

A Study of "Ba"-construction from the Perspective of Speech Acts

【作者】 赵志清

【导师】 杨德峰;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “把”字句是现代汉语中一个颇有特点的句式,从上个世纪二十年代以来,“把”字句研究一直是汉语学界的热点课题。在近一个世纪的研究历程中,学界对“把”字句的研究逐渐形成了颇具特色的研究传统和领域,并取得了丰硕的成果。在对外汉语教学领域,“把”字句历来是教学的重点和难点,而仅仅向学生提供诸如“处置”、“致使”等抽象术语也很难满足他们的需要,在很多情况下,他们可能还需要了解“把”字句在实际语言中的使用情况以及他们所使用的“把”字句与汉语母语者有无区别等问题。因此,本文立足语用学的核心理论之一——言语行为理论,从对话和叙述两个方面对汉语母语者和韩语母语者使用“把”字句的情况分别进行了考察和对比,希望通过本文的研究,我们能够对“把”字句的认识和把握更加完备和系统,如果同时能够为汉语教学或教材编写提供些微帮助,那将是本文作者最大的心愿。本文共分八章:第一章为绪论部分,主要交代了本文的选题缘由、理论指引、语料来源、研究思路、结构安排以及研究方法等问题。第二章是文献述评,在回顾前贤研究成果的基础上,指出目前研究的不足和本文应关注的问题。第三章是对言语行为理论的介绍。本章主要介绍了Austin的言语行为理论、Searle的言语行为理论以及Searle之后西方学者对言语行为的研究。其中,我们重点介绍了Searle对施事行为的分类体系并将它确定为本文的理论基础。第四章考察了对话中汉语母语者“把”字句的使用情况。以三十三集电视连续剧《婚姻保卫战》和一百二十集电视连续剧《我爱我家》的对白为语料(共约170万字),我们发现,在对话中,说话人使用“把”字句所实施的最常见的施事行为包括指令行为、断言行为和表情行为三大类,这三类“把”字句所占比例之和达到了“把”字句总数的70%以上,其中,指令行为类“把”字句最多,约占40.4%,且此类“把”字句的施事意图大都十分“强烈”;同时,说话人使用“把”字句所实施的施事行为并非只有Searle提出的五类,还包括断言/表情行为、表态行为、推测行为和其他类施事行为等;第三,问句形式的“把”字句可执行多种施事行为,如表情行为、表态行为、承诺行为、其他类施事行为等,其中问句形式是说话人使用“把”字句实施表情行为的有效手段,这与Searle将疑问句所执行的施事行为归入指令行为的结论并不相同;第四,说话人使用“把”字句实施表情行为、断言/表情行为、表态行为、承诺行为及推测行为时,往往伴随着某一种或几种语法或非语法手段的使用,而这些语法手段的使用又可以更有效地促进说话人对某种特定施事行为的实施。第五章考察了叙述中汉语母语者“把”字句的使用情况。以CCL语料库中的部分散文作品、一部科技说明文作品和一部报告文学作品为语料(共约80万字),我们发现,在叙述中,说话人使用“把”字句所实施的施事行为包括断言行为、断言/表情行为、指令行为、表态行为、表情行为、推测行为、宣告行为和承诺行为等八类,其中,断言行为类“把”字句最为常见,这类“把”字句在“把”字句总数中所占比例接近80%,而在对话中最常见的指令行为类“把”字句数量却很少,且施事意图大都十分“温和”;同时,在实施断言/表情行为和表情行为时,与对话情境不同,在叙述中,作者并不倾向于在“把”字句中使用句末语气词等语法手段;另外,作者在叙述中利用问句“把”字句所实施的施事行为类型相对集中,仅有表情行为和表态行为两种。第六章考察了对话中母语为韩语的留学生“把”字句的使用情况。根据我们设计的问卷,以15名汉语母语者为参照,我们对18名韩国留学生进行了访谈,得到对话语料约12万字。考察结果显示,在对话中,母语为韩语的留学生使用“把”字句所实施的施事行为包括断言行为、指令行为、推测行为、表态行为和断言/表情行为等五类,其中,断言行为类和指令行为类“把”字句的比例之和接近“把”字句总数的80%,是说话人使用的“把”字句中最常见的两种情况;同时,在指令行为类“把”字句中,说话人的施事意图大都比较“温和”,这与汉语母语者在对话中使用“把”字句的表现存在明显不同;在实施表态行为、推测行为、表情行为和断言/表情行为时,韩语母语者几乎从不使用语气副词等语法手段,这也与汉语母语者形成了鲜明对比。第七章考察了叙述情境中母语为韩语的留学生“把”字句的使用情况。我们以HSK动态作文语料库中国籍为韩国、取得C级和C级以上等级证书的考生作文为语料(约70万字),发现在叙述中,母语为韩语的留学生使用“把”字句所实施的施事行为有断言行为、表态行为、指令行为、断言/表情行为、承诺行为、推测行为和表情行为等七类,其中,前三类“把”字句所占比例之和达到了“把”字句总数的97.0%,占据绝对优势;在实施指令行为时,与汉语母语者在叙述中的表现相似,韩语母语者所使用的“把”字句的施事意图大都十分“温和”,“把”字句的指令性整体较弱;而在实施推测行为时,“把”字句中出现的主要语法标志为情态动词,在实施表情行为和断言/表情行为时,他们几乎从不使用语气副词等语法手段,这与汉语母语者的表现并不一致。在问句“把”字句的使用方面,韩语母语者多利用问句“把”字句实施指令行为和表态行为,这一点也与汉语母语者不同。而与他们在叙述中使用“把”字句的情况相比,在对话中,他们使用的“把”字句呈现出与叙述中相似的倾向。总的看来,无论是在对话还是叙述中,韩语母语者所使用的“把”字句都十分稳定和单一,而汉语母语者所使用的“把”字句却呈现出明显的广泛性和多样性。第八章是结论部分。首先,本章回顾了本文的主要发现并对Searle的施事行为分类体系进行了讨论;其次,指出本研究中的不足并对后续研究做出展望。

