

Study on Performance of Concrete Filled Steel Tube with Outer Steel Reinforced Concrete Stub Columns under Pression

【作者】 刘建明

【导师】 李慧剑;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 工程力学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在分析中外文献的基础上,针对目前钢-混凝土组合柱存在的缺点,提出一种新型的钢-混凝土组合构件,即核心钢管外包钢骨混凝土组合柱。它是钢管混凝土柱和外包钢混凝土柱的再组合。新型构件保留了二者的优点,克服了它们的缺点,特别是核心钢管和外置钢骨架在截面中的构造位置,与近年来兴起的核心钢管混凝土柱比较,该构件具有更好的受压、受弯、受剪以及受扭等承载能力和良好的抗震性能。为此,本文通过试验研究、数值模拟和理论分析,对该构件在轴心受压和单向小偏心受压情况下的基本力学性能进行了较为系统的研究。首先,设计并进行了3个该组合短柱轴心受压和3个单向小偏心受压的试验,观察并研究了该短柱在轴心压力和小偏心压力作用下轴向力与纵向应变(变形)关系、试件横向变形、宏观变形特征、破坏机理及破坏模式。考察了构件在两种不同的加载模式下,从加载到极限状态,钢管、角钢和混凝土共同变形协同工作情况;考察了小偏心受压构件截面应变分布规律以及两种加载模式下构件的延性。其次,利用有限元方法,分别建立了钢管混凝土短柱、外包钢混凝土短柱以及本课题的核心钢管外包钢骨混凝土短柱轴心受压和偏心受压的有限元模型,通过与试验结果的对比验证了有限元方法的有效性。然后,针对影响构件的各种几何物理参数进行系统的数值模拟,归纳总结了影响该构件力学性能的主要因素。并通过数值模拟的方法进一步考察了钢管、角钢和混凝土共同变形协同工作的情况。再次,在试验研究和数值模拟的基础上,考虑影响构件轴压承载力和截面组合变形模量的主要因素,并参照混凝土结构的习惯表达形式,研究并提出了核心钢管外包钢骨混凝土短柱轴压承载力计算的基本假定和基本计算公式以及构件组合刚度计算的基本假定和基本计算公式。考察了理论计算结果与试验结果的吻合程度。最后,在试验研究和有限元分析的基础上,结合核心钢管外包钢骨混凝土柱的特点,参照钢骨混凝土构件正截面承载力的计算理论,研究并提出了该新型构件的正截面承载力计算理论,包括基本计算假定和承载力基本计算公式。考察了理论计算结果与试验结果的吻合程度。

【Abstract】 A new type of concrete-steel composite member is proposed in the paper, concretefilled steel tube with outer steel reinforced concrete column, based on reviewing plentifuldomestic and foreign researches on concrete-steel composite columns and analying theshortcomings of existing composite members. It is the evolution and development of thiscomposite column based on steel encased concrete column and core steel-tube reinforcedconcrete column developed in recent years. It has better properties than existing compositemembers. Especially, the locations of the tube and angle steel lead to effectively improvethe shearing, bending, torsion and bearing capacity of column components, improve theductility and tenacity and make it have good mechanical performance. Mechanicalperformances of the specimens proposed in present paper under axial load and eccentricload had systematically been studied by means of testing research, numerical caculationwith FEM and theoretical analysis.Firstly, 6 concrete filled steel tube with outer steel reinforced concrete stub columnshad been designed and tested, 3 under axial compressive loading and 3 under eccentriccompressive loading. Observation and research had been carried out for the specimens onvertical load-vertical strain relations, horizontal deformation, macroscopical deformationcharacteristics, failure mechanism and failure modes. Observation and research had beencarried out for the specimens on harmonization of steel tube, angle steel and concretetogether deforming during loading. Also, distribution of the longitudinal stain on thesection and ductility had been carried out for the specimens.Secondly, finite element analysis models were set up for concrete-filled steel tubularstub column subjected to axial load, steel encased concrete stub column subjected toeccentric load and the specimens tested in the paper. Nonlinear finite element method(FEM) was available by comparing testing results with numerical results. Diferentparameters influenting on the mechanical propertis of the columns were studiedsystermatically and primary parameters were draw out. Plane cross-section assumptionwas affirmed. Thirdly, the basic assumptions and calculation formula of load capacity andcomposite stiffness of the composite column in axial compression were presented, basedon testing research and numerical research and considerring the primary parametersinfluenting on the mechanical propertis of the column, which were expressed in formaccordant with reinforcement concrete structure code. The calculated results agree wellwith the experimental results.Finally, the basic assumptions and calculation formula of load capacity of thecomposite column in eccentric compression were presented, based on testing research andnumerical research and considerring the primary parameters influenting on the mechanicalpropertis of the column, which were expressed in form accordant with reinforcementconcrete structure code. The calculated results agree well with the experimental results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

