

Research on Brand Loyalty’s Affecting Factors and Conduction Mechanism of the B2C E-Commerce Platform under the Influence of Its Community

【作者】 俞晔

【导师】 王方华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在传统的商业环境中,品牌一直是企业营销战略的核心内容,消费者长期的品牌忠诚也是企业获取丰厚回报的主要来源。但是在网络经济中,品牌的作用和价值开始受到冲击。这是因为:一方面,市场进入壁垒降低,更多的产品变成商品,各种各样的品牌不断涌现;另一方面,消费者借助网络可以轻松地获得关于产品、服务及提供商的大量信息,从而变得更加精明和挑剔。人们不禁由此产生疑问,网络经济中如何进行品牌建设才能产生有效的品牌忠诚?经过专家与学者一系列的调查和研究,结果客观地表明,网络经济中品牌仍将发挥其不可替代的作用,但是决定品牌的关键因素却有所变化。在网络经济中,品牌已不像在传统环境中那样依赖于单调的产品形象以及单向的广告宣传。因此,企业若还是依靠传统的品牌建设手段,就很可能逐渐失去消费者的品牌忠诚。随着网上交易的日益频繁和深入,消费者与企业之间的联系与交流更具网络倾向。而消费者越依赖通过网络与企业发生联系,他们对于品牌的认知就越取决于其在网络上获得的相关体验——舒适快捷的界面、方便的选购和支付以及友好的对话等等方面。因此,如何使消费者感知到出众的网络体验,是企业进行品牌建设时所要解决的关键问题。而此时网络社区的出现,恰恰为企业提供了一个崭新而有效的途径。网络社区伴随因特网的发展而兴起,是网络营销的重要工具和手段。品牌忠诚虽然有很多学者进行深入研究和探讨,但对于网络品牌忠诚的研究仍处于初步的阶段,对于B2C电子商务平台如何形成品牌忠诚更是在雾里看花。研究网络社区和B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚的相关问题是学术研究的前沿议题,不论是国内还是国外都将此作为未来研究的发展方向和重心,也是B2C电子商务网络营销实务中的重点和难点问题。本文在综述现有研究成果的基础上,探讨网络社区、社区成员以及B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚等方面的相互联系,从理论层面揭示社区及B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚的影响因素和传导机理,从实践层面给出应用框架和管理策略,为B2C电子商务企业开展网络社区及网络品牌的营销活动提供系统的理论指导和应用方法。鉴于网络社区的巨大影响力,以及网络品牌忠诚对于B2C电子商务平台的重要作用,本研究具有以下理论意义和实践意义:理论意义:在品牌忠诚等经典理论研究的基础上,从平台社区和个人(社区成员)两个不同的维度出发,引入平台与社区因素以及社区成员个体因素的双重视角来分析平台品牌忠诚形成与发展的过程,以及它的影响因素与传导机理,丰富且发展了网络社区建设的理论。实践意义:研究结果有助于B2C电子商务企业认知网络社区的价值及价值增值过程,为企业通过网络社区的媒介培育和维系忠诚客户提供了新的途径和方法;有助于企业认识社区和个体在网络营销中的地位,从而确定社区和社区成员应在网络营销中扮演什么角色、发挥何种作用,采取针对性的措施制定营销策略。全文共八章,第一章为绪论部分;第二章为文献综述与评价;第八章为全文总结及研究展望,第三章到第七章为论文的主体部分。整篇论文的结构体系图,请详见第一章中图1-3所示。第一章绪论部分,阐述了论文的研究背景、研究现状和意义,在论文研究的主要内容中指出论文的研究范围、研究视角、全文研究的逻辑结构和结构体系,介绍了论文要解决的关键问题、主要工作、研究阶段;另外对论文的研究方法等进行说明。全文的研究是在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上展开的。这部分主要体现在本文的第二章,其中综述了与品牌有关的概念和定义、网络品牌及本文研究对象的界定、品牌忠诚有关的定义、品牌忠诚的影响因素和相关理论模型;B2C电子商务平台的概念与定义、B2C电子商务平台的研究现状、B2C电子商务平台的分类;社区的理论研究、社区的性质及应用、社区的类别及相关领域的理论研究,也指出了现有研究的不足、相关问题和由此引发本文的思考。论文的主体部分包括第三、第四、第五、第六和第七章。第三章提出了网络社区对B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚影响因素及传导机理的理论模型,并对模型的理论来源做了简要的阐述;提出了本文的假设;调查问卷的预期测量问项;针对研究变量进行的测量;变量测量的信度和效度评价以及本文所用的数据分析方法。第四章至第七章是实证研究的部分,分四个章节分别针对四种不同类型的B2C电子商务平台做了相应的统计分析。第四章对商城式综合购物平台进行分析并得出了相应的影响机理模型;第五章对专营商品平台进行分析并得出了相应的影响机理模型;第六章对企业网络直销平台进行分析并得出了相应的影响机理模型;第七章对团购平台进行分析并得出了相应的影响机理模型。这四章的实证研究均是基于第三章中所提出的理论模型而展开,并运用结构方程模型对各研究结论进行检验与修正。最后第八章部分是全文结论总结与研究展望,在对全文的内容进行回顾的基础上,归纳汇总了网络社区对B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚影响因素及传导机理各类型的模型,总结了全文的研究工作和得到的结论,强调了主要结论和理论与实践的创新点,提出了与B2C电子商务平台社区建设实践相关的建议,并指出了本文的局限性和未来进一步研究的方向,以及相应的研究展望。本研究针对我国B2C电子商务平台在其网络社区环境下的品牌忠诚影响因素及传导机理进行了深入、全面的研究和探讨,将B2C电子商务平台分为四类分别进行实证研究,主要有以下一些创新点:1.网络社区对B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚影响因素及传导机理理论创新遍历所有有关品牌忠诚及网络品牌忠诚的文献,其中涉及电子商务的一般将其作为一个网站来进行研究,研究的对象也是电子商务网站的品牌忠诚。而本文的研究是针对整个电子商务平台,将其作为一个整体,其中社区也称之为社区平台,它也是B2C电子商务平台中不可或缺的重要组成部分之一。本文的研究也是建立在此基础上。虽然本文并非最先提出这一概念,但这一研究领域,是在之前很多学者研究之上新的拓展,并且通过研究,也证实了将B2C电子商务作为平台来研究更符合现在的发展趋势,也体现了电子商务平台的各个组成部分在整个平台运行过程中所起到的重要作用。本文所研究的影响机理包括影响因素及传导机理两方面,在相关的影响因素研究文献中,与品牌忠诚和网络品牌忠诚有关的研究始终跳不出品牌忠诚经典理论的框架,在分析影响因素的时候也是围绕在原有的研究基础之上。本文引入社区这一影响环境后,对于在新环境下B2C电子商务平台的品牌忠诚影响因素进行了全方位的研究,提出了将社区成员个体专业程度、社区成员个体感知程度、社区成员个体融入程度、社区活跃程度、社区吻合程度、平台商品多样化程度、平台商品专业化程度、平台商品个性化程度以及平台商品性价比水平作为衡量影响B2C电子商务平台品牌忠诚的几个因素,且通过实证研究其是否对于平台品牌忠诚产生显著影响,并进一步研究了其传导机理,证实了平台信任度、平台满意度以及社区成员个体融入程度这三个变量对于平台品牌忠诚的中介作用,这是在理论上的一点创新。2.对于我国不同类型B2C电子商务平台进行细分,有针对性研究的实证创新本文在实证研究的过程中,并非粗略地将B2C电子商务平台统一进行研究,而是根据相关学者和专业咨询公司在电子商务行业报告中的资料分析,结合我国B2C电子商务平台的发展特色,将其细化区分为四种具有不同特点的电子商务平台,分为商城式综合购物平台、专营商品平台、企业网络直销平台,以及团购平台,并针对平台自身特征,总结出四个不同的因素来分别进行研究,并进一步指出不同类型的平台其品牌忠诚影响因素及传导机理也是不尽相同的。也正基于此,针对不同类型的平台,在社区的构建与管理上也要有针对性地采取不同的方式。这样有针对性的实证研究确保了本文研究成果的实践意义和价值,这也是本文在这一领域实证研究中的创新。

