

Research on Reconstruction Analysis Model and Method of Vehicle Three-Dimension Collision Accidents

【作者】 曹弋

【导师】 裴玉龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 自汽车问世以来,世界各国的道路交通运输事业就开始了飞速的发展,但随之而来的道路交通事故却成为“双刃剑”中的另一面,威胁着人们的生命财产安全。在交通视频监控设施尚未覆盖的道路上,交通事故一旦发生,将不可能真实重演。正是由于道路交通事故的这种不可逆特性,使得事故发生后,诸如车辆事故前行驶速度、行驶方向或碰撞点位置等因素难以准确确定,甚至可能出现当事人对于事故发生情节各执一词的情况。在各类道路交通事故中,伴随车辆翻滚运动的三维碰撞事故,属于运动形式复杂、理论分析困难、计算较为繁琐的事故类型之一。因此,如何利用相关理论,构建适用于再现分析汽车三维碰撞事故的模型与方法,实现该类碰撞事故发生过程的仿真再现,是事故再现分析领域的重要课题。目前国内对于汽车三维碰撞事故的分析手段主要是依赖国外进口的事故再现软件进行分析,或将其简化为二维碰撞事故进行理论计算。前者往往受到国外技术条件的约束,后者的计算精度较差且不能完整再现事故的发生过程。论文主要依托国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题课题“道路交通运行安全仿真评价与事故再现分析系统”,以再现汽车三维碰撞事故的发生过程为研究目的,探讨该类碰撞事故的再现分析模型与方法,在正确处理交通事故、明确划分事故责任、公正维护事故当事人的切身利益等方面具有重要的实际应用价值;为进一步探讨多次三维碰撞等复杂事故类型的再现分析模型与方法,奠定了理论基础。针对汽车与汽车单次三维碰撞事故类型的碰撞瞬间运动参数求解问题开展研究。在分析该类碰撞事故动力学特点并借鉴已有的二维碰撞运动参数动力学计算模型的基础上,将碰撞冲量扩展至三维空间。基于经典力学原理,推导了汽车三维运动临界条件。基于经典动力学理论,建立了计算汽车碰撞分离瞬间的竖向速度、纵向倾覆角速度及横向翻滚角速度三个三维运动参数的动力学模型,实现了根据汽车碰撞接触瞬间的运动状态参数推算碰撞分离瞬间的运动状态参数,及其逆向运算。针对汽车与汽车碰撞事故类型,借鉴汽车无转向运动的质心二维运动轨迹模型,构建了汽车转向行驶状态下的质心二维运动轨迹模型,并分析指出该模型也同样适用于描述汽车与二轮车碰撞事故类型中,汽车的运动轨迹。借鉴两轴汽车二维运动轮胎轨迹模型,推导了三轴汽车二维运动轮胎轨迹模型。考虑事故发生地点的纵向与横向坡度,提出了汽车三维运动临界状态倾斜度的计算公式。以碰撞分离瞬间汽车的三维运动状态参数为初始条件,基于经典运动学理论,给出了无地面反力状态下的汽车三维运动质心轨迹模型。在已有汽车滚筒模型的基础上,构建了地面反力作用下的,汽车三维运动的四棱柱翻滚轨迹模型与六棱柱翻滚轨迹模型。针对汽车与二轮车碰撞事故类型开展碰撞动力学模型与轨迹模型的研究。在分析汽车与二轮车碰撞动力学特点的基础上,构建了碰撞瞬间二轮车三维运动参数动力学计算模型。分别构建二轮车翻滚阶段与滑移阶段的质心运动轨迹模型。在此基础上,推导了二轮车平面运动状态下,特征点运动轨迹模型。针对汽车正面碰撞二轮车侧面与二轮车正面碰撞汽车侧面两种情况,提出了分析二轮车“人车分离”现象的简化模型。对基于经典力学原理构建的汽车三维碰撞动力学模型及轨迹模型,在道路交通事故再现分析工作中的应用进行了研究。在实际事故再现工作过程中,总结了事故现场勘察及数据采集的内容。针对两起汽车与汽车三维碰撞事故案例及一起汽车与二轮车碰撞事故案例,分别利用论文提出的再现分析模型与PC-Crash软件进行事故再现分析,对比分析了二者的再现结果,同时也将事故再现分析结果与实际案例中车辆静止位置、翻滚方式及路面痕迹等因素进行了对比分析。根据基于经典力学原理构建的汽车碰撞事故再现分析模型在实际事故案例中的应用情况,分析总结了碰撞事故再现经典力学法的应用局限性。提出了碰撞事故再现经典力学与有限元结合法的理论框架。在该框架的指导下,结合一起实际事故案例,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,分别构建了轿货车与面包车的有限元模型,并进行了碰撞过程仿真实验。通过有限元碰撞仿真,分析了汽车碰撞过程中的速度与加速度变化规律、动能转化规律、变形形成过程与应力分布状态,从而弥补了经典力学方法在事故再现分析领域中的应用局限性。

