

Research on Establishment and Emprical Analysis of Security System for River Drinking Source Water

【作者】 杜大仲

【导师】 孙铁珩; 马放;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,由于我国工业经济的迅猛发展和城镇化进程的提速,导致工业废水和城镇生活污水排放总量居高不下,对水环境构成了巨大压力,我国可饮用水资源短缺已成为不争的事实。针对河流型饮用水水源地供水量最大,供水水质最差,安全保障问题最为突出的现状,本研究按时间序列构建了涵盖选址评价、污染物监管与应急响应、保护区污染防控方案和已建水源地适宜性评价为主要内容的河流型饮用水水源地安全保障体系。针对我国多项重大饮用水源污染事故中暴露出的水源地在规划选址中存在的问题,提出并构建了河流型饮用水水源地选址评价体系;基于层次分析法(AHP)从法律制约、环境质量、水资源保障和环境风险四方面筛选出28个关键影响因子并对评价指标进行赋权和量化,为河流型饮用水水源地选址方案优选与决策提供依据。以牡丹江市饮用水水源地选址方案为实例,对构建的选址评价体系进行实证研究,数据表明,方案Ⅰ得分为92.78,方案Ⅱ得分为86.15,方案Ⅰ可作为优先推荐方案。针对河流型饮用水水源地受流域污染物排放影响大、累计健康风险高的特点,对现已实施的《生活饮用水卫生标准》、《地表水环境质量标准》和主要排水标准中涵盖的有机污染物进行对称性分析,指出标准体系中的污染物控制类别和浓度限值有较大差异,污染物监管存在盲区。利用固相萃取-气相色谱/质谱技术对松花江流域中某化工厂排水进行实证分析,检测数据表明,氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、1,1,2-三氯乙烷、甲苯、苯胺和三氯乙醛6项毒性有机污染物在标准体系中的重合性较差,验证了标准体系对污染物监控存在疏漏。结合河流型饮用水水源地的污染特征,提出重点污染物监测目录的建立方法用以指导日常环境监测,并建立包括事故报告、应急处置、应急技术和应急终止为内容的应急响应方案。针对河流型饮用水水源地存在流域空间跨度大、水文情况复杂、污染物迁移速度快的特点,提出了包括水源地保护区合理划分、污染物削减和污染物阻断为内容的水源地保护区污染防控方案。以牡丹江市主水源为实例,优化水源地一、二级及准保护区的划分;防控方案采用喷射环流耦合人工湿地技术对农村生活污水进行治理,沼气发酵技术对农村畜禽养殖污染物进行削减,滨水缓冲带技术对农村种植污染物进行阻断;综合污染防控方案的实施,可使保护内水源水COD削减2293.4 t/a,NH3-N削减318.9 t/a,TP削减46.1 t/a。针对环境要素变化对河流型饮用水水源地服务功能的综合影响,基于压力-状态-响应模型(Pressure-State-Response, PSR),从健康风险、水资源承载力和事故风险角度,提出并构建河流型饮用水水源地适宜性评价体系,对已建水源地是否有能力支撑城镇可持续发展做出适宜性评价。以中型工业城市—齐齐哈尔市的浏园水源地为实例,进行河流型饮用水水源地适宜性评价体系实证研究。研究表明,该水源地铬(六价)的最大致癌风险度为6.12×10-4,属较高健康风险度;未来5年工业用水保障率为43.7%,存在较大缺口;环境风险属中度风险;据此,给出水源地建设与管理建议,为管理决策提供依据。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the rapid development of industrial economy and acceleration of urbanization have caused the discharging of industrial wastewater and urban sewage remain so stubbornly high, which makes water environment of China face an enormous pressure. The shortage of drinking source water has been an indisputable fact in China. In this study, the security system which cover site selection assessment, pollutants monitoring and emergency response, pollution prevention and control of protected zone and suitability assessment was established for River drinking source water being the largest supply quantity,the worst water quality and the most outstanding of security status.The assessment system of site selection for River source water was proposed and established for the problems of site selection exposed in a number of pollution incidents. Basing on Analytic-Hierarchy-Process (AHP), twenty-eight key factors were selected and empowered from legal constraints, environmental quality, water security and environmental risk. Taking the site selection plan of source water of Mudanjiang city as the case, the assessment system of site selection for River source water was implemented. Study showed that the score of planⅠwas 92.78 and the score of planⅡwas 86.15, planⅠcould be recommended as a priority program.The symmetry analysis of organic pollutants was made on Standards for drinking water quality, Environmental quality standards for surface water and major discharge standards against the characteristics of River drinking source water be impacted by the pollutant emissions of river basin and high cumulative health risk. Analysis shows there were different on type and concentration limits of pollutants in standards, and blind spot of monitoring. The draining water of some chemical plant in Songhua River basin was selected to make the organic pollutant ingredient examination by solid phase extraction-gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (SPE-GC-MS). The data showed that six toxic organic pollutants including chloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, toluene, aniline and chloral were poor overlap in the standard system which proved the omission in pollutant monitoring. With pollution characteristics of River drinking source water, the methods of establishing key pollutant monitoring list was proposed to guide the daily environmental monitoring, and the emergency response procedures including accident reports, emergency treatment, emergency technology and emergency termination.The prevention and control program of source water protection zone including reasonable division of protection zone, reduction of point and non-point source pollution and pollutants blocking was proposed against the characteristics of fast transport of pollutants, large space and complicated hydrology. The main source water of Mudanjiang city as the case was studied which include determining the reasonable scope of protection zone, rural sewage treated by jet-loop coupled with constructed wetland technology, rural livestock pollution reducted by biogas fermentation and planting pollution blocked by riparian buffer zone. The source water can be reduced COD 2293.4 t/a, NH3-N 318.9 t/a, TP 46.1 t/a by the implementation of integrated pollution prevention and control programs, and source water quality will be greatly improved.With Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model,the suitability assessment system of River drinking source water was established by indicators of health risk, water capacity and environmental risk to evaluate the ability of source water supporting the sustainable development of cities against the combined effects of environmental factors changing for the service function . Taking Liuyuan source water of Qiqihaer city as an example, the study of suitability assessment system for of River source water was implemented. Study showed that the carcinogenic risk of chromium (VI) reached 6.12×10-4, that was a high degree of health risk; the industrial water security reached 43.7% in next 5 years, that was a wide gap ; environmental risk was moderate. According to conclution of indicators, the suggestion of construction and management about source water was given for management decisions.