【Abstract】 In the traditional business environment, the brand is always the core content of the enterprise marketing strategy, consumers’ long-term of brand loyalty is profitable enterprises to acquire the main source. But in the network economy, brand of function and value began to suffer. This is because that on the one hand, market entry barriers lower, more products into a commodity, various kinds of brand constantly emerging, On the other hand, consumer with network can easily get about products, services and provider of information, and thus become more shrewd and picky. People can not help the resulting doubt, network economy how to conduct brand construction to produce effective brand loyalty?Through a series of investigation and research by experts and scholars, the results objectively indicate that, in the network economy brand will still play its irreplaceable role, but the key factor decision brand but to change. In the network economy, the brand has not like the traditional environment that rely on drab product image and one-way advertising. Therefore, the enterprise if still rely on traditional brand construction method, it is very possible gradually lose consumer brand loyalty. With online trading increasingly frequent and thorough, consumers and business and the connection between exchange more network tendency. And consumers more dependent on through the network and the enterprise happening, they contact to brand cognitive more depends on the network for the relevant experience - comfortable fast interface, convenient to choose and pay and friendly dialogue, etc. Therefore, how to make consumers perceive an outstanding Internet experience is the enterprise to carry out the brand construction to solve the key problems. While the emergence of Internet community, just for enterprise provides a new and effective way.The online community is arisen the important tool and means with the development of the Internet network marketing. Brand loyalty while there are many scholars further research and discussion, but for network brand loyalty research is still in the initial stage, for B2C e-commerce platform on how to form a brand loyalty is in mystifying. Research network community and B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty problems related to the forefront of research is an academic issues, both at home and abroad will this as the future research direction of development and center of gravity, also B2C e-commerce network marketing practices the key and difficult problem. Based on reviewing the basis of existing research results, this paper discusses the online community, community members and B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty, etc, the relationship from the theoretical level reveals the community and B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty and the factors affecting the conduction mechanism, from the practical level, an application framework and management strategies for B2C e-commerce enterprises to develop the network community and network brand marketing activities provide systematic theoretical guidance and application methods. Given the huge influence of the online community, as well as network brand loyalty for B2C e-commerce platform, the importance of this study has the following theoretical and practical significance:Theoretical significance: in brand loyalty such classical theory on the basis of study, from community and individual (community members) two different dimensions, introducing the new individual factors Angle to analyze the brand loyalty formation and development process, and every stage of conduction modes, enriched and developed the theory of network community construction.Practical significance: results contribute to B2C e-commerce enterprises cognitive online community’s value and value added process for enterprise through the network to cultivate and sustain the community media loyalty client provides a new way and method, Help enterprises to understand community and individual in network marketing, so as to determine the status of community, and