

A Study on International Market Entry Strategy of Search Engine Firms

【作者】 张箐

【导师】 谭力文;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在21世纪互联网时代背景下,以搜索引擎类企业为代表的网络服务企业在全球范围内不断成长壮大,其不仅表现出巨大的市场空间和发展潜力,而且,关系到人类生产、生活方式的转变,乃至文化、价值观、社会变革的发生,是全球各国高度关注的新兴产业。本文从搜索引擎类企业的运行特征及其国际化经营的现象出发,在分析基于制造业/服务业的经典跨国公司理论的局限性和现有研究不足的基础上,明确了本文的基本理论视角—企业资源基础理论,构建了搜索引擎类企业国际市场区位选择(where)—进入时机(when)—进入模式(how)的研究框架,运用探索性和解释性案例研究方法、博弈分析方法以及Logistic回归分析方法,剖析搜索引擎类企业国际市场进入战略决策的影响机制,探究以搜索引擎类企业为代表的网络服务企业跨国经营现象的理论解释,拓展已有的服务业跨国公司理论研究范畴。全文遵照“文献回顾—现状分析—探索性案例研究—概念模型—实证研究—结论启示”的行文思路展开,核心内容包含三个子研究,分别探讨三个问题:(1)搜索引擎类企业如何进行国际市场区位选择;(2)搜索引擎类企业在明确了具体的东道国市场之后,如何选择恰当的进入或再进入时机;(3)搜索引擎类企业如何进行国际市场进入模式选择。子研究一为搜索引擎类企业国际市场区位选择研究。采用二元Logistic回归分析方法研究市场风险、市场吸引力和企业资源因素对区位选择的影响作用。研究表明,市场风险因素中的国家风险、文化距离以及国家文化中的权力距离、个人主义和不确定性规避与市场进入可能性之间存在显著的负相关性;而市场规模与市场进入可能性之间存在显著的正相关性,但市场规模的调节效应有限,仅对国家风险、权力距离和不确定性规避与市场进入之间的负相关性具有调节作用;企业资源对于国家风险、文化距离、不确定性规避和市场进入之间的负相关性的调节作用显著。然后,根据回归分析结果,本文构建了搜索引擎类企业国际市场区位选择3×3矩阵,分析比较了五种较为典型的东道国市场:绿洲市场、火山市场、滩涂市场、沼泽市场和沙漠市场的进入原因和相应战略选择。子研究二为搜索引擎类企业国际市场进入时机选择研究。首先,运用博弈方法中的序贯原理分析在东道国市场产业环境中,本地竞争对手(或先进入者)的反应激烈程度对跟随者进入时机早晚选择的影响,并得到四种情况下的博弈均衡解。然后,运用Google和AOL在中国内地市场两次进入的解释性案例研究对东道国市场进入—退出—再进入时机选择的逻辑模型进行了验证,研究表明,企业知识与市场需求的匹配程度是决定进入(退出)时机的关键因素;来自东道国和全球市场的风险因素是影响进入(退出)时机的重要外在因素。子研究三为搜索引擎类企业国际市场进入模式选择研究。首先,从资源利用和资源获取的视角将搜索引擎类企业的国际市场进入模式划分为三种类型:资源利用型、资源获取型和资源增长型。然后,运用多元Logistic回归分析方法研究影响区位选择的重要因素(国家风险、文化距离、权力距离和不确定性规避)和进入时机(抢先、跟随)对三种进入模式选择的影响。研究表明,相对于选择资源增长型进入模式,东道国市场的国家风险、文化距离和不确定性规避与资源利用型和资源获取型进入模式之间呈正相关性,权力距离与资源利用型和资源获取型进入模式之间呈负相关性;进入时机越早,则企业采用资源利用型的可能性较大,而采用资源获取型的可能性较小,并且,进入时机早晚对于文化距离和不确定性规避与资源利用型进入模式之间的正相关性具有正向的调节作用。本文的主要研究内容和结论的创新之处在于:(1)以往学者在研究企业国际市场进入战略时,将区位选择、进入时机和进入模式三因素割裂开来逐一考虑,分别讨论它们各自的影响因素,而忽视了这三者之间存在的动态影响关系。本文基于搜索引擎类企业跨国经营的特殊性,通过对Yahoo!、Google、百度的跨案例聚类分析,提出了“区位选择—进入时机—进入模式”的整体研究框架;(2)已有文献中,较少有文献将市场风险、市场吸引力和企业资源联系在一起进行区位选择决策。本文通过实证分析,提出了搜索引擎类企业国际市场区位选择的3×3矩阵,归纳总结了五种典型的东道国市场类型(绿洲、沙漠、沼泽、滩涂、火山),为网络服务企业的国际市场区位选择提供指引;(3)现有文献中学者们集中探讨了初始国际化时机以及东道国市场初次进入的时机,而对于企业退出东道国市场后,又重新返回市场的再进入时机的选择问题关注极少。基于搜索引擎类企业国际化经营的现状,本文从动态视角出发提出并验证了东道国市场进入—退出—再进入时机选择的逻辑模型,丰富了对于国际市场进入时机的研究。

