

On Cultural Consciousness

【作者】 张冉

【导师】 欧阳康;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 文化自觉凸现为时代主题,成为新时代的关键热词,既是全球多元文化发展理念的本质要求,也是中国构建社会主义和谐文化的逻辑必然。当今世界,文化力量的重要性已被人们深刻认识,各国之间文化的碰撞与交流已成必然。如何在碰撞中保持个性与特色、不迷失自我,从而达到文化的共生共荣,已成为人们共同关注的问题。“文化自觉”回答了全球化时代,世界各民族文化并存、冲突、渗透与交融的趋势下,各种文化的自我认识、相互认识以及如何实现和谐共处的问题。中西方文化、自觉思想的溯源以及马克思理论体系中丰富而深刻的文化思想是本论文丰富的思想理论资源。文化自觉具有存在论和价值论的理论根基。从存在论来看,文化自觉其实是人的自觉,人的自我觉悟、自我觉醒,是人的发展的前提;从价值论来看,文化自觉即是价值的自觉,是人对价值的追求和选择。总的来看,文化自觉是关于文化发展和人的发展的研究,它对于社会的发展和人的发展具有重要的现实意义。人的发展始终是时代的永恒主题,文化自觉是人在追问人的存在的合理性和对人的存在进行理性探询的过程中产生的。因此,文化自觉并不是崭新的论题,而是一直存在于人类社会发展历程中经久不变的主题,只是在当代它凸现出更深远的意义,需要我们重新认识和进一步挖掘。文化自觉不仅内涵丰富而且类型多样,从本质内容来看,它包括文化认同、文化比较、文化反思、文化批判、文化创新等内容;从基本特征来看,它具有理性、历史性、实践性、价值取向性等一系列特征;从划分类型来看,它可以按照广度、深度、角色、形成来源等不同角度来划分。文化自觉作为一种与文化实践相伴相随的文化现象,它是文化发展的思想基础和前提。文化发展的逻辑预设内蕴了文化自觉存在的客观必然性,具体的生存实践活动构成了文化自觉的现实根基,人们在一定历史时期所进行的文化实践活动反映出人们所能达到的文化意识。随着人类认识的发展,人类文化自觉的内容会随着一定社会所处的历史条件的变化而变化,文化自觉的程度也会随着人类对自然、对社会认识的逐步深化而不断提升。从原始社会、农业社会、工业社会直至信息社会,不同的文化实践活动反映了不同的文化自觉样式,相应地,不同的文化认知水平和文化意识反映了特定时期人在自然与社会中的位置,表现了人对自身本质力量的占有和实现程度。本质而言,文化自觉是一个动态的机制而非凝固的概念。实践是文化自觉生成的唯一源泉,文化自觉在实践生成的过程中受到一系列因素的制约,它是在感性活动、生产方式、社会结构、交往实践相互关联、相互影响的综合作用下才得以生成。具体来看,感性活动是文化自觉的现实基础,生产方式及其变迁是文化自觉形成的主要根源,社会结构转型是激发文化自觉的重要源泉,交往实践则是文化自觉的生成动力。文化自觉的产生既源于人类生存实践的生成性特性,又源于人的自我超越性特征,同时更主要是源于文化自身发展的规律性,文化具有自觉性,它总是不满足于现状,总是力图通过自我反思、自我批判的过程,达到自身发展的理想的状态。因此,我们必须从人的感性实践活动出发,在人与对象世界的矛盾与张力、生成与变化、超越与束缚的双向互动过程,在人、社会、文化的互动关系中把握文化自觉的生成。理论层面的探讨包括对文化自觉的前提性分析、哲学思考与价值观的反思。实践层面的探讨是对中华民族近代以来的文化自觉之路的审视。对中华民族近代以来文化自觉之路的反思与探索,既是对文化自觉理论体系的拓展、深化与关照,也是对中国社会主义和谐文化的建构和社会主义文化的大发展、大繁荣的内在需求的回应。总结近代中国文化发展的曲折历程,分析阻滞文化自觉发展的因素,探讨全球化和现代化背景下增强文化自觉意识的路径,对于全球化背景下中华民族文化的繁荣发展具有重要的意义。构建社会主义和谐社会,建设和谐文化,能否形成全民族的文化自觉,充分发挥主体的能动创造和理性选择至关重要。

