

The Effects of Network Relationships on Service Innovation Capability in Knowledge-Intensive Business Service

【作者】 辛枫冬

【导师】 赵国杰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 知识型服务业占国民经济的比重是衡量一个国家经济发展水平的重要指数。提高知识型服务业服务创新能力能够更好的发挥其在创新系统中的知识桥梁作用。从现有研究来看,从微观角度对知识型服务企业如何提升自身服务创新能力的研究较少,本文从网络关系和能力要素的角度研究提升知识型服务企业服务创新能力的内在机理,具有较强的理论意义与现实意义。由于缺乏创新所需的资源而导致许多知识型服务企业服务创新能力较低。企业自身的资源已不能满足服务创新的需求,越来越多的企业利用网络从外部获取关键性的外部资源,企业网络成为研究服务创新的新兴路径。如何获取组织间流动的外部知识是研究企业网络的焦点。网络可以传播不同类型的知识,经由网络获得知识要点重新结合起来而产生创新,增加创新收益。服务创新能力的内涵、要素构成以及如何评价?网络关系是否有助于提高KIBS企业的服务创新能力?网络关系是否直接提高创新绩效?服务创新能力与服务创新绩效的关系?本文针对“网络关系与服务创新”这一研究主题,阐述了网络关系对服务创新影响的内在机理,提出知识型服务企业可以通过网络关系建设来提升服务创新能力,进而提高创新绩效。本研究主要取得如下研究成果:(1)本研究以知识型服务业为研究对象,深入分析了服务创新以及服务创新能力的内涵,探讨了服务创新能力的构成要素,从创新的研发能力、创新的营销能力、服务的实施能力、组织学习和成长能力以及组织和管理能力五个角度来评价知识型服务企业的服务创新能力,并运用模糊评级法对知识型服务企业的服务创新能力进行评价。此结论一方面丰富了服务创新理论,另一方面为知识型服务企业评价服务创新能力提供了评价依据。(2)本研究从网络关系的视角探讨了提高服务创新能力和服务创新绩效的内在机理,构建了网络关系对服务创新能力影响的概念模型。在对服务创新理论、网络关系理论和知识转移理论进行综述的基础上,提出了网络关系和服务创新能力的结构假设、网络关系与服务创新能力的关系假设、知识转移与服务创新能力的关系假设。采用实证研究方法,对研究假设进行了验证。(3)本研究通过问卷调查研究方法收集样本数据,利用方差分析、因子分析、相关分析和结构方程建模等统计分析工具验证了网络关系、知识转移、服务创新能力对服务创新绩效的的内在作用机制,同时验证了网络关系、知识转移对服务创新能力的的影响;成功探索了网络关系、知识转移、服务创新能力和服务创新绩效间的路径关系。从而为我国知识型服务企业提升服务创新能力进而提高服务创新绩效提供了具有实践指导意义的参考框架。

【Abstract】 The proportion of Knowledge-Intensive Business Service(KIBS) in national economy has been regarded as a key index for national economical development. Enhancing service innovation capability in KIBS helps increase its knowledge bridging role in innovation system. However, very little research has taken a micro perspective to explore how KIBS improves its service innovation capability. The current study aims to investigate the underlying mechanism of service innovation capability enhancement in KIBS from the angle of network relationship and capability key factor, which can extend our knowledge base and provide valuable practical suggestions.The inadequacy of resources needed for innovation leads to low service innovation capability in many KIBS. Since the inner resources no longer meet the development of service innovation, more and more KIBS rely on network to obtain essential external resources. Business network sheds lights on a new research direction in examining service innovation, which focuses primarily on obtaining the external knowledge mobilized among businesses. Network contains various types of knowledge, through which KIBS may attain necessary knowledge to improve innovation thus increase innovation performance. Therefore a series of questions arises: how to define service innovation capability? What are the essential components and how to evaluate it? Can network relationship help enhance service innovation capability in KIBS? Can network relationship cast direct effect on service innovation performance? What is the relationship between service innovation capability and service innovation performance? Focused on“network relationship and service innovation”, the current study examines the underlying mechanism of how network relationship influences service innovation capability, and explores how KIBS enhances its service innovation capability via network relationship construction. The main findings are:1. With an emphasis on KIBS, the current study provided a thorough discussion on the definition of service innovation and essential components of service innovation capability. Furthermore, employing a grading system to assess the service innovation capability of KIBS, the current study evaluated service innovation capability of KIBS from five perspectives: research and development capability, marketing capability, service realization capability, progress and growth capability, and organizing and management capability. These findings help further our theoretical understanding of service innovation, and provide an evaluation framework for KIBS to evaluate its service innovation capability.2. Exploring the underlying mechanism of service innovation enhancement and service innovation performance from the perspective of network relationship, the current study constructed a concept model to assess the impact of network relationship on service innovation capability. The present study employed an empirical methodology to validate the hypothesis of network relationship and service innovation capability, the relationship between network relationship and service innovation capability and the relationship between knowledge transfer and service innovation capability.3. Data were collected through a self-developed questionnaire, and analyzed using statistic tools such as variance analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results validated the underlying mechanism of network relationship, knowledge transfer and service innovation capability on service innovation performance, and the impact of network relationship and knowledge transfer on service innovation capability. In addition, the current study explored the path among network relationship, knowledge transfer, service innovation capability and service innovation performance. The findings from the study provide a critical framework for KIBS to enhance service innovation capability which in turn will improve its service innovation performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