【Abstract】 In the Internet era in21stcentury, Internet content providers, especially, searchengine firms have been continuously growing and aroused the concern of countriesaround the world, which are not only characterized by huge market space anddevelopment potential, but also related to the changes of human production andlifestyle, culture values and even social change. With the increasing overseasinvestment of search engine firms and based on RBV theoretical perspective, thisdissertation has build research framework as "target market chioce-entrytiming-entry mode", used exploratory and explanatory case study method, gameanalysis method and the logistic regression analysis method to analyze the strategicdecision-making mechanisms of international market entry of search engine firms,explored the theoretical explanation of international market entry of search enginefirms, and expanded existing theoretical research fields of multinational services. Thedissertation has followed the structure practices as "literature review-statusdescription-case studies-conceptual model-empirical study-conclusions andimplications". According to the above structure, the main contents of this dissertationhas been divided into three sub-studies which attempt to answer each question offollowing in turn:(1) how to choose international target market for search enginefirms;(2) when to enter or re-enter the host country market;(3) how to select theappropriate entry mode for host market.The first sub-study has devoted to the international target market selection ofsearch engine firms. The effects of market risk factors, market attractiveness factorsand enterprise resource factors on target market selection have been analyzed bybinary logistic regression analysis, the results have showed that there is a significantnegative correlation between country risk, cultural distance, as well as nationalculture(power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance) and the likelihoodof market entry; Similarily, there is a significant positive correlation between marketsize and the likelihood of market entry; Further, market size has moderated the negative correlation between country risk, power distance, uncertainty avoidance andthe likelihood of market entry; Meanwhile, enterprise resource moderates the negativecorrelation between country risk, culture distance, uncertainty avoidance and thelikelihood of market entry. According to the relationship between market risk, marketattractiveness, enterprise resource factors and the likelihood of market entry, thisdissertation has constructed3×3international market selection matrix of searchengine firms, and the five typical host markets: oasis market, volcano market, shoalsmarket, swamp market and desert market have been analyzed and compared.The second sub-study has focused upon the international market entry timing ofsearch engine firms. Firstly, the sequential principle method of game analysis hasbeen conducted to analyze the effects of the intensity of the reaction of localcompetitors (first movers) on the choice of entry timing of followers and sought thegame equilibrium solutions in four cases. Secondly, explanatory case study has beenadopted to validate the logic model of the timing of entry-exit-re-entry. It is shownthat the matching degree between international knowledge and market demand is akey factor to decide entry or exit timing; and the risk of host country and globalmarket are the important external factors of timing choice.The third sub-study has focused on the international market entry mode selectionof search engine firms. Based on the particularity of the search engine firms, theinternational market entry mode has been divided into three types: enterprise resourceutilization, market resources acquirement and enterprise resource augmentation fromresources exploration and acquirement perspective. Then, the multinomial logisticregression analysis method has been used to analyze the effects of the importantimpact factors of target market selection and entry timing on entry mode selection, itis showed that, compared with enterprise resource augmentation entry mode, there is apositive correlation between country risk, cultural distance, uncertainty avoidance andresource utilization and acquirement entry mode, and the relationship between powerdistance and these entry mode is reverse, and entry timing correlated positively withresources acquirement entry mode and negatively with resource utilization entry mode.Further, entry timing has moderated the positive relationship between cultural distance, uncertainty avoidance and resource utilization entry mode.According to the research results in this dissertation several theoreticalinnovations and contributions can be summarized as followings:(1) In the existingliterature, target market selection, entry timing and entry mode have discussedseparately, while ignoring the existed dynamic effects among these three parts. Thisdissertation has build research framework as "target market selection-entrytiming-entry mode"from Yahoo!, Google and Baidu cross-case cluster analysis.(2) In the existing literature, there is little literature has associated market risk, marketattractiveness and enterprise resource with international market selection. Thisdissertation has conducted the3×3international target market selection matrix, andsummarized the five typical types of host market (oasis, desert, marsh, shoals andvolcano) through empirical analysis.(3) The existing literature on target marketselection and entry mode is extensive; however, the literature on entry timing isrelative scanty. In this dissertation, based on the status of internationalization ofsearch engine, the logic model of the timing of "entry-exit-re-entry"has beenbuilt from dynamic perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

