

Research on Theory and Information Generation Technique of Soccer Video Based Psychological War

【作者】 卜江

【导师】 老松杨;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 军队指挥学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术的飞速发展和广泛运用为心理战的实施开辟了新的更加广阔的空间。目前,心理战已不再局限于战时的发挥和单纯的战场范围,它已融入了日常生活的方方面面,“目标多元性”和“隐蔽性”成为了现代心理战的两个典型特征,然而,传统的心理战类型由于各自的缺陷已经很难满足未来心理作战的需求,因此,本文的研究旨在探索具备现代心理战特征的新型心理作战方式。本文提出了以足球视频为媒介的心理战相关理论,并详细分析了以足球视频为媒介的心理战进攻技术,在当前已有的足球视频分析、处理和传播技术基础上,突破了以足球视频为媒介的心理战信息生成的关键技术,并用于信息生成平台的应用验证。具体来讲,论文的主要贡献包括以下几个方面:1.提出了以足球视频为媒介的心理战理论。将现代心理战与以足球视频为媒介的心理战进行比较分析,指明了足球视频在心理战应用中的广阔前景;给出了以足球视频为媒介的心理战定义和类型,在此基础上,对进攻对象、进攻特点以及进攻的流程和方法进行了详细讨论。2.为了提高心理战信息生成的速度,提出了基于卫星直播、基于P2P网络流媒体直播和基于分布式视频点播的足球视频获取与投送流程。设计了足球视频中的心理战信息生成流程并明确了其中所涉及的关键技术。3.提出了足球视频中心理战信息叠加位置的实时、自动探测方法,该方法主要包括球门定位、广告牌探测和识别、场地探测和静态区域检测,区别于以往基于规则的方法,本文利用基于机器学习的关联方法来发现低层特征与高层语义对象间的非显性关联模式,有效提高了心理战信息叠加位置探测的准确率。4.提出了足球视频中的心理战信息叠加方法——“视频植入”。为了实现“视频植入”,需要预先定义球场模型并匹配特征点,实时求解拍摄足球视频的摄像机内外参数,并对连续帧中的摄像机参数进行跟踪,然后依据这些摄像机参数再结合后处理技术对待叠加的心理战信息进行相应的几何变换。“视频植入”后的心理战信息符合视觉效果、没有透视失真,具备良好的“隐蔽性”。5.设计并实现了以足球视频为媒介的心理战信息生成平台(IGPPO),该平台包括心理战信息叠加位置探测子平台和心理战信息叠加子平台。本文主要从两个方面验证了IGPPO平台的应用情况,一是足球视频中心理战信息生成的实时性和隐蔽性验证,二是心理战信息生成平台的有效性验证。综上所述,本文提出了以足球视频为媒介的心理战理论及其进攻技术,并深入研究了足球视频中的心理战信息生成技术。本文的研究不仅为以足球视频为媒介的心理战建立了一定的理论和技术基础,同时也将对信息化条件下现代心理战的发展产生积极影响。

【Abstract】 The rapid development and extensive application of information technology open up a new and wide space for psychological war. At present, psychological war is coming into many aspects of daily life apart from wartime and battlefield, it makes the“multitarget”and“concealment”become two typical characteristics of modern psychological war, however, traditional psychological operation is hard to meet the requirement of modern psychological war because of its inherent limitations, therefore, in this thesis, we explore newfashioned psychological operation that possesses the two typical characteristics.Firstly, the theory of Soccer Video based Psychological War (SVPW) is proposed, after that, the technique for SVPW attack is also analyzed. Secondly, based on the existed technology in soccer video analysis, processing and transmission, the key technologies of information generation in SVPW are investigated. Finally, the above theories and methods are validated by designing and implementing an Information Generation Platform of Psychological Operation (IGPPO). The main contributions of this thesis are as follows,1. We propose the theory of SVPW. At first, modern psychological war and SVPW are compared to indicate the applicability of soccer video. Then, the definition and types of SVPW are discussed, after that, the targets, characteristics, flow and methods of SVPW attack are elaborated.2. In order to accelerate the generation of Psychological War Information(PWI), the flow of soccer video acquiring & sending based on live satellite broadcast, live streaming media in P2P network and video on-demand are proposed. Furthermore, we also design the flow of PWI generation in soccer video and clarify the key technologies within it.3. We present the methods of real-time and automatic position detection, which includes goalmouth localization, billboard detection & recognition, playfield detection and static region detection, for PWI superimposition in soccer video. Different from former rule based methods, machine learning algorithms are applied to discover the latent relationships between low-level features and high-level semantic object, and the precision of position detection can be improved to a certain extent.4. We suggest the methods for PWI superimposition in soccer video --“in-video placement”. For the implementation of“in-video placement”, the playfield model needs to be predefined, and camera parameters of soccer video need to be determined and tracked in real time between successive frames by matching feature points, after that, geometrical transform and postprocessing are applied to PWI referring to the acquired camera parameters. In this way, the superimposed PWI is vivid and concealed in soccer video.5. We design and implement an IGPPO, which comprises two sub-platforms, i.e. position detection sub-platform and PWI superimposition sub-platform. Subsequently, the application of IGPPO is validated from two aspects, one is“run time”and“concealment”validation in PWI generation, the other is“effectiveness”validation of IGPPO.In conclusion, this thesis provides the theory and attack technique of SVPW, and an in-depth investigation into the PWI generation technique in soccer video. This research is not only the foundation of SVPW, theoretically and technically, but also a positive influence on the development of modern psychological war in information age.


