

【作者】 何江

【导师】 汪向东;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 技术经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 三网融合滞后是因为广电和电信两个传统国有垄断产业长期在双向准入合作上没有达成一致性共识而导致。它包含了诸多典型观察,从而成为我们理解中国改革发生一个特征实例。本文从认知更新的视角来重新审视中国经济改革的演进历程,提出清除体制壁垒和约束政府部门的机会主义行为是中国经济改革的两个最重要的制度演进实践。在此基础上,本文从认知角度讨论了法治本土化在中国从局部性的个别行为偏离到具有普遍性的制度规则、惯例习惯演进,最后讨论了中国社会转型过程中制度创新面临的双重认知约束。

【Abstract】 As a characterized case to understand China reform,The lagging phenomenon ofnetwork convergence is caused by the failure of cooperation between de factorProperty owner of State-owned property,MIIT(Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology) and SARFT(State Administration of Radio Film and Television. Afterreviewed China reform in cognitive updating perspective, it is suggested thatcleansing institutional barriers and constraining government opportunistic behaviorare two most fundamental institutional practices in China reform,and thatmarketizing process is essentially the localizing proc ess of the rule oflaw.Moreover,it is discussed that with evolutionary cognitive perspective thelocalization of the rule of law is evolved from locally behavioral deviations towidely accepted formal law,custom and practice. Finally, it discusses thatinsitutional inovation in China faced two-fold recogitive constraint.

  • 【分类号】F49;F626;G229.2-F
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】440

