

A Study on the Post-Cold War Transnational Social Movements from the Perspective of Global Governance

【作者】 徐步华

【导师】 叶江;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,在全球化深入发展和冷战终结的背景下,旨在促进社会、经济和环境正义与民主的新一波跨国社会运动迅速勃兴。冷战后的跨国社会运动呈现出运动范围的全球化、社会诉求的多样化、组织形式的网络化、运动目标的去革命化等特征,因而,当代跨国社会运动的主流不再是国际体系的颠覆者,而更多的是全球治理的积极参与者和贡献者。跨国社会运动的这种变化既是国际体系深刻变化的结果和具体表现,又反过来促进了国际体系的变革。跨国社会运动与全球变革之间关系的研究是社会学和政治学领域中的社会运动研究与国际关系学科所共同关注的课题。然而,由于国际关系理论与社会运动理论之间的学科隔阂,现有的研究还存在着诸多的缺陷和不足。鉴于此,本文从全球治理的视角对冷战后的跨国社会运动进行研究,试图将二者之间的相关研究链接起来。作为一种与传统的“国际关系”理论不同的世界政治研究视角,全球治理理论认为国家与非国家行为体之间没有等级之别,国家和非国家行为体都是国际体系中的行动单元。这为分析包括跨国社会运动在内的非国家行为体在国际体系中的作用提供了新的分析路径。因此,本文以全球治理为分析视角,将跨国社会运动视为国际体系中的一种单元和全球治理的参与者,并从互动的视角出发探讨其与国际非政府组织、政府间国际组织、跨国公司和主权国家等主要国际社会行为体之间的关系。接着,在跨国减债、反大坝和禁止集束炸弹运动等案例研究的基础上,本文认为当代跨国社会运动在塑造全球治理议题和提出政策倡议、促进全球治理的民主化、塑造全球治理的规范和制度、推动全球治理模式的变革等方面对全球治理的结构和进程产生了重要而积极的影响。更为重要的是,当代跨国社会运动通过不断地冲击国家在国际格局中的“垄断”地位,推动非国家行为体走向全球治理的前台,促使国际格局朝着多元化的方向不断发展以及促进国际规范结构的重构而影响和推动着当代国际体系的演变。因此,当代跨国社会运动的兴起是在全球化深入发展的背景下,国际体系中单元层次的行为体由单一向多元转变的重要体现,而这种转变不仅对全球治理的进程与结构,而且对国际体系转型都产生了重要的影响。这可能就是当代跨国社会运动与全球治理以及与现代国际体系之间的辩证运动关系。

【Abstract】 In the context of the further development of globalization and the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, the world has been witnessing a new wave of transnational social movements(TSMs) aiming to enhance the social, economic and environmental justice and democracy. TSMs in the post-Cold War period are characterized by globalized scope of activities, diversified social appeals, networked organizing forms and de-revolutionized objectives, with their role evolving from a subverter of international system to a participant and contributor of global govornance. Such a change of TSMs’ characteristics and role both results from and embodies the transformation of international system, while TSMs, in turn, further the global transformation.The relationship between TSMs and global transformation, at least from the end of the World War II, has become the common topic of social movement theory and IR theory. But there exists a gap between interpretations on this relationship by the both disciplines, which to some extent hinders a synthetic study on TSMs. In view of this, the dissertation adopts the perspective of global governance to study contemporary TSMs. As a perspective on world politics, global governance theory is different from the traditional IR theory, since it claims that there is no hierarchy between the state and non-state actors and that both are the units of the international system. So it not only provides a reasonable path in the study of non-state actors (including TSMs), but aslo contributes to the synthesis of the both disciplinesAs a theoretical and empirical study, the dissertation first argues that TSM should be seen as a special action unit in the international system and a positive actor in global governance. Then it turns to explore the interactions between contemporary TSMs and other important international actors, such as sovereign states, intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations and multinational corporations. After the case studies of Transnational Debt Relief Movement, Anti-Dam Movement and Movement to Ban Cluster Munition, the dissertation concludes that contemporary TSMs have exerted an important and active influence on global governance, by putting forward new issues and policy initiatives, facilitating the democratization of global governance, constructing/reconstructing international norms and insititutions and contributing to the pattern evolution of global governance.And more importantly, the dissertation argues that contemporary TSMs are contributing to the erosion of the predominance of sovereign states in the international system, while promoting the non-state actors into the foreground of global governance, enhancing the plurality of the current international structure, and facilitating the reconstruction of international norm structure. In other words, contemporary TSMs also have comprehensive and profound influences on the transformation and evolution of the international system.Therefore, the dissertation concludes that the significant burgeoning of contemporary TSMs is a symbol and a result of the development of golobal governance and the transformation of international system, while contemporary TSMs help to further the development and evolotion of global governance and internatioanl system in turn. This may be the dialectical movement in the interactions between contemporary TSMs and global governance and international system.


