

Study on the Propagation Laws and Isolation Measures of Railway-Induced Site Vibration

【作者】 谭燕

【导师】 何锃;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近几年,我国既有铁路提速正在有计划地进行,客运专线和高速铁路路网的完善也加快了建设的步伐,列车运行速度逐步增加。在实现铁路跨越式发展的进程中,原有普速铁路的研究已不能适应当前及今后一段时期铁路建设需求,迫切需要研究以高速为主要特征的铁路运行引发振动造成的环境影响。本文针对长株潭城际、京津城际、京广线、沪杭线、京沪线和合武城际铁路等典型线路区段进行了大量环境振动实测及其传播和衰减规律的研究,以便对铁路交通引发环境振动进行切合实际的评价和预测,进而根据结论提出合理的隔振措施。对铁路引发的低频振动采取了不同的隔振措施(连续墙、空沟、WIB和H-WIB),探讨了屏障参数对隔振效果的影响,得到了有益的结论,为工程实际提供理论依据。本文的研究成果有:1.对已有研究成果进行了系统地总结,探论了土壤中振动波的传播及衰减理论。2.针对长株潭城际铁路运营期对国防科学技术大学实验楼及家属楼可能产生的振动影响进行现场环境振动测试、运营期的类比监测、计算及评估,根据评估结果是否造成影响及影响程度进行相应的隔振研究,为长株潭城际铁路工程设计提供科学依据。3.实测了京津城际高架线、合武线、沪杭高架线和京广线等引起环境振动的振动源强及频谱特性,研究了振动传播及衰减的规律,并对测试源强与铁计[2006]44号文“铁路建设项目环境影响评价噪声振动源强取值和治理原则指导意见”进行了比较,为环评振动源强取值提供参考意见。4.采用与高、中和低频相结合的模拟荷载,利用有限差分法研究了地铁和高速铁路运行引发场地振动的传播规律,引入新型隔振措施实体WIB、箱体WIB和H-WIB对地铁和高速铁路运行引发的低频振动进行了隔振研究,并与空沟、连续墙等传统隔振方法进行了对比,结果表明,H-WIB对地铁和高速铁路运行产生的低频振动具有较好的隔振效果,可以降低地表振级6~12 dB,空沟虽然也具有较好的隔振效果,但其施工难度较大,可行性并不高。H-WIB在隔振和效果、经济性施工可行性方面都要强于实体WIB、箱体WIB和其它隔振措施,特别是对于10 Hz以内的低频振动,H-WIB比其它任何隔振措施都要好。5.对于高速铁路运行引发的低频振动,本文还引入了新的荷载模拟方法,即采用高架桥轨道桥墩处的实测加速度转换为作用于高架桥桥墩上的面荷载,进行隔振数值计算。结果表明,改变了荷载的模拟和作用方式后,H-WIB同样仍然具有比其它隔振措施更好的隔振效果,能降低振动幅值70%以上。对10 Hz以内的低频振动,H-WIB的隔振效果仍要远远好于其它隔振措施。

【Abstract】 In recent years, The sixth massive speed-up of China’s existing railways is planned to carry out,the construction of dedicated passenger railway line and high-speed railway network are also accelerating,train speed is increasing step by step.In the process of achieving railroad great-leap-forward development,the orginal commom speed railroad cannot meet the current and future demand for railway construction,so it is urgent to study the railroad environmental vibration with the main features of high-speed.For typical zones of the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiantan intercity rail, the Beijing-tianjin intercity rail, the Beijing-Guangzhou line, the Shanghai-Hangzhou line, Beijing-Shanghai line and the Hefei-Wuhan intercity railway line, a great many of tests are carried out on propagation and attenuation of environmental vibration, so that we can evaluate and forecast the environmental vibration produced by railroad traffic according to practice,then put forward reasonable isolation vibration measures. For low frequency vibration, adopt different isolation vibration measures(continual wall, open trench, WIB and H-WIB) to reduce vibration, discuss barrier parameters for the effects of isolation vibration, get useful conclusions and provide a theoretical basis for engineering.The main research productions are as follows:1. Collect and collate existing research results systematically, discuss the theories of wave propagation and methods about environmental vibration.2. Field environmental vibration test, operational analog monitor, calculation and evaluation are done, for the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiantan intercity rail maybe has vibrational effect on laboratory buildings and residential quarters of National University of Defense Technology, according to the impact and the extent of assessment results corresponding isolation vibration measures are taken, then provide scientific evidence for the design of the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiantan intercity rail.3. Testing on typical zones of the Beijing-tianjin intercity rail, the Hefei-Wuhan intercity railway line, the Shanghai-Hangzhou line and the Beijing-Guangzhou line, get vibrational source strength and spectral characteristics, research on the propagation and attenuation of environmental vibration, compare test source strength with“environmental impact assessment of railway construction project: value and govern on noise and vibration source stength”and provide a reference for valueing of vibration source stength.4. Using simulated load combined with high, medium and low frequency, research on propagation law of ground vibration induced by subway with finite differential method and isolation vibration of low-frequency vibration produced by subway and high speed railway, introducing new isolation vibration measures(entity-WIB, box-WIB and H-WIB), compared with traditional methods(open trench and continual wall), results show for low-frequency ground vibration induced by subway and high speed railway, H-WIB can reduce vibration level of ground surface at least 6~12dB, open trench also has better isolation vibration effect, however, construction is diffcult and operation is not high. H-WIB is better than entity-WIB,box-WIB and other kinds of isolation vibration measures in aspects of from isolation vibration effect, economy and operation, specially for low frequency vibration within 10Hz, H-WIB is superior to other kinds of isolation vibration measures.5. For low frequency vibration induced by high speed railway, a new simulated load which is converting actual observed acceleration of bridge pier to dynamic load acting in the surface of the soil is introduced to carry out numerical calculation of isolation vibration, results show that H-WIB still has better isolation vibration effect than other measures and reduce vibration amplitude above 70% when changing simulated load. For low frequency vibration within 10Hz, H-WIB is still far better than other kinds of isolation vibration measures


