

Research on Obstacles to Implementing International Management Standards Based on the View Point of Spread of Knowledge

【作者】 杨家珍

【导师】 和金生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 国际标准化组织(ISO)自1987年颁布第一个通用管理体系标准IS09000族质量管理体系标准以来,又陆续颁布了环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系等一系列国际管理标准,受到各国政府的重视和各类组织的认可。1992年我国等同采用了国际质量管理体系标准并开展认证认可工作,二十多年的认证实践显示,通过国际管理标准的认证使组织转变了经营理念,提高了管理水平,为组织长远发展奠定了基础。但也存在比较突出的问题,导致组织获得了认证证书但对国际管理标准的内涵不甚理解,管理体系建立起来但运行效果较差,使得国际管理标准与组织实际经营相脱离,“两张皮”现象普遍存在。由于国际管理标准是西方发达国家社会、经济、技术发展到一定程度的产物,是西方管理实践和现代管理思想、理论、方法的具体体现,在中国实施必然会有许多不适应。表面上看是中西方管理模式和管理方法的冲突,实际上是中西文化的碰撞。如何将国际管理标准根植于中华民族文化的土壤之中,如何让认证组织的管理体系有效运行,成为实施国际管理标准过程中具有重要价值和现实意义的问题。本论文致力于研究国际管理标准在实施过程中遇到的障碍,剖析导致这些障碍的深层次原因和规律,探讨克服这些障碍促进管理标准发挥作用的途径和方法。本研究首先开展了问卷调查,针对组织高层管理者和中基层管理者设计了两种问卷,分别调查了不同类型的167家通过认证的组织。通过数据处理发现,国际管理标准在中国实施存在五个方面的障碍,在对这些障碍进行初步理论分析的基础上,特别从知识学习规律的角度剖析了国际管理标准必然出现的问题。最后,引入知识发酵理论,建立了国际管理标准实施的知识繁育模型,从知识发酵的环境优化、知识母体的选择、发酵技术的引入与系统化、知识酶的形成与完善、知识繁育发酵吧的构建和完善等五个方面进行了阐述,以促进国际管理标准知识在我国的顺利传播,促进认证组织对标准知识的消化吸收,促进国际管理标准与组织实际运营以及中西文化的有效融合。本论文的主要创新点在于:第一,通过对组织高层和中基层管理者的问卷调查,系统归纳出国际管理标准在我国实施的主要障碍;第二,从管理模式、人员素质、中西文化差异对这些障碍产生的原因进行了理论分析;第三,构建了国际管理标准实施的知识繁育模型。研究结果可为相关机构提供决策依据,可为认证组织提供理论指导,可为中西方文化的融合提供可资借鉴的方法。

【Abstract】 Since 1987, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) firstly promulgated a general management system standards that was IS09000 quality management system standard.Also,it had successively promulgated a series of international management standards, which were the environment management system, occupational health and safety management system, recognized by the attention of Governments and organizations. In 1992, China was tantamount to the adoption of international standards of quality management system certification and accreditation work and, in the hope of integrating into the world economic tide and improve management level of organizations. More than 20 years of the international management standard certification practices showed us that this work enables organizations to change the management philosophy, improve the management level and lay the foundation for organizations long-term development. But there are still serious problems, such as though organization obtained certification, it did not understand the connotation of international management standards and set up and running management systems but less effective.International management standards are developed to a certain degree of social, economic, technical development, which were a western management practice and embodiment of modern management thinking, theories, and methods. In China, the implementation would be inevitable to show its inadaption. On the surface were management model and methods conflicts in the East and in the West, which is actually a collision of Chinese and Western cultures. How to promote international management standards to be rooted in the soil of Chinese culture, and how to make certification effective running of the organization,s management system had become great value and practical significance of the problem during China,s implementation of the international management standard.This dissertation is intended to research obstacles during implementation of international management standards, to analyze these obstacles deep causes and rules and to discuss approaches to overcoming obstacles in order to exert the standards’ influence and improve management and operation. First of all, a questionnaire survey is taken in this research, including two types: survey for senior manager and survey for intermediate and basic manager. According to the statistics accumulated from 160 accreditation organization through surveys, there are five types of obstacles to implementation of international management standards in China. On the ground of preliminarily dissecting these obstacles in theory, I lucubrate into the causes of problems in implementing international management standards in terms of rules of acquiring knowledge.At last, through introducing theory of knowledge fermentation, I establish an international management standard knowledge breeding model. This article viewed international management standard as a knowledge system, from knowledge spread of perspective analyzed various obstacles and causes to implement international management standard process, promoted a knowledge breeding model to overcome and eliminate international management standard implementation obstacles, explained from knowledge fermentation of environment optimization, and knowledge maternal of select, and fermentation technology of introduced and systematic, and knowledge enzyme of formed and improved, to promoting international management standard knowledge smooth spreading in China and digestion and absorption of knowledge organization for certification to standards international standards of management and organization of the actual operations, and effective fusion of Chinese and Western cultures.Main innovations of this paper are: firstly, a systematic summary of obstacles to implement international management standard through investigating senior, intermediate and basic managers in questionnaires; secondiy, theoretical analysis about causes for these obstacles from aspects of management model, personnel quality and cultural discrepancy between the west and china; thirdly, an international management standards knowledge breeding model. Results of the study provide a decision-making basis for the Government and relevant institutions, can provide guidance for certification organizations, and which can be provided for the integration of Western culture in general.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

