance Against Japan, the students studying in Belgium showed great enthusiasm, notonly in the overseas donation, calling on the international community to aid in China, butalso in requesting to return to China. In the cultural education, the students studying inBelgium went back to china, the majority of them worked in high school, they made greatcontributions not only to the modern cultural development, but also to the training of manybackbones.Based on the analysis of the above discussion, it is easy to see the development andcharacteristics of the education of studying in Belgium in modern times. This article not onlyshows the education of studying in Belgium in modern times, but also gives somesuggestions for the overseas education development at present.

【关键词】 留学比利时勤工俭学
【Key words】 studying abroadBelgiumhard-work
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】K257;K258;K26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】405

