

The Study on the Renovation of the Industrial District in the Resource-based City

【作者】 刘力

【导师】 张颀;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 伴随着信息技术的发展,21世纪的世界正在“从工业化时代走向信息时代,从工业社会走向后工业社会”。在此背景下,全球范围内的许多城市都掀起了工业建筑改造与再利用的高潮,相关研究也屡见不鲜,工业地段更新及工业建筑改造已成为当前建筑界的热点问题之一。唐山是我国重要的资源型城市之一,在经历了多年的资源开采及初加工后,城市中留下了大量废弃的工业地段,严重地影响了城市经济、环境乃至社会的发展。如何对这些工业地段进行恰当开发与利用是当前唐山城市的转型中所面临的主要问题。在对唐山城市及工业发展历史回顾的基础上,结合相关学者的研究成果,提出了将唐山工业地段视为城市发展的新资源——即工业地段资源的观点,并结合国内外的实践案例进行了论证,并归纳了工业地段资源与自然资源之间的区别与联系。唐山工业地段开发中最重要的问题在于明确其价值构成。在前人相关研究的基础上,提出了唐山工业地段价值评价方法,并依此对唐山近200处工业地段进行价值评价,确定其中较为优秀的工业地段名单,并根据价值评价的结果对唐山工业地段的价值规律进行总结,使之成为制定相关开发方法的依据。在唐山工业地段特点及价值判断的基础之上,明确了唐山工业地段开发的目标,提出了“一点、一线、一组团”的总体开发思路,并对相关的开发方法、业态选择以及可能涉及的技术措施进行了总结与阐述,形成了唐山工业地段开发的完整理论框架。在实施层面,明确了实施的程序,驱动方式以及相应的保障措施,并对唐山工业地段开发的实践进行总结,指出其中存在的问题,并以此为依据制定了相关的实施对策。尽管唐山只是国内众多资源型城市中的个案,但其积累的工业地段开发的成功经验必将对其它面临相同问题的资源型城市产生深远影响。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of information technology, the twenty-first Centuryworld is going from industrial era to information era, from industrial society to postindustrial society. In this background, major cities in the world had ignited a wave ofaged industrial building redevelopment and flourishing with related theories and casestudies. The renovation of industrial district and aged industrial buildingredevelopment is becoming the focus questions in architecture field.Tangshan is one of the important resource-based cities in China. After years ofexploitation and Simple Processing, a lot of discarded industrial districts in the cityaffected the city economic, environmental and social development badly. How toproperly develop and make use of the industrial district is the main problem ofTangshan city transition currently.On the review of Tangshan industrial development history and with the relatedresearch results, it put forward making Tangshan industrial district as a new resourcesof city development, it is also a view of industrial district resources. It also make ainduction of difference between industrial district resources and natural resources incontact with the practise cases at home and abroad.The most important question in development of Tangshan industrial district is tomake clear its value composition. On the former related researches, it put forward theevaluation method to Tangshan industrial districts district value and evaluate nearly200 industrial district value. On these bases ,it obtain the list of the more excellentindustrial district, and summarize the law of Tangshan industrial district valueaccording to the evaluation results, that can be the basis for the method of formulatingrelevant development strategies and development.On the basis of the industrial district characteristics and value judgment intangshan, it propose the clear goal of industrial district development and the generaldevelopment thinking of“one point, one line, one group”. And also, the methods ofrelevant development, the selection of business mode and the involved technicalmeasures are elaborated and summarized. To sum up the above arguments, thecomplete theoretical framework of industrial district development in Tangshan come into being.The implementation procedure, driving manner and support measures are madeclear in implementation aspect. It make a summary of Tangshan industrial districtimplementation and point out the problems in operation. According to these, itestablish the enforceable Measures.Although Tangshan is one of the resource-based cities, it accumulate successfulexperience of industrial district development, that is bound to have profound influenceon other resource-based cities who facing the same problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

