

Study on the Impacts of Foreign Banks Entry on the Competitive Behaviors of Commercial Bank in China

【作者】 宋慧英

【导师】 王聪;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 金融学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国银行业对外开放进程的稳步推进,尤其是2006年底银行业全面开放后,外资银行对中国市场的参与程度越来越深。中国商业银行面临的外部竞争环境发生了变化,不仅仅是国内同业的竞争,还有国际强手的挑战。在此背景下,研究外资银行进入对中国商业银行竞争行为的影响,不仅对保证中国银行业持续发展的监管政策制定、促进市场竞争等具有重要的实践意义;而且,对在保证国家金融安全前提下,发挥外资银行对金融发展和稳定的积极作用,具有十分重要的战略意义。本文得到结论:第一,1996-2010年间我国银行业处于垄断竞争格局,并且偏向竞争性。外资银行进入与中国商业银行竞争之间表现为倒U关系。外资银行进入加剧了中国商业银行之间的竞争,并且中小型商业银行之间竞争的加剧明显高于大型商业银行,当外资银行进入程度达到一定水平时,中国商业银行之间的市场竞争会出现反转。现阶段属于外资银行进入初期,中国商业银行的市场竞争仍处于倒U型阶段的上升阶段。第二,中国商业银行贷款市场的竞争比存款市场激烈。外资进入显著加剧了中国商业银行存贷款市场的竞争,过渡期结束后,竞争虽有所缓和,但相比入世前,竞争仍比较激烈。第三,大型商业银行之间比中小型商业银行之间的竞争激烈,尤其是大型商业银行的信贷市场接近完全竞争,国内银行业的规模经济效益只体现在信贷业务领域。第四,外资银行进入对人民币业务冲击不大,外汇存款业务具有明显优势。外资银行不同的进入方式,对中资银行贷款业务竞争行为的影响不同:外资银行以参股方式进入时,在甄别客户信息上所具有的优势,使其可以更多地选择质量好的借款人进行贷款,留给中资银行的借款人质量相对较差,中资银行更多通过产品创新而不是价格作为主要竞争工具;外资银行以独资模式进入时,外资银行倾向于新客户的开发,中资银行更注重对老客户的维护。外资银行在地域上的转移,导致国内中资银行在中西部地区的信贷竞争加剧。外资银行进入所产生的竞争压力,使资本实力较为雄厚经营风格较为稳健的国内银行的风险厌恶程度提高,信贷供给趋于保守,使资本较为匮乏的国内银行的信贷竞争行为更为冒进。中间业务方面,外资银行进入使中资银行开始重视利用价格工具进行市场调节,促使中资银行的竞争策略从“以产品为中心”开始转向“以客户为中心”。

【Abstract】 As Chinese banking industry is opening up steadily, especially after the banking industry’scomplete opening-up at the end of2006, foreign banks are becoming increasingly involved inChinese market. The external competition environment has changed, as Chinese banks not onlyconfront with domestic counterparts’ competition but also face the challenge from stronginternational companies. In this context, the research on the influence of the entering of foreignbanks on Chinese banks competitive behaviors not only attributes practically to theestablishment of regulatory policies that ensure the continuous development of Chinese bankingand the promotion of market competition, but also makes strategic sense to ensure foreign banks’positive effect on Chinese financial development and stability on the condition that nationalfinance safety is guaranteed.In this paper, we draw the following conclusions: First, China’s banking industry is ofmonopolistic competition pattern between1996and2010, and the competition is more obvious.Further, the relationship between foreign banks entering and China’s commercial bankscompetition shows U shape. It means that foreign banks entering will aggravate competition ofChina’s commercial banks, and the scope of small and medium-sized commercial banks is higherthan large commercial banks. Only when the entering level becomes to a significant extent,competition degree will become weaken. Now China’s banking industry is in primary phase offoreign banks entering, so the competition is on the rise. Second, the competition of loan marketis more intense than deposit market. The foreign banks entering aggravate the competition ofdeposit and loan market. After transitional period the competition is weaken, but it still moreintense than it was before china joined WTO. Third, the competition of large commercial banksis more intense than small and medium-sized commercial banks. Furthermore, the loan market oflarge commercial banks is close to perfect competition, and only loan business appears scaleeconomies. Finally, the impact of foreign banks entering on RMB transactions is unconspicuous,and the advantage of foreign banks is foreign exchange deposit business. Then, the entry offoreign banks in different ways has different effects on the competitive behavior of Chinesebanks loan business. When foreign banks enter with equity participation, it has the advantage in the screening of customer information. So it can choose good quality borrowers, and leave thepoor borrowers to Chinese banks. Therefore, Chinese banks choose product innovation ratherthan price change as the major competitive tool; when foreign banks enter with wholly-ownedmode, it tend to develop new customers, while Chinese banks pay more attention to themaintenance of old customers. Besides, the geographical change of foreign banks aggravatescredit competition of Chinese banks in the Midwest. The competitive pressures of foreign banksentering, increases the risk aversion of domestic banks whose management style is more prudentand capital is adequate, and makes credit supply to be conservative. Also, banks with lack ofcapital will be more aggressive in credit competitive behavior. In addition, in intermediarybusiness, the entering of foreign banks cause Chinese banks focus on price tool for marketregulation and promote the competitive strategy of the domestic banks to shift fromproduct-centric to customer-centric.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