community members shall, in Internet marketing, what role play what role, adopting the specific measures marketing strategy.The essay has eight chapters, the first chapter are stated in part; The second chapter for literature review and evaluation; Chapter 8 for full text summarizes and research prospects in the third chapter to chapter seven is the main part of the thesis. The whole thesis structure chart, please see the first chapter subdivisision 1-3 shows.The first chapter is the introduction section, this paper expounds the thesis research background, research status and significance, the main content of the dissertation research paper pointed out in the research scope, the research Angle, full-text research of logical structure and structural system, introduced to solve the key problems of papers, the main work, study phase, In addition, the paper studies show the method, etc.The study is in related research achievements at home and abroad on the basis of. This section of this paper are mainly embodied in the second chapter, which reviewed and brand relevant concept and definition, network and brand this paper research object, definition of brand loyalty related definitions, brand loyalty and the factors affecting the related theoretical model. B2C e-commerce platform the concept and definition, B2C e-commerce platform the research situation, the B2C e-commerce platform of sorting. Community of theory, the properties and application of community, community categories and related fields theory research also points out existing deficiencies and related questions and caused by this paper thinking.The main part of the paper includes the third, fourth and fifth, the sixth and seventh chapter.The third chapter puts forward the online community of B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty affecting factors and transmitting mechanism of theoretical model, and the model of the theoretical sources do cautious. the paper, Put forward in this paper that, The survey WenXiang expected measurement, Considering the research variables measurement, Variable measuring reliability and validity of the evaluation and this paper USES data analysis method.The fourth chapter to chapter 7 of part, is an empirical study divided four chapters respectively on four different types of B2C e-commerce platform made the corresponding statistical analysis. The fourth chapter of shopping mall type comprehensive platform analysis and derives the corresponding influence mechanism model. The fifth chapter to specialize in commodity platforms, analyze and derives the corresponding influence mechanism model. The sixth chapter on enterprise network direct marketing platform, analyze and derives the corresponding influence mechanism model. Chapter 7 jan.7 platform for analysis and derives the corresponding influence mechanism model. These four chapters of empirical studies are based on the third chapter theories put forward by model and spread and apply to the structural equation model of each research conclusion inspection and correction.Final chapter 8 part contains conclusion to summarize and research prospects in the content of text based on the review of the online community, inductive summary of B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty affecting factors and transmitting mechanism to various types of model, this paper summarizes the full text of the research work and the conclusion, emphasizes the main conclusions and theory and practice, and puts forward the innovation points with B2C e-commerce platform community construction practice related Suggestions and points out this paper limitations and future research direction of further research prospects and the corresponding.This study aiming at the B2C e-commerce platform in the Internet community environment of brand loyalty affecting factors and