

A Corpus-based Study on Comparative Sentences "Gen, You, Bi"

【作者】 耿直

【导师】 李晓琪;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文在前人研究的基础上,确定了“跟”“有”“比”三种句法性比较句式作为研究对象,根据平衡语料对这三种比较句式进行了描写和分析,勾勒了其句式的分布表现、句法语义和词汇特点,对比了其在书面语语料和口语语料中的语体差异。并在描写分析的基础上,进一步讨论了比较句式的整合和分化的理论问题。本文的写作包括四个部分,通论、分论、总论和结论。第一章和第二章的通论部分回顾了前人关于比较句式的界定和描写研究,确立了本文的研究设计。本文将比较句式概括为词汇句式和句法句式两种,并将研究对象聚焦在句法句式:以虚词(介词“跟”“有”“比”)为核心形成的比较句式上。第三章至第五章的分论部分结合国家语委语料库及北京口语等语料库对比较句式“跟”“有”“比”的分布情况、句法特点、语义特点和词汇搭配等表现进行了逐一描写。我们发现,“跟”句式在比较语义上表现为等同比较、近似比较、不同比较,其中等同比较的“跟”句式数量最多。“有”句式在比较语义上表现为等同比较、不及比较两种,绝大多数“有”句式都表示等同比较。“比”句式在比较语义上表现为胜过比较、等同比较和不及比较三种,绝大多数“比”句式都表胜过比较。本文对其下类的各种具体比较句式的语法功能、语义特点和词汇搭配又进行了进一步的描写。同时还对比了这些比较句式在书面语语料和口语语料中表现出的具体语体差异。第六章的总论部分将“跟”“有”“比”句式统一地整合为比较语义向比较结构的投射结果并探讨了促使这三种句式的分化的认知、词汇、语义和语体动因。本文认为,语言的“象似性”为比较句式的整合提供了基础:“跟”“有”“比”比较句式都是比较结构对比较语义的临摹的结果。而语言中存在的“隐现制约”、“虚实互选”、“强弱互选”三对关系是造成“跟”“有”“比”在比较项目、比较标记和比较结果上出现分化的主要原因。第七章结论部分回顾了本文所做的工作,讨论了比较句式的教学问题,并总结了本文的创新点和不足之处。

【Abstract】 Based on existing studies about Chinese comparative sentences, my dissertation focuses onthree grammatical comparative sentences: Gen, You, Bi. The main purpose of this paper is todescribe and analyze these three sentences according to extensive balanced corpus in thedimension of distribution and features of grammar, semantics and vocabulary. Meanwhile, across-style compare is conducted in order to depict the variations caused by written and spokenlanguage style. With the data we found from corpus, this paper also discusses the issue ofintegration and differentiation of comparative sentences.This dissertation includes four parts: general theory, respective depiction, theoreticaldiscussion and summarization.The first chapter reviews existing studies on problems of definition and depiction of Chinesecomparative sentences. The second chapter introduces my research design. We classifiedcomparative sentences into lexical sentence and grammatical sentence. The grammatical one isconsisted by “Gen, You, Bi” which is similarly used in the form of “A+Prep+B+predicate”.The third to the fifth chapter describe “gen” sentence,“you” sentence and “bi” sentencerespectively. Based on written language and spoken language corpus, we depict these sentences’performance of distribution and features of grammar, semantics and vocabulary. We classify “gen”sentence into equation expression, approximation expression and differentiation expression, inwhich equation expression is the most common one. We classify “you” sentence into equationexpression and subordination expression in which equation expression is a mostly used one. Weclassify “bi” sentence into exceedation expression, equation expression and subordinationexpression in which exceedation expression takes the largest part. Besides the description ofdistribution, we also depict the features of grammar, semantics and vocabulary for every kind ofcomparative sentence. Meanwhile, we conduct a cross-language style compare for these sentences.The chapter six puts “gen”“you”“bi” on a common framework that can integrate these theresentences as a projection result of meaning, cognition and structure. We claim that all thesecomparative sentences are embodiments of comparative meaning. The progress of embodiment isdriven by cognitive factor, lexical factor and semantics factor. The differences among these factorslead to the differentiation of “gen”“you” and “bi”. At the same time, we also discuss howlanguage style differences influence the variation in written and spoken style language.Chapter seven reviews this study in general, elaborates its application meanings in teachingand summarizes this study’s innovations and insufficiencies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】937

