

【作者】 赵祖平

【导师】 闻黎明;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 政治参与,是近代政治学率先提出的一个重要概念。现代民主制度建立后,公民的政治参与,成为该制度运行的基础和重要组成部分。辛亥革命,推翻了中国两千多年的封建专制制度,建立了中华民国,标志着中国的政治发展进入了一个全新的历史时期,公民的政治参与有了坚实的法理基础。抗日战争是中国近代史上最广泛的民族解放战争,为了取得对外反侵略战争的最终胜利,中国人民通过各种方式坚持不懈地进行着建设现代民主政治的努力;为了团结全国抗战的力量,集中全国人民的智慧,国民政府也做出了一定程度的调整,因此,抗战时期的政治参与呈现出前所未有的发展态势,不同主体、不同层级、不同形式的政治参与,共同汇集成一股民主政治的洪流,构成中国现代政治发展历程中的重要环节。本文试图立足于抗战时期中国社会急剧变动的大背景,以抗战时期国内的政治状况、各在野党派各主要社会阶层的政治诉求、战时政治参与的起步与实践、国统区的地方与省级政治参与、政治参与的高潮——两次宪政运动及联合政府运动为研究对象,试图从中揭示出社会大变动时期政治参与发展的一般规律,为当今中国政治参与的发展提供些微借鉴。

【Abstract】 Political participation, as an important term, was first put forward in modern politics.Ever since the establishment of modern democratic institutions, citizens’ participationin political affairs had become the basis as well as an important constituent of it. TheRevolution of1911overthrew the rule of over2000years of feudal autocracy andsubsequently established the Republic of China, which marked the beginning of a newera of political development in China. Citizens’ participation in political affairs hadever gained a solid legitimate basis. The War of Resistance against JapaneseAggression was a national liberation movement with the greatest momentum inmodern Chinese history. In order to secure the final victory of the anti-aggression war,the Chinese people had been persistent in building modern democracy via variousmeans. Meanwhile, in order to unite the possible anti-Japanese forces and exploit thetalent of the whole nation fighting against the aggressors, the Kuomintanggovernment also made some adjustments and became more tolerant towards politicalparticipation. Under the circumstances, political participation in the anti-aggressionwar period presented an unprecedented development momentum. Differentparticipants, via different means, participated in political affairs at different levels,assembling a mighty torrent of democracy and constituting an important stage inmodern political development history. With the anti-aggression war period of greatchange as background, this dissertation mainly studies the domestic political situationat that time, political appeals from opposition parties and main social strata, startingand practices of wartime political participation, political participation at provincialand local levels in regions ruled by the Kuomintang government, as well as theclimax—two constitutional movements and the establishment of coalitiongovernment. The aim of the study is to discover the universal development law ofpolitical participation in the era of great change, which can serve as experiences andlessons to the political participation development in current China.