transmitting mechanism thorough, comprehensive research and discussion, will B2C e-commerce platform into four categories respectively for empirical research, basically have the following some innovation points:1. The online community of B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty affecting factors and transmitting mechanism theory innovationTo traverse all relevant brand loyalty and network brand loyalty literature, involving electronic commerce general as a website for research, the object of study is also ecommerce brand loyalty. But this research is aimed at the whole e-commerce platform, which is considered as a whole, including community also called community platform, and it is also the B2C e-commerce platform indispensable part of one. This study is based on this basis. Although this paper are not the first to put forward this concept, but the research domain, it is before many scholars study on new development, and through the study, also confirmed that will B2C e-commerce as a platform to research more conform to the present development trend, also reflected the e-commerce platform of component part in the whole platform operation process of the important role played by.This paper studied the influence mechanism including affecting factors and transmitting mechanism in two aspects, the related factors affecting the research literature, and brand loyalty and network brand loyalty research always jump out brand loyalty classical theory frame, in analyzing the influential factors of time also is around the original research foundation. This paper introduce community this affect the environment, for in the new environment B2C e-commerce platform of brand loyalty influence factors to the full range of study, puts forward the community members individual professional degree, members of the community individual perceived, members of the community individual into degree, community involvement, community anastomosis degree, platform commodity diversification degree, specialized degree, platform commodity individualization degree and commodity price level as a measure of platform influence B2C e-commerce platform brand loyalty of several factors, and the empirical research about whether the platform brand loyalty significant impact, and further studies its transmitting mechanism, confirmed the platform trust, platform satisfaction and community members individual into the three variables for degree platform brand loyalty intermediary role, this is a bit of innovation in theory.2. For in different types of B2C e-commerce platform subdivided, targeted the empirical research innovationBased on the empirical research process, not roughly divided B2C e-commerce platform unified study, but according to relevant scholars and professional consulting company in e-commerce industry report the data analysis, combined with the B2C e-commerce platform development characteristics, its refining is divided into four with different characteristics of e-commerce platform, divided into shopping mall type comprehensive platform, specialize in commodity platform, enterprise network marketing platform, and even apartments-and platform, and in the light of the platform, summarized the characteristics of four different factors studied respectively, and further points out that different types of platform its brand loyalty affecting factors and transmitting mechanism is not the same. Also is based on this, according to different types of platform, the community construction and management also to be pertinently adopt different ways. Such targeted empirical research to ensure this research results of practical significance and value, which is based on the empirical research on this field innovation.

  • 【分类号】F274;F724.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3497
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