

Research on the Influencing Mechanism of Competition Strategy on Firm Performance of Manufacturing Enterprise in China

【作者】 郑兵云

【导师】 陈圻;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 基本竞争战略对企业绩效的影响一直是战略管理领域的重要问题,目前的相关研究主要集中在竞争战略能否提高企业以及不同竞争战略的绩效比较,部分学者考虑了环境的调节作用,而深入讨论竞争战略影响企业绩效的机制的研究比较少。本文从直接效应、中介效应和调节效应三个方面系统地研究了竞争战略对企业绩效的影响机制。在相关文献分析的基础上,本文试探性地引入企业的创新行为,从理论上分析创新对竞争战略与企业绩效关系的中介效应,并进一步将企业创新划分为渐进创新和突破创新,具体分析低成本战略和差异化战略影响企业绩效的中间转换途径。同时,本文还考察了环境特征对竞争战略与企业绩效关系的调节效应。不同于以往学者采用单维度概念研究环境的不确定性对竞争战略与企业绩效关系的调节作用,本文分别考察环境的动态性、复杂性和宽松性三个维度对竞争战略与企业绩效关系的调节作用。这也是本文的两个创新点。由此,本文提出企业竞争战略影响企业绩效的研究假设和概念模型。为验证研究假设和概念模型,本研究以制造企业为对象进行问卷发放与回收,最终回收有效问卷239份。通过对问卷数据进行描述性统计分析、信度和效度检验、相关分析、结构方程分析及多元回归分析,本研究逐一验证了相关研究假设,研究结果支持了大部分研究假设。基于全文的分析论证,最终形成了四个主要的研究结论:(1)低成本战略和差异化战略都对企业绩效有直接影响。因此,企业在激烈的竞争中必须根据内部资源和外部环境制定和实施明确的竞争战略,“企业必须至少制定一种明确的竞争战略”。(2)低成本战略和差异化战略都有利于企业的创新,但不同的竞争战略其创新行为不同,低成本战略重视进行渐进创新,而差异化战略同时进行突破创新和渐进创新。(3)企业的创新对竞争战略与企业绩效关系起部分中介作用。具体而言,低成本战略有利于企业的渐进创新,渐进创新可以提供企业绩效,渐进创新部分中介了竞争战略与企业绩效的关系;差异化战略有利于企业的突破创新和渐进创新,突破创新和渐进创新都可以提高企业绩效,突破创新和渐进创新在差异化战略与企业绩效关系中起部分中介作用。(4)环境的动态性、复杂性、宽松性对低成本战略与企业绩效关系的调节作用都不显著,实施低成本战略的企业,其绩效表现更取决于企业的战略执行情况及创新等内部组织行为。对实施差异化战略的企业而言,环境的动态性越高,差异化战略对企业绩效的正向影响越强烈;环境的复杂性越高,差异化战略对企业绩效的正向影响越减弱;环境的宽松性越高,差异化战略对企业绩效的正向影响越强烈。最后,本文对研究结果进行了进一步的分析与讨论,并探讨了其在企业实践中的管理启示,为企业竞争战略决策提供参考。

【Abstract】 The effects of basic competitive strategy on firm performance have always been focus in academic circles, Presently, most of the correlative research discuss if the competition strategy can improve the firm performance and compare the firm performance of different competition strategy. Part of scholars take enviromental moderating role into consideration. However, less of studies discuss the influencing mechanism of competition strategy on firm performance. The influencing mechanism is studied systematically in this dissertation from three aspects that are direct role, mediator roel and moderating role.Based on the analysis of the correlative document, the innovation is introduced exploringly in this study, and the mediator role of competition straegy on the firm performance is analysed theoretically. Innovation is divided into incremental innovation and radical innovation. Thus, this dissertation tries to study concretely the innovation’s mediating effect on the relationship between the competition strategy and firm performance. What’s more, the environment is introduced to discuss its moderating effect on the the relationship between the competition straegy and firm performance. Be differ from the former research, this study analyses respectively the moderating role of environmental dynamism,complexity and munificence. Therefore, relative hypothesises are proposed,and the final conceptual model is formulated by extending above initial model.In orderto test aboveh pyothesises and the final conceptual model, we deliver questionnaire sheets to manufactunng firms, and 239 valid questionnaire sheets are accepted. Employing the methods of descriptive analysis, assessment of reliability and validity, correlate analysis, structural equation modeling and multivariable regression analysis, the valid data is input to test relative hypothesises one by one. The empirical results supports most of hypothesises. After such exploring and testing proeesses,following conclusions are reached:(1)Both low cost strategy and differentiation strategy has distinct positive impact on firm performance. Thus, the firm must plan and implement clear competition strategy by own interior resource and exterior environment in the drastic competition. Even as what is said by Miller in 1986:the firm must plan at least one kind of the clear basic competition strategy.(2)Both low cost strategy and differentiation strategy has distinct positive impact on innovation, but the two kind of basic competition strategy has different innovation behavior. Low cost strategy attach importance to incremental innovation, however differentiation strategy actualize radical innovation and incremental innovation synchronously. (3)The firm innovation can mediate partially the competition strategy impact on the firm performance. Concretely, low cost strategy can effect on firm performance by a mediator of incremental innovation, but differentiation strategy can effect on firm performance by a mediator of radical innovation and incremental innovation synchronously.(4)Environmental dynamism, complexity and munificence has no distinct moderating role on the relationship of competition strategy and firm performance. The performance lies mostly on the interior organic behavior such as the strategy implementing and innovation, ect. The more higher of the environmental dynamism, the more stronger of the differentiation strategy’s positive impact on firm performance. The more higher of the environmental complexity, the more weaker of the differentiation strategy’s positive impact on firm performance. The more higher of the environmental munificence, the more stronger of the differentiation strategy’s positive impact on firm performance.At last, the results are analyzed and discussed deep, and manegement elicitation in the firm practice is probed into. The discussion is hoped to provid reference to the firm’s decision-making of competition stragegy.

  • 【分类号】F272;F425;F224
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1037
  • 攻读期成果