【Abstract】 As a specific sentence pattern,“ba”-congstruction has been a hot topic forresearchers for nearly one hundred years. So far it has formed six systematic researchfields, including study on grammatical sense, syntax, pragmatics, second languageteaching, dialect, diachronic research, etc. With the fast growth of teaching Chinese asa second language, it poses a new subject for us: how to teach “ba”-construction moreefficiently, without only providing syntactical terms to students. We consider theanswer lies on the investigation on how “ba”-construction is actually used in Chinesepeople’s everyday life and what the difference is between Chinese people andforeigners when the use “ba”-construction. Therefore, this paper, established in thespeech act theory, which is one of the core theories of pragmatics, studies on thecircumstances of “ba”-construction used by both Chinese and Korean and thecomparison between them. We hope that through our research, we can have a moremature and systematic understanding of “ba”-construction. Meanwhile, we hope thispaper can provide some help to Chinese language teaching.This study is composed by eight chapers.The first chapter is an introduction, which concerns the motivation, theoreticalperspective, the data, the methodology and the composition of the dissertation.The second chapter is literature review, which surveys previous studies of“ba”-construction, pointing the inadequacy and poses the questions we shouldconcern.The third chapter introduces the speech act theory, which includes the theory ofJ.R. Austin, John.Searle and a part of scholars after Searle. Among them we focusmore on the division of the illocutionary act by Searle and make it our theoreticalbasis.The fourth chapter surveys the use of “ba”-construction by Chinese people inconversation. The date is from the script of the thirty-three episode TV series “HunYin Bao Wei Zhan” and one hundred episode TV series “Wo Ai Wo Jia”(one million seven hundred thousand characters approximately). The survey shows that“ba”-construction is usually used to conduct directives, assertives and expressives.Among them, directive “ba”-constructon is the most frequently used type. Meanwhile,the intentions of the “ba”-constructions are usually “strong’ and the stronger theintensions, the more use of “ba”-construction. Moreover, we discover that the speakerconduct eight types of illocutionary act, not five suggested by Searle. The other threetypes are assertive/expreesives, make-awaritive and predictives. And, the interrogative“ba”-construction not only perform directives, but also performs expressives,make-awaritives, commissives, etc, and expressives mainly. This differs from Searle’spoint. The last, when the speaker use “ba”-construction to perform expressives,assertive/expressives, make-awaritives and predictives, they sometimes use certaingrammatical means, for example, the use of modal adverbs, the mood adverbs, etc.The fifth chaper discuss the use of “ba”-construction in narration of Chinesepeople. The data is from CCL corpus. The survey shows that in narration the speakeruse “ba”-construction to perform assertives, assertive-expressives, directives,make-awaritives, expressives, predictives and commissives. The first type, assertive“ba”-construction, is the most frequently used, which is different from what is inconversation. Meanwhile, the intensions of the directive “ba”-construction are always“mild”, which also differs from the conversational environment. Moreover, innarration, the authors don’t show the tendency of using grammatical means. And theinterrogative “ba”-construction only performs two types of illocutionary act:expressives and make-awaritives. As a whole, the use of “ba”-construction is moreflexible and extensive than it was in narration. From the perspective of grammaticalsenses, in conversational environment, the grammatical sense is more “dispositive”than it is in narration.The sixth chapter surveys the use of “ba”-construction of Korean in conversation.The date is from HSK corpus (about seven hundred characters) We discover thatKorean students use “ba”-construction to perform seven types of illocutionary act,including assertives, make-awaritives, directives, assertive-expressives, commissives,predictives and expressives. The former three types of “ba”-construction are the mostfrequently used. When they use the construction to perform directives, their intensionsare always “mild”, which is similar to Chinese people in narration and different fromthem in conversation. When they use the construction to perform predictives, theyalmost never use grammatical means like what Chinese people do. And when it comes to the interrogative “ba”-construction use, the Korean students often use it to performdirectives and make-awaritives, which is also different from Chinese people.The seventh chapter surveys the use of “ba”-construction of Korean students innarrition. We designed a piece of questionnaire and interviewed fifteen Koreanstudents. The result shows that in conversation, Korean students often use“ba”-construction to perform five types of illocutionary act: assertives, directives,predictives, make-awaritives and assertive-expressives. The assertive and directive“ba”-construction are the most frequently used types. When they use the constructionto perform directives, their intensions are “mild”, which is similar to theirperformance in narration and different from Chinese people in conversationalenvironment. When they perform make-awaritives, predictives and expressives withthe use of the construction, they almost never use grammatical means in the sentence,which forms distinct difference with Chinese people. However, this tendency showssimilarity to their performance in narration. As a whole, whenever in conversation ornarration, the use of “ba”-construction by Korean students shows a steady and singletendency with the comparison of Chinese people, who show a clear tendency ofextensive and diverse.The eighth chapter is the conclusion of the dissertation. First, we review the mainpoints of the study and discuss the division system of Searle. Secondly, we point theshortcomings of the research and the direction we should pay attention to.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1257