【Abstract】 Since automobile came out, road transportation cause began to rapidly development all over the world. However, road traffic accidents have became the negative aspect of the“double-edged sword”at the same time. It has been threatening people’s life and property security. At roads without traffic video monitoring facilities, once traffic accidents occurred, it can not be replayed veritably. Because of these irreversible characteristics of road traffic accidents,it is difficult to determine some factors such as vehicles’driving speed, driving direction before collision or position of collision point accurately after accidents occurred. Furthermore, the description about the accident plot provided by accident parties may be different even contradictory from each other. In all kinds of road traffic accident, the three-dimension collision accident which accompanies vehicle rolling movement, is one of complex for its movement form, difficult for theoretical analysis and tedious for calculation. Therefore, how to use ralated theory to construct the reconstruction analysis models which are appropriate for automobile three-dimension collision accidents, and realize simulation reconstruction of this kind of accident, is an important issue in the field of accident reconstruction.At present, there exsist two main means to analyze automobile three-dimension collision accidents in domestic, one is depending on accident reconstruction software imported from foreign countries, the other is theoretically calculation after simplifying it to two-dimension collision accidents. The former is often constrained by foreign technology conditions. The latter’s calculation precision is poor and cannot reconstruct accidents process completely. For the research purpose of reconstructing occurrence process of automobile three-dimension collision accidents, this paper studied the reconstruction analysis models and method of this kind of accidents, relying on the special subject of National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program)which was titled“Road Traffic Operation Safety Simulation Assessment and Accident Reconstruction Analysis System”. There will be prominent practical application value in aspects of handling traffic accidents correctly, dividing accident responsibility clearly, and ensuring interests of accident parties impartially. It will also have great theoretical significance for further research of reconstruction analysis models and methods of more complicated accident types, such as multiple three-dimension collision.For the accident type of automobile to automobile single three-dimension collision, the problem of solving movement parameters at the moment of collision was studied. On the basis of analyzing dynamic characteristics of this kind of accident and referring existing movement parameters dynamics calculation model of two-dimension collision, collision impulse was extended to three-dimensional space. Based on the principles of classical mechanics, critical condition of vehicle’s three-dimension movement was proposed. Based on classic dynamics theory, the three-dimension movement state parameters dynamic model for calculating vertical velocity, pitching angular velocity and rolling angular velocity at the moment of post-collision was constructed. Thus, the movement state parameters at the moment of pre-collision or post-collision could be calculated according to each.Aiming at the accident type of automobile to automobile collision,the automobile’s centroid two-dimension movement trajectory models of turning driving were constructed on the basis of the automobile’s centroid two-dimension movement trajectory models of no-turning driving. Furthermore, these models are also appropriate for describing automobile’s movement trajectory of automobile to two-wheel vehicle collision accident. On the basis of the tires two-dimension movement trajectory model of automobile with two axles, the tires trajectory model of automobile with three axles was derived. Considering longitudinal and transverse slope at scene of accident, the calculation formula of gradient at the critical condition of automobile three-dimension movement was proposed. Taking three-dimension movement state parameters at the moment of post-collision as initial conditions, the centroid trajectory model of automobile three-dimension movement without ground reaction force was provided based on classic kinematics theory. On the basis of the existing automobile rolling model, the quadrangular prism rolling trajectory model and the hexagonal prism rolling trajectory model with ground reaction force were constructed.Aiming at the kind of automobile to two-wheel vehicle collision accident, the collision dynamics model and trajectory model were studied. On the basis of analyzing dynamic characteristics of automobile to two-wheel vehicle collision, the three- dimension movement parameters dynamics calculation model of this kind of collision was constructed. The two-wheel vehicle’s centroid movement trajectory models at the rolling stage and sliping stage were constructed respectively. Based on this, the feature points movement trajectory model was derived, at the stage of two-wheel vehicle planar moving. For two cases of automobile’s front colliding with two-wheel vehicle’s side and two-wheel vehicle’s front colliding with automobile’s side, a simplified model for analyzing“occupant and vehicle separating”phenomenon was proposed.The dynamics model and trajectory models of automobile three-dimension collision which were constructed based on the classical mechanics theory were applied to road traffic accident reconstruction and studied. In the processes of actual accident reconstructions, the contents of accident scene survey and data collection were summarized. By using the reconstructed analysis model proposed in the paper and PC-Crash, two cases of automobile to automobile three-dimension collision and a case of automobile to motorcycle collision accidents were reconstructed respectively. The reconstruction results of the two methods were contrasted. The reconstruction results of the methods in this paper were also compared with the vehicles’stationary position, rolling way and pavement trace in the actual accident scene.According to the application situation of the automobile collision accident reconstruction analysis model which were constructed based on the classical mechanics theory, the application limitations of the classical mechanics method in collision accident reconstruction were analyzed and summaried. The theoretical framework of the classical mechanics and finite element comprehensive method in collision accident reconstruction were proposed. According to this framework and combined with an actual accident case, using ANSYS finite element analysis software, the finite element models of minibus and pickup can be constructed. By the finite element collision simulation experiment, the changes rule of velocity, acceleration and kinetic energy, the shape of deformation and the distribution state of Von mises stress of automobiles at collision process were all analyzed. Thus, the accident reconstruction application limitations of the classical mechanics analysis method were made up.