【Abstract】 As the theme of the times and the key to a new era, the cultural consciousness is both the essential requirements of the development of idea of global multi-culture and the logic of necessity of the harmonious culture of China. Today, the importance of cultural forces has been the profound understanding, and cultural collision and exchange among the countries has become inevitable. How to maintain the personality and characteristic of the collision, without losing itself, so as to achieve symbiotic culture, has become a common concern. "Cultural Consciousness" answers self-awareness and mutual understanding among various cultures and how to achieve harmonious coexistence under the trend of the world’s cultural coexistence, conflict, infiltration and blending in the era of globalization.The cultures and conscious thoughts of Chinese and Western and the rich and profound cultural thought of the Marxist theoretical system become the ideological and theoretical wealth of resources of this thesis. Cultural consciousness has existence and value of the theoretical foundation. From the point of Ontology, cultural consciousness is in fact the people’s consciousness, self-awareness and is the prerequisite for human development. From the point of value view, the cultural consciousness is the consciousness of value, it is the choice and pursuit of value to human. In general, cultural consciousness is the research about the development of cultural and human, which has important practical significance for the development of social and human. Human development has always been the eternal theme of the times, and cultural consciousness is generated in the process of inquiry of a questioning of human existence in a reasonable and rational human existence. Therefore, cultural consciousness is not a new topic, but an enduring theme of the course in the development of human society. It highlights the contemporary significance of a more far-reaching, we need to rediscover and further explore it .The content of cultural consciousness is very rich, it not only includes cultural identity, cultural comparison, cultural reflection, cultural criticism, cultural innovation, etc, but also including a series of features of rational, historical, practical, value orientation. The type of cultural consciousness is diversity in accordance with the breadth, depth and character, formed by the source.Cultural consciousness is not only a cultural phenomenon with cultural practice, but also is the ideological basis and premise of cultural development. Logical prefiguration of cultural development embeds the objective necessity of the existence cultural consciousness. The survival of specific practices constitutes the reality foundation of cultural consciousness, and in a certain historical period of cultural practical activities reflects the cultural consciousness that can be achieved. With the development of human knowledge, the contents of human cultural consciousness are changing continuously with a certain social conditions of history, and the level of cultural consciousness is improved continuously with the gradual deepening of human awareness about nature and social. From the primitive society, agricultural society, industrial society until the information society, different cultural practices reflect different styles of cultural consciousness. Accordingly, different levels of cultural awareness and cultural awareness reflect people’s location in the nature and community in a specific period. At the same time, it demonstrates the power of its own nature and degree of realization of the possession.In essence, cultural consciousness is a dynamic mechanism rather than the concept of solidification. Practice is the only source of the generation of cultural consciousness. In the course of practice, cultural consciousness will be subjected by a number of factors, which includes perceptual activity, production, social structure, and communication practice and interactions among them. Firstly, perceptual activity is the reality basis of cultural consciousness. Secondly, changes in production methods are the main source of cultural consciousness. Thirdly, social transformation is an important source of stimulating cultural consciousness. Lastly, association practice is the generation of power of cultural consciousness. The generation of cultural consciousness is both from the human survival practice characteristics, and from the characteristics of human self-transcendence, primarily, which is simultaneously from the regularity of the development of culture itself. Culture with consciousness, it is always not satisfied with the status quo but always try hard, through self-reflection, self-critical process, to achieve the ideal state of their own development. Therefore, we must grasp the generation of cultural consciousness from the human perceptual activity starting, with the course of human and the object world of conflict and tension, build and change, surpass and bound in the human, social and cultural interaction.Discussion on a theoretical level includes the premise of the analysis of cultural consciousness, philosophy thinking and values of the reflection. Discussion on a practical level is reviewing about the road of Chinese nation in modern times. The reflection and exploration of the road of modern Chinese cultural consciousness not only expand and care theoretical system on the expansion of cultural awareness, but also response the internal demand of the construction of socialist harmonious culture and great development and prosperity socialist culture. It is of great significance that summarizing in modern Chinese the tortuous course of cultural development, analysising the factors of blocking the development of cultural consciousness, enhancing the path to the cultural consciousness in the context of globalization and modernization, for the Chinese culture prosperity and development. To build a socialist harmonious society and a harmonious culture, it is crucial that whether to form the whole nation’s cultural consciousness and give full play to the main body of the dynamic creation and rational choice.


